All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
163 chapters
Ch-61. Felony!
“I haven't committed any felony.”Noah finally spoke, grinding his teeth with anger; knowing that no matter what Eliana was going to say, there was no chance they would believe her.And the thought of her being heartbroken because of this reaction from her family, was making him so anxious that he had been standing quietly till now… thinking that if his silence could make things easier for her, then he was going to stay silent till eternity.But when he heard Sabreena continuing this pointless blame game, he understood that no matter how long he kept his silence, she wasn't going to give Eliana the respect of at least hearing her out without interrupting her at every word… then he could forget about anyone believing Eliana! It didn't matter if God himself came down to earth to testify in his favor, Sabreena still wasn't going to let go of her rant about how she was there to take him to the police station and get him arrested in exchange for her daughter.As if the legal system actual
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Ch-62. Angry young man
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy there, angry young man! Just look, who is getting furious while defending his honor! The only man in this house, or should I say, the only man in this world who has received a check for eight million dollars along with his appointment letter! Even before his first day at the job… I mean, damn! I haven't even heard a stripper getting this much for her private show… you must have something special, Noah, isn't it?”Ruppert spoke, as he winked at Noah to humiliate him even more, as he compared him to a stripper.This time, Eliana was the one who opened her mouth. She had been trying to hold her tears for the last hour, since the moment Sabreena had started blaming her, immediately on arrival.She had been thinking that it was just their anger and dislike towards Noah, which was making them act like this.But after this statement from her uncle, she was sure that it wasn't just their anger, frustration or dislike… they couldn't see him happy at all.No, happiness w
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Ch -63. Your wish
Noah was completely fed up with all this drama, when he had originally wanted to leave as quickly and quietly as possible.In any case, the blame for theft was something that had always managed to trigger him. And today, he has also faced his childhood trauma associated with the same blame…Probably, this was also one of the reasons that he was already a little irritated. And so, the moment he heard Sabreena taking out her frustration on Eliana, he lost it completely.He had been trying his best to tame his temper; even though he knew the intentions of Sienna and her mother had never been good, regarding Eliana. But still, he hadn't ever wanted to make it obvious to her, knowing that it would hurt her sentiments. However, the water had already gone overhead now, and he couldn't possibly care about saving her from getting drenched, when she was about to get drowned.Frustrated by all of this, he suddenly did a complete 180° on his character and switched his usual habits and behaviors
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Ch -64. Family
Even though Eliana had said that she will be leaving with Noah, she had this belief that her family would now realize their mistake after this announcement of hers, and would definitely apologize to Noah.Yes, they might be mad at Noah for not being good enough according to their standards and preferences, but still they loved Eliana; after all, she was the daughter of the family.Just like Sienna, and the way they all are ready to do anything to save her, they would definitely realize that probably, they have started off on the wrong foot, but Noah wasn't lying and Sienna was really in the wrong, that's why she is in jail. They would surely reconsider everything after hearing that not only Noah but she is also ready to leave the house. Because they all knew her, she had always supported the truth and she would always support it.No matter who was standing on which side, she would be standing on the side of truth.But no one said anything in response to her announcement, not even her
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Ch -65. Just leave!
