Ch-19 William Dwayne

Noah's POV:

Earlier that morning…

It wasn't shaping up to be a particularly good morning so far, first, Eliana had almost seen me in uncle Stuart's car, and only God knows how I managed to deflect the situation with a supposed heart attack, even when I know that the old man is as healthy as a horse!

But after that annoying encounter with Gloria, it seemed like my share of annoyances wasn't over yet. I wanted to surprise Eliana with the money, wanting to catch the glimpse of happiness on her face… but it was her best friend, Bailey, who opened the door to my wife's office.

Still, I was pretty confident that Eliana would find out soon enough, that every word I had promised her last night was true.

I wasn't going to let anyone else torture her anymore… not till I am alive, and definitely not after my death.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the sleek black sedan pull up outside the building. I knew I had to shelve my personal grudges for now, and focus on my meeting with William
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