Ch-20. Scam

Bailey sensed the desperation in Eliana's voice, and the soft sound of sniffles was a tell- tale sign that she was crying.

In a minute, her panic peaked;

“Ellie? Are you okay? Just tell me. I'll do anything… Do you want me to pick you up? I can ask the cab to turn around."

Eliana quickly replied, shaking her head absentmindedly like she had forgotten that Bailey couldn't see her.

"No, no, Bailey, I'm okay. I just need a favor. Can you please go to my office—"

"Office? At this time?"

It would be an understatement to say that Bailey was puzzled.

"Yes. I need you to check something on my behalf. Just go to my office as soon as you can."

Bailey understood that whatever it was, it was serious enough that Eliana was asking her to go there so late at night without waiting for the next morning, when she herself could check it.

With a sigh, she asked the cab driver to stop at Red Swan Entertainment briefly. When she finally stepped out of the cab, the security guard snapped to attention li
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