All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
163 chapters
Ch-21 Crash
Eliana woke up to the incessant ringing of her phone, buzzing somewhere around herself. She tried to pat the bed with her arms, trying to look for it, but exhaustion soon took over and she was pulled back into the throes of sleep. After the third ring managed to break her sleep, she finally cracked one eye open and groggily grabbed her phone from the bedside table, pressing it to her ear.“Hello?”“Eliana, where are you? We had an early morning meeting today, did you forget?”Oh shit… shit shit! Eliana sat up quickly, the sudden movement making her head spin. “Yes, yes I remember. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”She responded in a measured voice and then ended the call abruptly, tossing her phone against her pillow. She sat there for a moment, her head in her hands, feeling the weight of exhaustion; her head felt too heavy and her eyes were swollen because of the excessive crying… She couldn't even remember when she had fallen asleep while crying. Dragging herself out of bed, sh
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Ch-22 Trust me
Eliana was startled by the crashing sound of the tumbler hitting the floor, and Olivia's shoulders also jumped slightly, but Noah didn't even flinch. He calmly turned around, surveyed the damage, and said, "If you wanted fresh juice, you could have just said that. Anyway, I'll bring you some right now."Olivia huffed, her face twisting in disdain. "Huh! Don't act like you're so obedient that you'll obey every single word I say! Or you would have freed my daughter from this torture and run away to your fucking village long ago! Now, what are you staring at me for? It's not like I said something wrong, so are you accusing me right now?”Noah's expression didn't change, and without a word, he swiftly went into the kitchen. Eliana watched him, her heart aching. She knew how hard it must be for him to keep his composure. But just a few moments later, he returned, carrying a plate with three oranges sliced in half, another empty plate, a glass tumbler, and a hand juicer. He placed ever
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Ch-23 Breadwinner
Eliana followed Noah outside, only to hear her father going off on him this time;“Eggs! I wasn’t in the mood for eggs today! Why can't you make something else, is that all you know how to make?” He barked, slamming his plate down on the table. “I can’t believe it! The breadwinner of this house can’t even get a meal of his liking! Is that too much to ask?”Just then, Olivia, who had been watching with a look of enjoyment, leaned towards her husband and said;“Oh dear, please don't be so angry, it's not good for your health! And speaking of breadwinners, I guess our poor son-in-law is feeling inferior to his wife now. That’s why he’s supposedly gotten a job for himself, did you know?”David smirked. “Ha! Don't believe his words, Olivia, he might be lying! It’s just a generous person like me who gave an ignorant villager like him a golden opportunity to come to the city and even allowed him to join the family. Otherwise, who in their right mind would recruit him? But trust me, if I h
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Ch-24. Identity
As Noah rushed out of the Redford Villa, Eliana’s image was still fresh in his mind. He checked his phone to find out whose call he had missed, when his mind again flashed back to the way she had stood up for him, the way she had confronted him in the kitchen… he felt a smile tugging at his lips. Maybe, just maybe, her heart was finally softening towards him. However, the smile was also accompanied by a heavy feeling in his chest. He suddenly felt extremely guilty for hiding the truth from Eliana, even though he had planned all this himself.When he had first signed the agreement in uncle Stuart’s car… he had thought it would be best to keep her away from all this mess. And the farther she would be from the cutthroat competition for power in his family, the happier and safer she would be. But things seemed so complicated in just one day… he had never imagined she would be so concerned about him! He had just assumed that, like everyone else, she would be happy to get the money– esp
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Ch-25. Fraud
Samantha tried to explain to the man, her voice wavering slightly, "Sir, the chairman asked me to—"But the man snapped again, cutting her off. "Did he specifically ask you to entertain this idiot in his office during working hours? No, right? Then how the hell can you be so careless? I can understand that the security agency is new, but I honestly expected better from you, Samantha!”"But sir, this isn't the first time this gentleman is here–”"I don't know about that! But tell me one thing, does this man, in any way, look suitable enough to be hired as a janitor here? Let alone enter into the chairman's office and sit on his own chair?Just put that little brain of yours to some good use, will you? Samantha, remember! You are being paid by the company, not out of Mr. Dwayne's personal pockets that you would need to show respect to his cheap relatives! Understand? Now leave!"Samantha didn't say anything more. She just bowed slightly in Noah's direction and mouthed a “sorry.” Noah a
