All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
163 chapters
Ch-51. Investment
“Eliana! My dear! Don't be too emotional…” Olivia chuckled lightly before speaking again, realizing that if she didn't meddle now, her overly sentimental daughter would shush this wonderful deal away with her own hands.“We all know the softhearted person you are, honey, but that beggar doesn't deserve your kindness anymore! You have taken pity on him for too long and done enough favors on him already!”Olivia's hands clenched around her fork, wanting nothing more than to slap her stupid child for this outburst, but trying her best to keep a relaxed smile on her face. There was no way she could let her daughter spoil this golden opportunity. After all, that beggar was not good for her daughter… He wasn't ever good enough to marry even a servant of the Frost household, let alone the pampered daughter! If her health had not been in question, she would never have agreed to this idea from the beginning. “But mom–”Her thoughts paused when she heard Eliana's voice, who probably wanted
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Ch-52 Confusion
“Noah!? Did I hear that right?”Olivia asked, controlling her voice from reaching screaming levels with great difficulty, as she stood up from her seat. She stood right beside Eliana and grabbed her arm to make her stand up.She demanded;“Tell me, honey! Did I hear it correctly? Because for some reason, I think I heard that Noah is the one who helped you–”“Yes, I think I also heard the same. How strange! But I know it was all in my head, because there is no way that the duffer could help us in any way. What else does he know, apart from being a huge burden on our family!”Ruppert was the one to cut into Olivia's statement in the middle, just to end up supporting her.“Maybe we are thinking too much about the divorce and how he is surely going to create a scene after seeing the divorce papers, that we have even imagined Eliana uttering his name just now. Talk about inviting the devil into our home, but what can we say now! I guess we will tolerate that last piece of humiliation like
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Ch-53. Distance
It took them a total of five minutes to reach the society gates, and Noah realized that it had already been longer than the usual time Eliana had ever taken to reply to him. “How long does it take for us to get to Eliana's house?”He asked casually, taking a look at the height of the buildings from the window of the passenger seat.“Not more than two and half hours, Young Master. We are completely out of the city, and right now the traffic is going insane. But the actual time to cover the distance is not more than an hour–”"That will be too late, I can't afford this much delay in reaching there. There is definitely something wrong… Eliana is not okay.”He murmured his last words to himself, so low that Stuart was unable to hear them. But before he could have asked Noah anything regarding that, he added;“Is there any way I can reach there in less than an hour… preferably in half an hour?”“Young Master, what happened? You look tense, is something bothering you?”Stuart asked, noting
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Ch-54 Chopper
Noah quickly jumped into the chopper, followed by Stuart, while the captain spoke up, glancing at them before turning in his seat. “Don't worry sir, it won't take us more than fifteen minutes to reach there, and you will be at your destination within half an hour.”A smile appeared on Noah's face as the captain started the chopper as soon as he ended his statement. The rotor blades attached to the helicopter spurred to life. A sense of relief spread in his heart; confident that whatever was going on over there, he would be there soon enough, to mend everything and make it better.There was nothing in the world he wanted, more than making Eliana happy and at peace.She had seen so much trouble because of him; and now, he wanted to make everything right for her, no matter what it was going to cost him. He was going to do everything that it took, to make her happy. She was there when no one was… she was the one to help him when no one had mercy on him!And so, she was the one who dese
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Ch-55 Arrogance
“How dare you talk back to me like that , you dirty insect! What do you think your status is in our family, that gives you the authority to do that! You parasite, you shouldn't even dare to look me in the eye. Why do you always have to show your cursed face and ruin everything by your presence alone!”Olivia screamed hysterically, not being able to control herself any longer. Her remaining patience had evaporated, leaving only anger behind.She was unable to digest that Noah was once again standing in front of her, perfectly ruining her perfect plan.She had always let this behavior slide till now, showing some truly underserved kindness to this scum. And Richard was right, he had just become bolder because of it! But now! Now, she wasn't going to consider this as an option. She had learned her lesson, and she was not going to forgive him this time. She wasn't going to spare him for the damages he had caused to her!Seeing his wife snap abruptly despite the presence of a guest, who w
