Ch-21 Crash

Eliana woke up to the incessant ringing of her phone, buzzing somewhere around herself. She tried to pat the bed with her arms, trying to look for it, but exhaustion soon took over and she was pulled back into the throes of sleep.

After the third ring managed to break her sleep, she finally cracked one eye open and groggily grabbed her phone from the bedside table, pressing it to her ear.


“Eliana, where are you? We had an early morning meeting today, did you forget?”

Oh shit… shit shit!

Eliana sat up quickly, the sudden movement making her head spin.

“Yes, yes I remember. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

She responded in a measured voice and then ended the call abruptly, tossing her phone against her pillow.

She sat there for a moment, her head in her hands, feeling the weight of exhaustion; her head felt too heavy and her eyes were swollen because of the excessive crying… She couldn't even remember when she had fallen asleep while crying.

Dragging herself out of bed, sh
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