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Ch-26. Probation
Noah's POV:I was aware that people generally treat others according to their attire, and it is a shallow but undeniable truth… no matter which strata of society you belong to. That's why I had picked out a fresh pair of formal wear suitable for the office. Crisp shirt, polished shoes, the works…But then, circumstances had changed rapidly this morning, and I had to step out in these dirty clothes to make sure I wasn’t late to the office. It wasn't like clothes were torn, either; in fact, they were new. There were just a few splashes of juice from the chaos at breakfast. If the receptionist had stopped me, I would have understood her concern. But this manager... he was really taking it upon himself to scrutinize me like he was in-charge of conducting uniform checks. His attitude almost made me laugh, until he took it too far with his arrogance and disrespect. It was clear he enjoyed this little power trip; it is one thing to maintain security, and it’s another to humiliate someone
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Ch-27  Lies
Noah's POV :As soon as I questioned him, I noticed uncle Stuart getting a little tense. There were some droplets of sweat on his forehead, which he wiped off very quickly before he cleared his throat and started speaking again. “I am sorry, young master! I am sorry that I wasn't able to help you back then. I have always known that you were innocent, but as a loyal servant of your grandfather, I used to accompany him on his overseas travels and wasn't there to help you. But I assure you, this won't be the case ever again, your uncle has finally come to realize his mistake and is ready to take you in–”I scoffed at the thought, even though I didn't mean to interrupt him. “Take me in ? Really, you are telling me that I should come back to the Edencrest Estate because my uncle is ready to take me in? So now he is trying to prove how generous he is, to have forgiven and forgotten everything and finally have mercy on me! When in reality, I was the one who was wronged and thrown out of h
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Ch-28 Puppet
Noah stepped out of the elevator with Samantha, who had been sent to escort him outside since William Dwayne was still busy with the damage control and uncle Stuart had returned to the chairman's office, probably to berate them some more.But one thing was clear, after the recent drama with the production manager, the meeting would certainly have to be postponed; and so, he could leave the Unity One Tower for now. “Should I ask the driver to drop you off somewhere, sir?”Noah's thoughts came to a stop as Samantha asked him a question, and he realized that they had walked outside the building now.“Uh, no. No thank you, I have a personal conveyance, but thank you for the offer.”“As you say, sir. Goodbye, sir, and I hope you have a good day.”But what Noah couldn't tell her, was the fact that he himself didn't know where he was supposed to go first, as he was still thinking about what to do next.There were a lot of things on his plate, plenty of things to be done which were all fight
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Ch-29. Robber
Sienna was Eliana's cousin, who fully believed that she was the sole reason Noah and Eliana were married today. Because when Noah had first heard the news about someone from the Frost family being severely unwell, he had deliberately mentioned about his teacher in front of her, taking care to mention that he was not just capable of, but also renowned for curing anyone, suffering from any disease.In the beginning, he wanted to find a way to help her and her family out of any situation that was troubling them, and this was when he met Sienna Frost.She was a regular customer at the bar where he used to work part- time in the city.But when she first turned down the idea, dismissing the existence of such healers as make-believe nonsense, he had decided to leave this matter on time.Until he somehow came to know that it was Eliana, who was suffering from the disease… it felt like his soul had just been ripped away from him.All he wanted was to find a way to help her, so was just waitin
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Ch-30. Slap
"Whether or not anyone else knows it, I know your truth, Noah! I know very well, that there is no way for you to get that money, and you must have robbed someone or begged for it–”“Are you even listening to what you are saying Sienna! You are the one who came here and crushed my bike, and now you're assaulting me? Can you take a pause and let me know what the hell is even going on, why would I beg someone for money? I have my self esteem, and how can possibly rob someone-”“I don't know, maybe you have sold your soul to the devil himself! I don't care what you did to get your hands on that cash, but I can tell you, you won't get away with it!”She screamed, while Noah was baffled. Did she have her head screwed on backwards?! What on earth… this was the last thing he was expecting today. "What the hell are you talking about–"He asked once again, trying to keep his voice steady despite his rising anger. But his words were left hanging when Sienna spat near his foot. "I'm talking abo
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