Ch-18 Twists

Eliana sat in the passenger seat, her head turned completely away from Noah in the driver's seat. She was looking out of the window, watching the lights of the city pass by in a blur, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

Whether they were tears of sadness, betrayal or anger, she wasn't so sure. And the low mechanical whirring of the engine was only causing her gut to twist even further, in tune with the rollercoaster of emotions inside her.

She was torn; there was no way she would allow anyone to mess with her boundaries the way Jaxon wanted to, and it was completely non negotiable in her mind. But another part of her was questioning, was it really necessary for Noah to behave like this?

She was still partially in shock, unable to believe what had happened earlier. She had always known Noah as a non-violent person, and in the last three years, he had been calm in every situation, almost to a fault… but tonight?

Tonight, he had snapped in a way she had never seen before.

When she was
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