All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
28 chapters
CH- 1 Go to Jail!
"I should take the blame!?"Noah Smith frowned and looked at the old lady sitting on the upholstered sofa.The old lady casually sipped her tea and said lightly, "Yes, and what part of this you are not understanding? It's about the reputation of the Frost family, and you know very well that I don’t want any stain on our legacy… So just take the blame for Henry’s fault. Don't worry, the whole scandal will be forgotten soon, and you will also come out in a few years. You are still young, you will still have plenty of time.""What the hell? Really! Age! You are asking me to take the blame because of my age... If this is your logic behind all this, then Henry is two years younger than me!" Noah roared."Jerk!"The old lady’s son, standing on one side, said coldly, "Do you think a gutter rat like you compares with our precious Henry?""This is a chance for you to become useful for once, and pay off some of your debt to us; after all, you are the son-in-law of the Frost family. Didn’t y
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CH- 2 Divorce?
"James Clifton? Are you really talking about James Clifton, of the Clifton Group?" Everyone was taken aback with surprise, including Lady Hyacinth Frost, the matriarch of the family."Of course!"Henry confirmed their doubts and said proudly, "I had a few drinks with James yesterday. He was very friendly and introduced me to his friends. He also said that he might consider a collaboration with us in the future!"The hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone was amazed to hear these words… Could it be true?! The Clifton family was not just famous, but they were one of the top three elite families in Edinburgh!In their eyes, the Cliftons were the perfect example of a rich, cultured family. "There is one other thing, though. James has a crush on our Eliana. As soon as she gets divorced, she can marry James, and everything will become alright again!"On hearing this, all the pairs of eyes focused on Eliana's face, which had gone pale. Especially her mother, Olivia, was now looking at
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CH- 3 Thank God!
Noah was lost in his thoughts for a second, while the old man continued to sob uncontrollably on the other end. "These people think that they can bully my wife and pressure her into leaving me… just to marry that filthy bastard! And only because they think I'm a nobody. But I'm just waiting for the day they find out my real identity…"Noah Smith was actually Noah Kingsley, the heir to the Blue Whale Corporation and the Edencrest Estate! Not just any ordinary company, but one of the most mysterious ones in the world! The Blue Whale Corporation commanded over half of the world's wealth– even a million dollars was just like a drop in the vast ocean of their wealth! And yet, nobody knew anything about the family at all… Back when he was just five years old, he had been disowned by the family and kicked out of the house– after being told that he had nothing to do with the Edencrest family from this point forward.However, some time ago, Stuart, the housekeeper of Edencrest Estate found
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CH- 4 Top Secret
Noah was startled on hearing that Stuart had arrived, and hurriedly whispered, "Stop right there, don't come in. I'll come out by myself!"After hanging up, he hurriedly found an excuse to leave the house.One of Eliana's friends called at this time and said admiringly, "Wow! Eliana, I didn't expect you to know such a powerful person, who even dared to confront the Clifton family directly. It's really great!""Ah? I… actually, I don't know who it is!" Eliana was stunned."Oh, come on, don't pretend. I have been hearing all sorts of things this morning, about how this mysterious man has been making waves in our social circles! Apparently, he also mentioned your name while beating up James Clifton!Oh, Eliana! Do you know what I think, maybe this man has loved you in secret all these years, but couldn't get the courage to say it to your face. Instead, he has always watched your back like a loyal bodyguard. Ah, it's just like the movies– I really envy you right now!"“……”Eliana was ev
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CH- 5 Heart attack ?!
Noah glanced towards Stuart with panic written all over his face. After years of working for the family, the old man was quite used to such situations. Thinking on his feet, he immediately pretended to be ill and slouched in his seat.After faking a loud bout of coughing, he placed a hand on Noah's shoulder as he began to speak;"Oh, young man, I can't thank you enough! If you hadn't helped me out and told me about the remedy, I… I am afraid that I wouldn't even be here anymore.""Ah, please don't say this, you are most welcome."Noah was also quick to react, and slid into the newly assigned role with ease.Then, he turned around with a smile and said to Eliana, "Honey, I just met this old man, and he was having a heart attack! So I helped him out, and thankfully, he is feeling better now. "The lie was justified.Back when Noah was a child and was living under a bridge, feeding himself on scraps, an old man had noticed him. The man had taken Noah with himself to his village, and ha
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Ch-6 Wanna bet?
