All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
31 chapters
Ch-11. Fans
Noah left the company and drove to Unity One Tower, the building which had a number of exclusive luxury businesses on every one of its twenty five floors, one of which was Ocean's Edge Grill. On the way, he dialed Stuart's number. And within moments, the familiar voice rang;“Yes, young master?" "Uncle Stuart, contact the owner of Unity One Tower on my behalf. I want to meet him as soon as possible.""Young master, did he do something to offend you? Should I arrange for the Unity One Tower to be wiped off?""No, I have some urgent business with him. I'm on my way right now."Noah briefed him, and then hung up without explaining anything else. After some minutes, he arrived at the Unity One Tower. Looking up towards the magnificent building, Noah nodded with satisfaction and muttered, "Yes, it's very close to home."He was just going inside, when Noah felt an arm obstructing his path. It belonged to the security guard of the building, a burly man dressed in a faded black uniform, w
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Ch-12 Miscalculation
The black Mercedes came to a stop in front of the Unity One Tower, and a middle aged man stepped out. His appearance was usually quite dignified, but right now, it seemed like he had come there in a rush. As he hurriedly fixed his coat after stepping out of the car, the bodyguard behind him quickly opened an umbrella to shield him from the sun. The man walked briskly towards the entrance, his eyes scanning the area, searching for someone.The security guard stationed at the gate was surprised to see the boss here today, nobody was expecting him to come today. But he quickly arranged his features into a respectful expression and saluted,“Sir! Good morning, sir!"The man looked at him with slight annoyance as he acknowledged the salute and asked urgently,"Yes yes. By any chance, did a young man come by the office, saying he wanted to meet with me?"The guard looked puzzled at first. Then, the thought of the scraggly man from earlier crossed his mind. "Yes…" But before he could answ
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Ch-13. Join us ?
Eliana and Bailey stepped into the grand lobby of Unity One Tower, the building's modern style architecture reflecting their own sleek and modern appearances, the two of them blended in perfectly with the usual patrons of the buildingAs they headed toward the elevator, Eliana suddenly grabbed Bailey's wrist, pulling her to a halt. She leaned in close and whispered, "Bailey, no matter what happens… no matter what she says, just– please keep your calm. Can you promise me?"Bailey rolled her eyes and shook her hand free, her bracelets jangling noisily. "I know, Eliana! That bitch is really annoying, but I can pretend for one night. I'm not an idiot, okay? I know you need her help right now. I can control myself around people, it's just your husband who gets on my nerves. Especially after…" Her voice trailed off abruptly as a figure approached them. A woman, her voice sickeningly sweet, chimed in the conversation without any invitation. "After what? What are we talking about, guys?"
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Ch-14 Doting boyfriend
“Who… me?”Noah was almost in disbelief for a moment, this was the first time since he had been introduced to Eliana's social circle that someone had gone out of their way to include him in any gathering or activity.Otherwise, the usual reaction of Eliana’s friends was to turn up their noses on seeing him, like his existence was a major inconvenience to them.He hesitated before saying, glancing at Eliana for a cue, who herself seemed to be a little confused. Bailey’s glare, however, was like daggers aimed directly at him. Before he could say anything, Noelle spoke up;“Of course! It's you I'm talking to. This is the first time I'm meeting any of my friend's husbands, and I can't wait to know more about you."Noelle left the remaining sentence unsaid: she couldn't wait to reveal his weaknesses one by one, so that she could see Eliana sink further into the hole of embarrassment that Noelle wanted to dig for her.However, it was Eliana who spoke first, after a brief bout of nervous l
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Ch-15 Parasite
Cynthia walked in, moving effortlessly like she was gliding on air. Her presence was magnetic, and her eyes were focused solely on Noah; "Can I speak to you for a moment?" Her voice was perfectly confident, like she was talking to someone really familiar. But for his part, Noah looked at her with equal calmness as he asked;“What is it? What does Miss Flores suddenly want to discuss with a stranger?"Cynthia felt a twinge of embarrassment and ran her eyes over everyone seated there. “Come on, Noah. Don't be like this," She insisted, her tone becoming more and more urgent.Everyone else was stunned into silence, most of all Eliana, who was sitting right beside Noah and could see the face of the woman despite the ambient lighting. Wasn't this Cynthia Flores? The influencer and model? What was she doing here, and more importantly, why was she talking to her husband, asking him to step away for some time?Bailey, on the other hand, was looking curiously at the two of them, trying to
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Ch-16 Shut up!!
