Ch-22 Trust me

Eliana was startled by the crashing sound of the tumbler hitting the floor, and Olivia's shoulders also jumped slightly, but Noah didn't even flinch.

He calmly turned around, surveyed the damage, and said,

"If you wanted fresh juice, you could have just said that. Anyway, I'll bring you some right now."

Olivia huffed, her face twisting in disdain.

"Huh! Don't act like you're so obedient that you'll obey every single word I say! Or you would have freed my daughter from this torture and run away to your fucking village long ago! Now, what are you staring at me for? It's not like I said something wrong, so are you accusing me right now?”

Noah's expression didn't change, and without a word, he swiftly went into the kitchen. Eliana watched him, her heart aching. She knew how hard it must be for him to keep his composure.

But just a few moments later, he returned, carrying a plate with three oranges sliced in half, another empty plate, a glass tumbler, and a hand juicer.

He placed ever
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