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Ch-56. Carefree
“What did you say?”David sneered, looking at Noah like he was just a pest in his sight, who was trying to make excuses to save himself from the pesticide he was going to spray on him to save his daughter.“You heard it right! I was here to announce that I am leaving your house today.”Noah replied in a totally flat tone, without showing any emotion.He was completely carefree that they couldn't harm him in any way, and not because they were not going to try! But because, after years of this treatment, he had already become immune to any drama they were going to pull.On top of that, he had been putting up with all their demands, temper tantrums, and demeaning slurs till now, because he wasn't sure about where he was going to take Eliana… after all, his wife had always lived a sheltered life of comfort and luxury, having grown up as a Frost. Even though his self respect had always made him question not leaving the house, he had stepped back each time, looking at Eliana's face. And so
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Ch-57 . Beggar
“How dare you think that my daughter will be the one to leave her luxurious house for your sorry ass? Why would she abandon all these comforts she has grown up in, just to go with a beggar like you? You have been feeding all these years on our scraps, and now you are dreaming that my daughter will leave this world of luxury with you! Have you lost your mind, or you are high on some cheap drug that has snatched away all your capacity to think?”Olivia yelled again, shaking with fury at this audacious claim.She was so furious that if there was no punishment for murder under the law, she might have committed one murder right there, right then.Everyone else was also shocked with Noah's boldness. Never in their wildest dreams had they imagined Noah to have the guts to stand up for himself, even after his display of boldness at the family meeting last week.That was an extreme scenario, but shortly after that night, he had returned to his usual meek and submissive self. Hence, it was even
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Ch-58 Backstabber
Everyone apart from Richard already knew whom this voice belonged to; after all, it was Sabreena, Sienna’s mother.And although her sudden arrival was a little shocking for everyone else, Noah and Eliana knew exactly why she was here.And at the same time, Olivia was neither upset nor very happy about her arrival, but feeling a mix of indifference and irritation– all because of Sienna and her stupid message about her getting Noah arrested.If Olivia hadn't taken that message seriously, she would have planned all of this a little differently. And now, when she had already taken it into consideration while planning things, if that message was really serious, then this idiot wouldn't have been standing here!But clearly, her jinxed son-in-law was already here to rain on her parade, and neither of the two circumstances had actually played out!And this was killing her from the inside, due to the continuously fuming rage which was desperately trying to find an escape by some means… but she
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Ch-59. Blackmail
“Ye… yes dad.”She stammered.“How could you, Eliana! We have been forgiving all your mistakes, one after the other, thinking that you are just a naive child. But how can you do something like this to a family member, how could you let Sienna go to jail because of Noah's mistake?”“It wasn't Noah's mistake, dad, Sienna had some misunderstanding.”Eliana finally managed to gather the courage to speak in reply, but as soon as she finished her statement, Sabreena spoke again.“Misunderstanding! Eliana, seriously, you're blaming it on some misunderstanding?! You are telling me that you have let Sienna go to jail, just because of a simple misunderstanding. Are you even in your senses, or has this guy hypnotized you?Because apart from these two options, I don't find any other explanation for why you would think like this in the first place, and sit at one place so calmly!”Olivia looked at the red face of her husband, and instantly got reminded how important the word ‘family’ was for him.
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Ch-60. Good manners
“Eliana, what the hell do you think you are doing? Let go of my hand! Today, I will teach this idiot a lesson he will remember for the rest of his miserable life.”Olivia bellowed like an angry bull charging for attack, as she yanked her arm free. She shot daggers at Eliana through her eyes, noticing that the person who had caught her wrist before she could hit Noah, was none other than her own daughter. The betrayal she felt was unimaginable! And so, she roared again, feeling that she still had quite a lot of anger to unload from her chest. “How dare you stop my hand in the middle, when I was going to slap him? Don't you know, he needs to learn a lesson from the mistakes he has made! And since his bitch of a mother hasn't given him any manners, I'm going to discipline him instead!”Olivia's rage reached her earlobes, turning them bright red as she gave her daughter death glares. Who could have thought, thay her own flesh and blood would turn out to be a traitor?But Eliana had also
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