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By: Ojay Arts OngoingBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 10

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In a distant future, society on the New Terra is sharply divided by wealth and power. Alec Carter, a determine young man from the slums, dream of escaping his life of poverty and ridicule. His chance comes unexpectedly when he cross path with Eleanor Drake, a wealthy and influential woman. Desperate for a change, Alex agrees to marry her out of convenience and desperation to save his sick mother. Whose bills Eleanor promise to take care of as well as his education bills. However Alex will soon learn that the life of the rich and the wealthy comes with it own perils.

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10 chapters
Chapter 1: A Fateful Evening
As Alex Carter leaned over a faulty drone, the strong scent of burnt electronics permeated the air, while his experienced hands worked with careful accuracy. The repair shop's dim lighting stretched shadows over his face, emphasizing the resolve in his eyes."Get a move on, you little rascal," Alex murmured, skillfully fixing a damaged wire.Alex's face lit up with a triumphant smile as the drone's lights turned on. His brief triumph was interrupted by the sound of the shop's bell, indicating the arrival of new customers.A familiar voice filled with condescension said, "Well, well, look who it is, Alex Carter."Alex felt a wave of disappointment when he saw Claire and Fiona, his old high school classmates. They walked in casually, their high-end clothing standing out against the dirty environment."Ladies," Alex said with a polite smile. "How may I assist you?"Claire flicked her impeccably styled hair back. "Our hovercraft is experiencing some issues." Do you think you're up for it,
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Chapter 2: A Mother's Love
Walking through the sliding doors, Alex was hit by the overpowering antiseptic smell of the hospital. He acknowledged familiar staff members with a nod before his feet guided him to Room 307. He inhaled deeply, plastered on a grin, and entered."Mom," Alex softly greeted, coming closer to the bed where his frail mother lay, her eyes brightening as she saw him."Alex, my son!" she cried out, her voice feeble yet brimming with affection. I was not anticipating your presence today. Aren't you supposed to be working?"Alex pulled up a chair beside her bed. "I got off early. Thought I'd surprise you."His mother reached out a thin hand, which Alex took gently. "You work too hard, sweetheart. I worry about you.""I'm fine, Mom. Really," Alex assured her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "How are you feeling today?"She waved her free hand dismissively. "Oh, you know. Same old, same old. But never mind me. Tell me about your day."Alex hesitated, not wanting to burden her with the reality o
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Chapter 3: An Unexpected Proposition
As Alex made his way home, the streets of New Terra were filled with noise and movement. A flurry of concerns about his mother's medical expenses occupied his thoughts as he was suddenly drawn to a disturbance up ahead."Someone shouted, 'Eleanor Drake!'"Curiosity getting the best of him, Alex pushed his way through the growing crowd. In the center of the road was a shiny silver hovercraft, with its engine spluttering and emitting smoke.An agitated aide shouted for a mechanic while attempting to ward off the staring spectators.Alex's eyes opened wide as he identified the woman who was standing next to the vehicle. Eleanor Drake, who ranks third in wealth among all individuals in the solar system, appeared thoroughly unimpressed with her present circumstances.Suddenly, two men darted forward, tools in hand."Hey!" Alex shouted, realizing their intent. He lunged forward, grabbing one by the collar. "They're trying to steal the engine parts!"The crowd rushed forward, and the potenti
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Chapter 4: Revelations and Warnings
Alex's thoughts spun as he ascended the squeaky steps to his flat. The proposal from Eleanor Drake reverberated in his mind, enticing him with a promising opportunity. Deep in contemplation, he nearly bumped into Jared, his close friend and co-worker in the auto shop, as he descended the staircase."Wow, Alex!" Jared cried out while supporting him. "You appear as though you have witnessed a ghost." How are you doing?Alex paused for a moment before suddenly saying, "Jared, you won't believe what just happened."Jared lifted one eyebrow. "Test me out."While in the poorly lit stairwell, Alex retold his meeting with Eleanor Drake. Jared's eyes expanded with every word spoken."Hold up," Jared interrupted. "Eleanor Drake? The Eleanor Drake? And she proposed to you?"Alex nodded, still hardly believing it himself. "A marriage of convenience, she called it. For five years. In exchange, she'll pay for my mom's medical bills, my education, everything."Jared whistled low. "Man, that's... tha
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Chapter 5: Confrontations and Revelations
Alex felt his heart pounding with excitement as he neared the luxurious eatery, "Starlight Soiree." The shining structure appeared to ridicule his thrift store suit and worn-out shoes. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the upcoming conflict.Upon reaching the entrance, a smartly dressed waitress blocked his path. She glared at him with contempt in her eyes, her lip curling in revulsion as she examined him from head to toe."I'm sorry, sir," she said, her tone lacking any hint of apology. "Did you book a table in advance?"Alex stood up straight. "Yes, I have come to see Eleanor Drake. The booking needs to be in her name.The waitress lifted her eyebrows. "Is Eleanor Drake here?" I'm sorry, but I believe there must be an error. Ms. Drake would not want to be associated with someone of your social standing.Alex's face turned red. "There are no errors made." "If you only verify-"The waitress gestured to a large security guard nearby and stated that it was time for the person
