All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
163 chapters
Ch-41 Wait
At first, Eliana was quite skeptical of letting Noah go. After all, she didn't trust anybody in this world, where Noah was really innocent. Who knows if they would bully him just like her family, as he couldn't even take a stand for himself. She was also afraid about the consequences of Sienna's arrest, and how she was going to explain it to her family.Especially when they would come to know that it was because of whom she was behind bars for misbehaving with him, because she was sure that they wouldn't tolerate this fact at all.And they won't even accept that she has taken her husband's side …when she wasn't even able to take her husband's side as well.She didn't want any of them to end up in jail, but again she was completely helpless in that situation and can't do anything further.While these are the thoughts that are clouding her mind, there was one more evident thought that peeping like a sun, hiding behind the clouds in a rainy day and that was how did Noah in the first pla
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Ch -42. New relationship
Eliana was not ready to see anyone from her own family and face them; then meeting some new guest was something she would never be prepared for.Maybe, the fact that Sienna had been arrested might not have reached their ears yet, otherwise, there was no way in this whole world that they could be so calm about it. Every passing minute felt like a ticking time bomb for her; it was already so late, and there was no way they would be able to bail Sienna out today.“Mom! Mom, please listen to me first. I can't meet any guests now, since I have kind of a big emergency in my hands–”“Oh! Please! Eliana, don't tell me your idiot husband has gotten himself stuck in some new problem now. Why don't you just sign the divorce papers and do all of us a huge favor by getting rid of that good for nothing man?”"Mom, I–" “Anyways! I am too excited and busy to let his blunders slide for a moment, you remember my little cousin, his friend is here and he is really very interested in meeting you, so wha
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Ch- 43 Melodrama
Noah's POV:I saw the message and quickly typed 'Okay' in reply, before anyone would take notice of me reading that message.“So what's your plan on staying here tonight? As I promised, I will be arranging the mansion of your choice in two days, but till then why don't you just stay here? I mean, don't you think it is a little inconvenient for you to live in your in-laws’ house, even after meeting your family?”Uncle Otis spoke up in a casual tone, as if he was simply trying to make conversation while stuffing the food into his mouth.“I don't think it would be a good idea for me to stay here tonight. You see, I don't really want to spend even a single day in the house from where I was thrown out into the stinky dumpster without any fault–”“Noah! Darling, I know you are still upset regarding that misunderstanding! But dear, now that you have grown up, try to think from our perspective as well. What were we supposed to do, if not obey your grandfather's order? After all, he is the one
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Ch-44. Time to leave
“Noah! How are you, my son? I know you might be getting so emotional right now, but you have to control your emotions for now and just go to the apartment I have bought for you with Stuart. He will explain everything to you there.”Noah wanted to give a fiery retort by asking why should he be emotional and after all, who were they to him? When they once had the heart to cast him out of the house, then why were they so eager to get him back and even care about his emotions? But he managed to restrain his emotions just as his grandfather had instructed, and asked;“But how would I go there–”“Don't worry about it, my dear. Stuart will manage everything from now on, did you have a good dinner?”“Yes.”Noah didn't lie; since the day he was thrown out of the house, it was the first time in all these years that he had a good dinner with so much variety of food on the table. And if he forgot about the melodrama being pulled by his aunt and uncle, this was the first time he had been able to
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Ch-45. New apartment
Noah watched the color draining from Otis' face, and he was also enjoying it to the fullest. But sadly enough, he couldn't express his feelings just now.So, he pressed his lips together before leaving with a final remark.“Goodbye, uncle Otis. And I'll see you after you manage to fulfill the condition I have set for you.”“Of course! Don't worry dear, I will be doing my best.”Otis said with an awkward smile, wanting a reassuring reply in return, but all he got was the sound of footsteps walking away from him.It took Noah no more than fifteen minutes to reach the locality where his grandfather had arranged an apartment for him.But being familiar with his grandpa's nature, Noah also knew that he hated the apartment culture… he had always been against it.Then why did he buy it for him? Did he really still believe that he was the reason for all the things his uncle told him he was guilty for? The thought started to clench his heart and he started to rethink his decision of ever comi
