All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
163 chapters
Ch-31 Gaze
Eliana's POV:By the time I finally reached the office, the meeting I was rushing for was actually pushed back a few days, and I doubt anyone could be more relieved than I was. I was in a regular briefing meeting, where my assistant was outlining the plans for this quarter for the ongoing projects, while Bailey was trying to catch my gaze from across the table.This is when my phone vibrated, and I glanced at the screen; only to find Sienna’s name? With a frown, I excused myself from the meeting and checked the message: "I'm sending you an address, come urgently."My heart began to race. Why would my cousin send such a cryptic text? I called her immediately, but there was no response.“What’s wrong, Sienna?”Ultimately, I had to send a text, and her reply was prompt and brief. "It's about your husband. Come as soon as you can."That was it; I couldn't take the suspense anymore. I felt a knot form in my stomach as I informed my secretary I’d be stepping out for a while.Panic rising
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Ch-32. Criminal
Sienna glanced at her watch, feeling a rush of relief as soon as she heard Eliana's voice and saw her approaching them.Her cousin looked flustered, but she had made it just in time. Sienna's messages had done the trick; she knew Eliana was calm and composed in general but tended to panic very easily when it came to family matters. Sienna couldn't help but smirk; the tone of urgency in her texts had been enough to get Eliana here without asking too many questions. But she looked shocked at the ongoing scenario, and Sienna knew exactly how to handle it from here. “What is all this… why are you doing this, Sienna?”Thanks to her quick thinking, Sienna managed to cut Noah off, she didn't want to give him any chance to defend himself. “Because he’s a liar and a thief, Eliana! He’s trying to drag our family’s name through the mud, and I won’t stand by and watch calmly. Because I know that once people like him get the hang of stealing money, they don't stop… he won't stop! Not until he
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Ch-33. Arrest him!!
“Why… why aren't you doing something? I'm telling you, he is a criminal! He needs to be behind bars. Such people are a menace to society! He needs to be arrested so he can understand, there are consequences to his actions… ever since he has married into my family, he has started thinking that he can do whatever he wants! Help me, please!”Sienna was still screaming bloody murder, her voice piercing the air and accusing Noah of harassing her. On hearing her dramatic cries, the remaining police officers also came rushing over."What seems to be the matter, ma'am?" one officer inquired.With tears streaming down her face, she launched into her tale, "I… I was just trying to stop him from escaping the building when he pushed me! I was just doing my duty as a good citizen, officer.”She clutched at her chest, her breath hitching dramatically before every pause. Noah, exasperated, tried to intervene. "Sienna, stop your drama now! Officer, I didn't push her, and neither is the situation li
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Ch-34. Questions
The minor tussle came to an abrupt stop, the moment that car slid out of the parking lot, coming to a screeching halt right outside the building, where they were all gathered. The policemen began whispering amongst themselves, their eyes darting between the car and each other."Do you think it's some kind of trouble?" one officer muttered, his brow furrowed with concern.The other shrugged, his expression not revealing anything. "I don't know…" Meanwhile, Sienna’s eyes were bulging out of their sockets in shock as she glanced around. She might come from a rich family, but the limited edition car, that too in a customized design… this was a whole another level of rich that she could only hope to become… Who could it be?Before anyone could say anything, three more cars followed the first one and private guards dressed in gray suits stepped out of the vehicles, forming a line and scanning the area with practiced protocol.The police officer finally stepped forward, his hand resting on
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Ch-35 Unsaid apology
The morning was going quite differently for Sienna than she had expected, with a lot more twists and turns, but until this moment, she had been confident that she could still turn things around.Until this moment, she had been completely focused on convincing everyone against Noah, hoping to prove his bad intentions and tendency to scam people for money. She wanted to make sure he ended up behind bars, so badly, that she had ignored almost everything else. But for the first time since that morning, her ears and brain had finally coordinated and registered the words “arrest her”.And finally, the realization hit her like a truck. Her? Who was he talking about… surely, he didn't mean her… Sienna Frost, right? This couldn't be happening… But before she could convince herself fully, the police men released Noah's and turned towards her as dread washed over her. Sienna felt like she had been cornered and stepped back instinctively, only to collide with another policeman standing a few s