On hearing the insults thrown at Noah Gloria felt like she was on cloud nine. How dare he cross her and hope to live peacefully? She added another remark on seeing that Noah was about to step forward; "Wait, in any case, you are the husband of my dear friend, so here! I'll give you 600 dollars out of my own purse, just take them and get out!" Even after hearing Gloria's insulting remarks, Noah did not respond. And at this very moment, one of the bank employees came to Noah and said with a polite smile. "Sir, you can use the ATM to withdraw an amount below $20,000." He had probably heard Gloria's remarked and redirected Noah towards the ATM. "Oh, I actually want to withdraw more than twenty thousand dollars." Noah said. Before the employee could respond, Gloria chimed in with contempt; "That's impossible! You get six hundred dollars a month, how much money could you possibly have saved, even after three years? In my opinion, it has to be two thousand dollars at maximu
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Ch-7 On your knees!
The whole hall instantly fell quiet.Gloria was completely shocked for a few moments. She touched the five hot fingerprints on her face and spoke, as if she was in a daze; "Tom, what's the matter with you?""What's the matter with me!?"Tom was at the verge of losing his sanity;"Why can't you show even a little bit of respect to this gentleman, and then you ask me this question? What's the matter with you?""Show him respect! I mentioned this guy to you a while ago, he is Eliana Frost's useless husband. I told you that he annoys me to no limit, and you promised me that you would teach him a lesson whenever you got the chance, so why are you behaving so strangely now?" Gloria said.Eliana Frost's useless husband? Tom was also confused… Eliana was one of the most beautiful women in Lake County– no, the whole of Edinburgh! So tales about her useless husband were also well-known in their circles. So it was him!How could such a loser have a Black Dragon Card?Could it be… that he had
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Ch-8 Taekwondo champion!
Gloria really had no way out of this mess, she had challenged him to the bet, and now… she had never imagined that she herself would fall into the pit she had dug for someone else!Gloria had no choice but to kneel on the ground with her face turning tomato red. She was practically trembling under the gaze of the people around her, and started to speak;"Forgive me, Master–" "How disgusting… nevermind!"Noah hissed as he glanced at Gloria from corner of his eyes and said contemptuously, "I don't want such a disobedient and disrespectful servant, I have no use for you. If you want to honor the bet, then you can just sing my praises instead." "What?!"Gloria looked up and glared at Noah as if she could murder him right here, right now. "Noah, don't push your luck any further!" WHAM!Tom gave her another slap on the back of the head;"Shut your damn mouth! Just do as you are told, and apologize to Mr. Smith. Stop cribbing right now!"Gloria felt like it would be better if a dinosaur
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Ch-9 Reservation
Red Swan Entertainment, inside the Director's Office… Eliana had a terrible headache. She was sitting on her desk, clutching her head in her hands and pressing her temples with the heels of her palms to put as much pressure as she could.No matter what, she couldn't relieve the tension; after all, she was the one in charge of this sinking ship! They were running into some problems with the orders that had already been signed, and the funds could not be recovered at this stage. If they could not be resolved within the deadline, the company would face a bankruptcy crisis!Her best friend Bailey Carter was sitting on a chair across from her, fiddling with a keychain.“You are facing all these problems, just because your husband is so useless. Can you even imagine how great your life would be if you married someone rich– like Martin Lloyd? He will most probably take over the Lloyd family's business. And not to mention, he is very easy on the eyes, you know?”Eliana hummed absentmindedly
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Ch-10 CCTV
"Alright, I'll leave then."On hearing about the Ocean's Edge Grill, Noah remembered that he had been planning to go there too, until he ran into Eliana this morning.So, he turned to leave, leaving the briefcases on the chair. She would believe his words herself, when she opened the briefcases and had a look inside. However, Eliana was far too busy to even spare a look at the briefcases, and pushed the chair in frustration, watching Noah's retreating back. Bailey jumped on the opportunity to rant against Noah;"See! I told you, he will only pull you down to his level because he sure as hell can't get to yours! You must divorce that loser as soon as possible!”Eliana returned to her chair, gulping down a handful of painkillers to tamp down this severe headache. Bailey looked on with a sympathetic frown on her face, as she tried to shake Eliana into her senses.“Ellie, nobody can help you unless you help yourself first. And if you want what's good for you, you will listen to me. Just
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