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Ch-46. Brown envelope
Eliana could already sense something ominous on her way… and Richard Jenson's presence was the sign of her being right all along.The anxiety of not being able to tell her family about her sister being locked up was already overwhelming her. And Richard's last statement about leaving Noah had left her petrified.This was completely visible on her face, as she tried to gulp down the lump forming in her throat.“What happened sweetheart, are you okay?”Richard asked, as he was the only one whose eyes were stuck to Eliana's face since she had arrived there.He had always been weak for beautiful girls, and Eliana could be their Goddess! Because he had definitely never laid eyes on someone so beautiful before her.She was the perfect replica of the purest beauty described in the poems by the poets since ancient times. Before arriving here, he was a little reluctant about why he would go for someone who was already married, when he could have plenty of unmarried, young girls around him… a
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Ch -47. Divorce papers
Eliana rushed towards her bedroom; she wanted to take a long and relaxing bath, ideally for an hour and a half, to put off some tension of the day away from her mind… at least for some time.But she knew that she wasn't going to get that chance anytime soon today.So she quickly rushed to the washroom to wash her face, splashing it with plenty of water to make her mind somewhat calm.The day had indeed failed even the highs and lows of a rollercoaster, and she didn't even know how much of it was still left for her. She quickly came out of the washroom and patted her face dry, while she looked for her mobile to call Noah.However, even after three tries, she wasn't able to contact him at all. Having no other option, she left a voice note for him to call her the moment he saw this message, since they needed to talk.She had always been sure about her family not liking Noah, and she had just witnessed an example of that a few minutes ago. They didn't even have a solid reason behind it,
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Ch -48. Explanation
Noah took a complete tour of the apartment and realized that it was indeed very spacious and breathtaking, equipped with everything he could possibly need.Everything had just begun to fall into place, when a new thought crept into his mind: how was he going to break this sudden news to Eliana?Just the thought of coming up with a new reason, most probably another lie, was enough to bring a frown to his face. Because he knew that she might have believed that he had gotten those millions of dollars from his new employer, and this employer might have done a heroic job of rescuing him from a situation that could end up with him in jail… But she was indeed smart enough to know that no matter how important a post he held in the company, no employer was going to give him such a luxurious apartment– not until he had directly joined as the CEO of some multi-billion dollar company!And she also knew that he didn't have the required credentials for that. He had somehow managed to continue his
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Ch -49 Missed calls
Eliana was really tired and hungry; she had rushed to address Sienna had sent her this morning, without having her lunch. And after how the rest of the day had unfolded, she really hadn't gotten any opportunity to grab a quick bite, or anything at all to put into her stomach. Pangs of hunger were nearly killing her, and she felt like she was on the verge of starvation. But to her surprise, the dinner was ready even without Noah being present. As far as she remembered, no dinner had been prepared without his presence and labor in the kitchen, since the last two and half years.He was the one cooking all the meals for the family, wiping the counters and cleaning all the dishes… along with the entire house, and doing all the household chores as well.And he was doing all this without any complaint, all these years.But today, she was finally able to see how thankless her family really was. Today, when he was not around, they were ready to sell him off by asking her to sign the divorce
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Ch-50. Loser
Eliana sat on the chair reserved for her beside her mother, thinking that she was probably going to get some peace, at least until the dinner ended.But her misguided thoughts were proven completely wrong and deluded, the moment she sat down and the servants started serving dinner to everyone. It wasn't usual that there were plenty of servants present in the house, although her mother had strictly instructed them to not meddle whenever Noah was working; she wanted the responsibility of making and serving the meals to fall solely on his shoulders.“It's okay! I will take whatever I need by myself.”She lifted her right hand, stopping the attendant from piling on the dishes and filling her plate with food. But her mother remarked instantly; “Sweetie! Please eat comfortably, after all, it's your house too… and even if your husband can't even afford a decent dinner, you aren't an orphan! Your parents are still alive, darling, and we can afford everything you would ever want to eat. Here
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