CH- 5 Heart attack ?!

Noah glanced towards Stuart with panic written all over his face.

After years of working for the family, the old man was quite used to such situations. Thinking on his feet, he immediately pretended to be ill and slouched in his seat.

After faking a loud bout of coughing, he placed a hand on Noah's shoulder as he began to speak;

"Oh, young man, I can't thank you enough! If you hadn't helped me out and told me about the remedy, I… I am afraid that I wouldn't even be here anymore."

"Ah, please don't say this, you are most welcome."

Noah was also quick to react, and slid into the newly assigned role with ease.

Then, he turned around with a smile and said to Eliana,

"Honey, I just met this old man, and he was having a heart attack! So I helped him out, and thankfully, he is feeling better now. "

The lie was justified.

Back when Noah was a child and was living under a bridge, feeding himself on scraps, an old man had noticed him. The man had taken Noah with himself to his village, and had taught him some basic medical skills.

Noah had already shared this part about his life with his wife, and in the past, he has also given Eliana some simple home remedies for colds and fever. It was a different fact that she did not believe that his remedies were actually effective, and thought that her sickness was cured by taking medicines.

"What?! You don't have a medical license for whatever you have learned in the village. You can't risk the health of someone else on the basis of that!"

Eliana glared at him, and then hurriedly said to the old man in the car,

"Uncle, you might be feeling okay right now, but please don't put all your trust in his words. He is just a minor village doctor, who knows some basic first aid. Please turn left from the roundabout ahead, there is a hospital nearby; you should go and have a thorough check-up!"

"Okay, thank you Miss…"

Stuart nodded and smiled at her, glancing at Noah… he didn't say anything, but his eyes seemed to pass on the message that he thought Noah's wife was a nice and kind lady.

And just like that, the door clicked shut and the car roared away.

Eliana turned towards Noah, glaring at him angrily and said,

"I am telling you for the last time, you are not allowed to treat people casually in the future. If something goes wrong with the treatment, how will you bear the responsibility?"

"Oh…" Noah said.

If something goes wrong? That was impossible!

The old man who had taught Noah medicine was a world-famous doctor, who was said to perform miracles! There were countless dignitaries and affluent people who had been seeking an appointment with him, just for a single consultation all these years.

He replied absentmindedly to her question, "Yes!"

Eliana looked at him like a hopeless case and said, changing the topic;

"Did you notice that the gentleman in the car looked like someone we might know?"

"Who?" Noah asked with his heart beating in his ears like a drum. How could she know Stuart?

But before he could say anything, Eliana exclaimed;

"The richest man in Edinburgh, I really think it was him!"

As she spoke, Eliana's eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Yes, it's Mr. Langdon! I can't believe it, he is the richest man in Edinburgh city! It's so awesome, I got to meet Mr. Langdon. Oh, my God!"

Noah whispered,

"He's just an old man, why are you so excited..."

"Old man?"

Eliana's face was cold.

"Do you have to be so impolite? We must have done some good deeds in our last life, that we got to meet the richest man in Edinburgh today. Really, you don't understand anything, Noah!"

"Um… but honey, where are you going?"

Noah knew that it was pointless to talk about this further, and he simply changed the subject.

"Where else can I go? Our company's shares are at an all time low. I have to find a way to save the company quickly, or we will go bankrupt."

Eliana's melancholy voice reached his ears.

Her company had been facing some problems for some time, and originally, Eliana wanted to ask her family to help her out by investing some funds.

But this morning, the Henry Frost incident had exploded in the media, and now, the whole Frost family was in a state of shock and depression. Nobody was in any state to pay any attention to her or her problems, so she had to go to a friend to borrow some money.

As soon as Noah heard this, he asked;

"How much is it? Let me help you!"

"You?!" Eliana spat out, looking at him with confusion as she mockingly said,

"I get it, you are worried for me, but Noah! Your care and concern doesn't translate into real currency. What I really need right now, is 8 million dollars!"

"No problem at all, here, have this card…"

Noah took out the debit card that Stuart had given him.

Seeing this, Eliana angrily threw the card directly on the ground.

"Enough of this drama! How much money could you possibly have? Don't make matters more difficult for me, I don't have time to waste!"

Saying this, she turned away from him in despair and walked away.

Noah smiled bitterly as he picked up the card and dusted it off, thinking, there are 800 million dollars in there!

Forget it; he would go straight to the bank!


Just as he had arrived at the bank, Noah ran into Gloria, a friend of his wife.

Some time ago, Gloria wanted to introduce Eliana to a big tycoon, so that she could get some benefits from him. Her friend was extremely beautiful, and Gloria had always felt like she was being shadowed by Eliana's charm… so when she had an opportunity, why shouldn't she make the most of it?

Thinking this, Gloria had taken Eliana to a nightclub and got her drunk. She barely left her alone for five minutes, to call the tycoon and inform him that everything was ready. But in the meantime, this Noah had appeared at the club out of nowhere to take Eliana away and ruin her perfect plan. So, was it any surprise that Gloria hated his guts?!

And when she had come to the bank to meet her boyfriend this time, she had unexpectedly met Noah. It was really a small world!

"Hey, if it isn't Eliana's jobless husband!" Gloria, dressed in expensive designer clothes, greeted Noah with a sour expression.

On getting the call from Stuart, Noah had rushed out in the clothes he had been wearing at home, while preparing breakfast. It was a relief that he had at least remembered to take off the apron!

Then, he had barged into Eliana outside the Redford Villa, and without wasting any time, he had come to the bank to get the money she had needed. And right now, Gloria was staring at his basic clothes as if watching a dirty cockroach who had climbed out of the sewer.

On the other hand, Noah glanced at her indifferently and disregarded her presence as if he hadn't seen her at all.

Gloria could see his eyes sweep over her and then turn away, as if she was nothing more than a pile of garbage on the side of the road. Being used to admiring glances from everyone, she was immediately upset by his attitude.

"Look, everyone! Have a look at this disgusting leech of a son-in-law! He has come to the city only to live as a third class citizen in his wife's house! What a life he is living, she gives him an allowance of six hundred dollars per month, including the money to buy groceries! Tell me, why does a person like you have to come to the ATM to fetch money? Aren't you just wasting the time of other customers too?"

The people around them suddenly stopped and looked towards Noah with strange expressions.

"Oh, he looks quite smart, can he really be a house husband?"

"Definitely! His good looks might have helped him become a house husband, I think!"

"How lazy! It's a pity, young people are becoming less and less ambitious now-a-days."

"What a shame! Everyone is looking for shortcuts, nobody wants to work hard. Otherwise, why can't a young man work to earn his own living?"


A triumphant smile appeared at the corner of Gloria's lips, and she added;

"Oh, Noah! I forgot that you are from the countryside, you don't even know how to withdraw money from an ATM. It's my fault, I shouldn't have said that about you…"

As soon as the people heard that he was a villager, the look of disapproval in their eyes intensified and the sarcastic remarks flew in from every direction.

"There are still people who can't use ATMs these days. How funny is that!"

"No doubt he is a villager, those people are all looking for ways to crawl out of their hellholes and come to the city!"

"Yes, this man has unfortunately found a poor girl to mooch from! He is nothing but a lazy bum, who doesn't even know how to use an ATM!"


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