Eliana finally stepped out of her room, her purse slung over her shoulder and a small trolley in tow. She paused at the door, her hand touching the door frame for support, as he took a deep breath. Noah was waiting for her by the door, his eyes filled with concern for her and determination to save her from this toxic mess of a household. He straightened up, and without asking or saying anything, he just offered her a smile before taking the trolley from her hands. And she let him; her hand lingered over the handle for a moment before she let go, walking beside him as they went downstairs. The house was eerily quiet, like the empty walls were mourning the fact that she was leaving so unceremoniously, even though her own family hadn't said a single word to stop her. They moved towards the side door, not wanting to go through the main door and directly confront the people gathered downstairs, no doubt looking for another opportunity to humiliate Noah. Their footsteps echoed in the s
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Ch -66 Before you leave
Eliana looked at the car in complete disbelief: the glossy maroon body had been polished thoroughly, not a single scratch or even a speck of dust on the exterior which was gleaming under the moonlight and the dim glow of the mansion’s lights.The windows were tinted just enough to offer privacy without appearing too dark, and there were smart, shark-like fins positioned gracefully along the roof. It wasn't just an expensive car, but a customized one, too. There was no doubt in her mind that it was the most expensive car among all the cars standing in the parking of their wing of the mansion, or maybe the fleet of cars standing inside the whole mansion itself!She couldn't believe her eyes for a moment, before a realization hit her hard, along with a creeping fear in her heart: there might be a chance that Noah had rented this car!She swallowed hard, feeling a knot of anxiety tightening in her chest. She glanced at Noah, who was busy opening the trunk and placing her luggage inside,
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Ch-67. Complaint
The new voice had come from somewhere behind her, and Eliana thought she recognized it perfectly in one go.It belonged to her aunt, Sabreena Frost.But she still turned around with some doubts lingering in her heart. Was it possible? No, she might have misheard someone else's voice.Or maybe, her mind was toying with her after she was so emotionally vulnerable, and it was just a hallucination that was making her hear the things that couldn't even exist. She was absolutely sure about the fact that no matter how angry and upset her family was with her, they would never entertain the thought of her stealing something else, and that too, from her own house! Then accusing her of it wasn't even possible. Sure, just a few minutes ago, her family had set up a front against Noah to blame him for theft, but that was because in their eyes, he was still an outsider.Her husband had never been able to integrate into the family due to being poor, an orphan and a stay at home husband, but that di
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Ch -68. Evil witch
Noah had been standing towards the trunk of the car, when the second stage of this drama had launched with the arrival of the servants.He was standing there silently, out of sight but keenly observing everything. And currently, his mind was trying to find out the reason for this sudden outburst of Sabreena.As far as he knew her, this was highly unexpected from her– not because she loved her niece so much! But she was one of those people who never said something bad to your face or let it show it through their actions, no matter how much they really want to humiliate you from the core of their hearts.But Sabreena’s coming out into the open, that too in such a loud and carefree manner, was something that had been bugging him.But the moment Eliana brought up Sienna's name, he noticed a change in the colors on her face. Within seconds, he understood the real matter: she was doing this because she was still angry about the arrest, and was now afraid of the scandal that was surely goin
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Ch-69. Daughters
Eliana had already been struggling to keep her calm, even after witnessing the new lows that her family was capable of reaching, all within a day!But the mention of a physical search from Sabreena’s mouth, pushed her over the edge. She lost her composure and screamed, her voice hoarse with authority. “Enough, aunty! I get it, you have your doubts. And although I can't understand them fully, I can still give you the margin to keep those doubts in your head. Because I know they haven't originated in one day, and they aren't going to vanish in one day either.But that does not mean that you are allowed to humiliate anyone you want, on the basis of your assumptions alone! And how dare you think that it will be okay for you to order the staff to check my bags?”Eliana was seething with fury, which she herself didn't know she was capable of. When she spoke next, her voice was icy cold.“I want you to remember one thing, so pay attention because I'm only going to say it once: if you are th
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Ch -70 Soft heart
Eliana looked visibly pale as she felt her head start to spin. She was never expected to hear this statement; that's why she had challenged her aunt's authority in front of her parents. She had genuinely been thinking that her dad was just mad at her because she had chosen to stay with Noah, ditching her family. And he was obviously angry, he doesn't trust him enough to be capable of taking care of her. And while her mother had the same doubts regarding him, she also had some added resentment for believing that he had manipulated Eliana somehow. But what the hell was this! She had never imagined that her own parents would ever doubt that she would steal something from her own house before leaving… she wasn't even planning to leave forever, in any case! In her mind, it was only going to last for a few days before her parents inevitably started to miss their only daughter. But this statement that they themselves had given her the idea to stop them before leaving, had shaken to the
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