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Chapter 6: Unexpected Encounters and Fateful Decisions
As Eleanor and Alex continued their conversation, the noise in the restaurant abruptly subsided. Alex noticed Eleanor's body tense up, her eyes locked on something - or someone - in the background.A smooth, masculine voice interrupted the silence with a series of "Hmm, hmm." "What is right in front of us?"Alex glanced around and saw a tall, elegantly dressed man approaching their table. The clear similarity to Eleanor made it certain that this person was Maxwell Drake, her notorious brother.Eleanor's voice was cool as she addressed him. "Maxwell. What an unexpected surprise."Maxwell's eyes flickered between Eleanor and Alex, a predatory smile playing on his lips. "Indeed. I didn't realize you were entertaining... company tonight.""Allow me to introduce Alex Carter," Eleanor said, her tone carefully neutral. "My fiancé."Maxwell's eyebrows shot up. "Fiancé? My, my, sister dear. You have been busy."He extended a hand to Alex, who rose to shake it. Maxwell's grip was firm, almost p
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Chapter 7: Power Shift
The sleek black Lamborghini hovercraft purred to a stop outside New Terra General Hospital. Alex stepped out, adjusting his newly tailored suit. The same nurse who had berated him earlier rushed out, her eyes wide with disbelief."Mr. Carter? Is that... is that you?"Alex nodded coolly. "It is. I'm here to see my mother and settle her bill."The nurse hesitated, saying, "Certainly, follow me, sir."While walking down the hallways, Alex observed a noticeable change in the way people were interacting with him. Hushed voices trailed him, glancing elsewhere as he gazed towards them.They arrived at the billing department, where a chubby man was seated at a desk."This man here is Mr. Carter," the nurse told Mr. Jennings. He has come regarding the bill for his mother.Mr. Jennings glanced upwards and shifted from boredom to interest when he noticed Alex's presence. "Ah, I see." The account belonging to Mrs. Carter. I'm worried that the amount is quite significant...Alex cut him off. "I'm
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Chapter 8: A Wedding of Intrigue
Alex stood at the altar of the Drake family's private floating palace, his palms sweating as he adjusted his collar for the hundredth time. The venue was a marvel of engineering and luxury, suspended high above New Terra's glittering cityscape."Nervous?" Maxwell Drake whispered from beside him, a smirk playing on his lips.Alex swallowed hard. "Just... taking it all in.""Oh, I'm sure you are," Maxwell chuckled. "Quite a step up from fixing hover cars, isn't it?"Before Alex could respond, the music swelled, and Eleanor appeared at the far end of the aisle. She was a vision in white, her gown adorned with precious gems that caught the light with every step.As Eleanor glided towards him, Alex couldn't help but notice the whispers and stares from the assembled guests. He caught snippets of their conversations:"Who is this Alex Carter?""I heard he's from the slums...""Eleanor must have lost her mind..."Alex gritted his teeth, forcing a smile as Eleanor reached him. She took his han
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Chapter 9: Honeymoon Shadows
The crystal-clear waters of Paradisio lapped gently against the shore of their private beach. Alex lounged on a hover-chair, sipping a neon blue cocktail that tasted like stardust and dreams. Eleanor emerged from their luxurious bungalow, her silhouette perfect against the setting triple suns."Darling, are you ready for dinner?" Eleanor called out, her voice as smooth as silk.Alex sat up, still unused to the constant pampering. "Uh, yeah. Sure. Where are we going tonight?"Eleanor laughed, a tinkling sound that seemed almost rehearsed. "Oh, Alex. We're not going anywhere. The chef is preparing a seven-course meal for us right here on the beach.""Another private dinner?" Alex sighed. "Don't you think we should, I don't know, mingle with other people?"Eleanor's smile tightened slightly. "Darling, we're here to enjoy each other's company. Besides, we have so much to discuss about your future at Drake Industries."As they sat down at the elaborately set table, Alex couldn't help but f
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Chapter 10: The Drake Mansion
The hover-limo glided to a stop in front of the imposing Drake mansion. Alex stepped out, his eyes widening at the sheer scale of the building."Welcome home, darling," Eleanor said, linking her arm through his.As they approached the grand entrance, the doors swung open automatically. A tall, distinguished man in an impeccable suit bowed slightly."Welcome back, Madam Eleanor," he said. "And welcome to Drake Manor, Mr. Carter."Eleanor smiled. "Alex, this is Jameson, our head butler. He'll see to your every need."Alex nodded, feeling uncomfortable. "Nice to meet you, Jameson.""The pleasure is mine, sir," Jameson replied, his eyes never leaving Alex's face. "Shall I show you to your quarters?"As they walked through the mansion, Alex felt increasingly overwhelmed. "This place is... enormous," he whispered to Eleanor.She laughed. "Oh, darling, you'll get used to it. Now, let me introduce you to the rest of the staff."A whirlwind of introductions followed - maids, cooks, groundskeep
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