Ch-16 Shut up!!

Once Noah, Bailey and Noelle had left, Eliana was sitting by herself, swirling her glass of water, lost in her thoughts.

And her mind was continuously indicating things were definitely off today, even though she didn't know why.

From finding out about her secret admirer this morning, to Cynthia practically dragging her husband away from the dinner, the day had been filled with so many weird moments.

In fact, in the last three years that she had known Noah, she could hardly remember Noah even mentioning any friends at all, so what was all this about? Why and how had his friends suddenly started to appear in their life, out of nowhere?

As she was thinking about all of this, completely lost in herself, a hand suddenly clasped her own, making her jump in shock.

With a jerk, she looked up to find that it was Jaxon Kent clutching her wrist, his eyes dazed like he was clearly drunk.

His gaze was stuck to her chest, like it was drawn by a magnet, making her quite uncomfortable. Eliana ini
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