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Ch-36 Landscape
Noah's gaze flicked towards Eliana, who was standing some distance away from him, looking completely baffled. He couldn’t blame her; she had every reason to be confused about how her husband, who had mostly stayed at home for the last three years, had suddenly developed a knowing towards Stuart Langdon. Scenes from a few days ago flashed in his mind, when she had been so flustered and happy to have met Stuart Langdon, and he almost caught himself smiling. No matter how upset he was with her, he couldn't leave without putting her mind at ease. He stepped close to her, lowering his voice to a gentle murmur."Don't worry, Eliana. Go home safely, and I might be late, so you don't have to wait for me tonight. I'll keep in touch, okay?"Eliana nodded, her eyes still wide. She bit her lower lip in hesitation, but lowered her head for a moment. Adjusting the purse strap on her shoulder, she forced herself to give him a tight lipped smile. Noah could obviously see through her body language
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Ch-37 Fake smiles
The convoy of cars swept through the imposing main gates of the Edencrest Estate, before halting in front of the main wing.Noah stepped out of the car, feeling his body stiffen up out of instinct; no matter what plans he had made, inside him, there was still a child who remembered what had happened the last time he had stood on these steps, feeling totally lost and heartbroken.He was betrayed, humiliated and forced to leave the house for the crime he never committed.He had not been expecting that nostalgia would hit him so hard, like a punch in the gut, as he looked at the palace-like mansion that was supposed to be his home sweet home.But unlike his imagination, it had never been able to serve its purpose of giving him safety and comfort.The large garden stretched out before him, leading to the steps that he started to climb with a heavy heart…All those years, he had been thinking that he never cared about this house, or his grandpa enough to remember anything about him or this
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Ch-38. Fire
“Noah! Do you even know how big of a blunder you have left behind? Not only did you steal but you have also left a raging fire behind! How could you–”Fire… what fire? What did he leave behind himself; he clearly remembered that night, when everything had shattered around him, just a few days after his parents death.Then what fire was he talking about? He felt a jerk straightening his spine as soon as he heard his uncle's words. He could feel the control of his own tongue slipping away, the anger bubbling up from a deep well inside him. Was this the reason behind them desperately searching for him, had they really run out of people to pin the new blames on? And so, they wanted him to return and put this allegation on him… otherwise why, in all these years, did they suddenly need him?Things started to give him a hint about something he was clearly still unaware of, and he roared;“What the hell are you talking about?" he spat out, his voice harsh. "Is this why you called me back? J
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Ch-39. News
“Which news?”Noah asked with complete confusion, because he had never heard about any such news in the first place!And about the lantern thing, he knew it… he had always been familiar with that lantern, so there was no chance of him mistaking it for a lamp or something else. Just like he would never leave it untreated if it ever ended up falling from his hands…But the most important factor here was, the fact that he had never been in that room the day he was casted out of the house.He had visited the room several times– with his parents, or without them, too.But on the day everything started to stir up like a tornado, he had not even left his room the whole day, and was waiting for his food. Because if the caretaker uncle Stuart was talking about was the same caretaker whom he remembered, then she was the only one who used to care for him after his parents' death.And the reason he had been starving the whole day, that day, was because she had quit the job for some reason, and le
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Ch-40. Two conditions
"I don't want this, instead there is something else I want from you.”Noah gave a cold and curt reply to his uncle to drag his attention towards him; he was very familiar with this kind and concerning tone of his, and he also knew about the mask he was wearing while he was trying to fool him once again! Because there was no way in this whole world that he would be willing to help him… with anything. And this time, he was asking for help regarding the mess he himself had created, while claiming that he was doing it for Noah's sake! In fact, why would he ever want to help him or convince grandfather to take him in again, when he was the first person who wanted him out of this family?Noah was busy reminiscing in his head, when he heard his uncle finally asking, after a sigh;“What is that you want help with?”“I am glad that you finally asked!”He replied with a smirk, he knew the ball was in his court now. They always had been, but back, then he was too small to fight back.But in t
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