Once Noah, Bailey and Noelle had left, Eliana was sitting by herself, swirling her glass of water, lost in her thoughts. And her mind was continuously indicating things were definitely off today, even though she didn't know why. From finding out about her secret admirer this morning, to Cynthia practically dragging her husband away from the dinner, the day had been filled with so many weird moments.In fact, in the last three years that she had known Noah, she could hardly remember Noah even mentioning any friends at all, so what was all this about? Why and how had his friends suddenly started to appear in their life, out of nowhere? As she was thinking about all of this, completely lost in herself, a hand suddenly clasped her own, making her jump in shock.With a jerk, she looked up to find that it was Jaxon Kent clutching her wrist, his eyes dazed like he was clearly drunk. His gaze was stuck to her chest, like it was drawn by a magnet, making her quite uncomfortable. Eliana ini
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Ch-17: Security! 
“Crazy bastard, did you really think that I'll just accept everything as Jaxon's fault!?”Noelle was screaming hysterically, and Noah was getting more and more frustrated by her behavior. Was she really so desperate to cling to this middle aged creep, just because he was rich? With a disgusting look towards her, he said;“No! What I am trying to say is, after such a disgusting statement, you're just as guilty as your boyfriend! Without even trying to hear what had happened, it's always women like you who don't believe the victims and instead, try to blame them–”Noelle scoffed at Noah's words, interrupting him. “Do you think we both care about what allegations you are pasting on my boyfriend? And trust you as a victim and believe in your words? Clearly not! People like you– with empty pockets and zero morals– can't be trusted anyway; there is nothing you won't do to get even a few cents!”Noah was losing his patience, but he still tried to speak calmly, giving her some margin. Afte
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Ch-18 Twists
Eliana sat in the passenger seat, her head turned completely away from Noah in the driver's seat. She was looking out of the window, watching the lights of the city pass by in a blur, her eyes filled with unshed tears.Whether they were tears of sadness, betrayal or anger, she wasn't so sure. And the low mechanical whirring of the engine was only causing her gut to twist even further, in tune with the rollercoaster of emotions inside her. She was torn; there was no way she would allow anyone to mess with her boundaries the way Jaxon wanted to, and it was completely non negotiable in her mind. But another part of her was questioning, was it really necessary for Noah to behave like this? She was still partially in shock, unable to believe what had happened earlier. She had always known Noah as a non-violent person, and in the last three years, he had been calm in every situation, almost to a fault… but tonight? Tonight, he had snapped in a way she had never seen before. When she was
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Ch-19 William Dwayne
Noah's POV:Earlier that morning… It wasn't shaping up to be a particularly good morning so far, first, Eliana had almost seen me in uncle Stuart's car, and only God knows how I managed to deflect the situation with a supposed heart attack, even when I know that the old man is as healthy as a horse!But after that annoying encounter with Gloria, it seemed like my share of annoyances wasn't over yet. I wanted to surprise Eliana with the money, wanting to catch the glimpse of happiness on her face… but it was her best friend, Bailey, who opened the door to my wife's office.Still, I was pretty confident that Eliana would find out soon enough, that every word I had promised her last night was true.I wasn't going to let anyone else torture her anymore… not till I am alive, and definitely not after my death. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the sleek black sedan pull up outside the building. I knew I had to shelve my personal grudges for now, and focus on my meeting with William
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Ch-20. Scam
Bailey sensed the desperation in Eliana's voice, and the soft sound of sniffles was a tell- tale sign that she was crying. In a minute, her panic peaked;“Ellie? Are you okay? Just tell me. I'll do anything… Do you want me to pick you up? I can ask the cab to turn around."Eliana quickly replied, shaking her head absentmindedly like she had forgotten that Bailey couldn't see her. "No, no, Bailey, I'm okay. I just need a favor. Can you please go to my office—""Office? At this time?" It would be an understatement to say that Bailey was puzzled."Yes. I need you to check something on my behalf. Just go to my office as soon as you can."Bailey understood that whatever it was, it was serious enough that Eliana was asking her to go there so late at night without waiting for the next morning, when she herself could check it. With a sigh, she asked the cab driver to stop at Red Swan Entertainment briefly. When she finally stepped out of the cab, the security guard snapped to attention li
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