Chapter 7: Power Shift

The sleek black Lamborghini hovercraft purred to a stop outside New Terra General Hospital. Alex stepped out, adjusting his newly tailored suit. The same nurse who had berated him earlier rushed out, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"Mr. Carter? Is that... is that you?"

Alex nodded coolly. "It is. I'm here to see my mother and settle her bill."

The nurse hesitated, saying, "Certainly, follow me, sir."

While walking down the hallways, Alex observed a noticeable change in the way people were interacting with him. Hushed voices trailed him, glancing elsewhere as he gazed towards them.

They arrived at the billing department, where a chubby man was seated at a desk.

"This man here is Mr. Carter," the nurse told Mr. Jennings. He has come regarding the bill for his mother.

Mr. Jennings glanced upwards and shifted from boredom to interest when he noticed Alex's presence. "Ah, I see." The account belonging to Mrs. Carter. I'm worried that the amount is quite significant...

Alex cut him off. "I'm aware. I'd like to pay it in full."

Mr. Jennings blinked. "In... in full? Sir, we're talking about a sum of-"

Alex pulled out a sleek credit card. "Just run it, please."

As Mr. Jennings processed the payment, his eyes grew wider and wider. When the transaction completed successfully, he looked at Alex with newfound respect.

"Everything seems to be in order, Mr. Carter. Is there anything else we can do for you?"

Alex nodded. "Yes. I'd like to speak with Dr. Reeves."

Minutes later, Dr. Reeves hurried into the room, looking flustered. "Mr. Carter, I came as soon as I heard. How can I help you?"

Alex handed him an envelope. "This is for you, Doctor."

Dr. Reeves opened it, his face paling as he read the contents. He looked up at Alex, then back at the letter, then up again.

"Mr. Carter... I... I don't know what to say. This is..."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Is there a problem, Doctor?"

Dr. Reeves shook his head vigorously. "No! No problem at all. It's just... this says that Eleanor Drake has purchased the hospital and... and transferred ownership to you?"

The nurse stuttered, "Yes, please follow me, sir."

While walking down the hallways, Alex observed a noticeable change in the way people were behaving towards him. Murmurs trailed behind him, avoiding eye contact when he glanced their way.

They arrived at the billing department, where a desk was manned by a plump man.

"The nurse introduced Mr. Carter to Mr. Jennings," she said. "He's here regarding the bill for his mother."

Mr. Jennings's facial expression shifted from boredom to interest as he glanced up and observed Alex's presence. "Oh, absolutely.  She'll have round-the-clock care, the best treatments available..."

"Good," Alex said. Then, turning to the nurse who had first confronted him, he added, "As for you..."

The nurse paled. "Mr. Carter, please, I'm so sorry for how I spoke to you earlier. If I had known-"

"If you had known I was wealthy, you would have treated me differently?" Alex finished for her. "That's exactly the problem. Doctor, I want this nurse removed from her position immediately."

Dr. Reeves nodded. "Of course, Mr. Carter. Consider it done."

The nurse burst into tears. "Please, Mr. Carter, I have a family to support. I didn't mean-"

Alex held up his hand again. "Your position here is terminated. However," he turned to Dr. Reeves, "ensure she receives three months' severance pay. That should give her time to find new employment."

Dr. Reeves nodded, relief evident on his face. "Very generous, Mr. Carter. I'll see to it personally."

As Alex turned to leave, Dr. Reeves called out, "Mr. Carter? What are your plans for the hospital?"

Alex paused. "Improve it. Expand it. Make sure everyone gets the care they need, regardless of their ability to pay. Can I count on your help with that, Doctor?"

Dr. Reeves straightened, a new light in his eyes. "Absolutely, Mr. Carter. It would be an honor."

As Alex made his way back to his mother's room, he sensed the burden of his new duties settling upon him. He now had the ability to bring about meaningful change.

Quietly, he quietly entered his mother's room. As she slept, she appeared calmer than he had witnessed in a long time. Alex sat next to her, gently holding her hand.

"There will be a change now, Mother," he murmured. I give my word.

As he sat there, his com-device buzzed. A message from Eleanor: "Well done on your first day as a Drake. Ready for your next lesson?"

Alex looked at his mother, then back at the message. He typed a quick reply: "Ready."

As he hit send, Alex knew that his journey was just beginning. The hospital was just the first step. What other changes could he make? What secrets were still waiting to be uncovered?

With one last look at his sleeping mother, Alex stood and walked out of the room, ready to face whatever challenges his new life would bring.

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