Chapter 8: A Wedding of Intrigue

Alex stood at the altar of the Drake family's private floating palace, his palms sweating as he adjusted his collar for the hundredth time. The venue was a marvel of engineering and luxury, suspended high above New Terra's glittering cityscape.

"Nervous?" Maxwell Drake whispered from beside him, a smirk playing on his lips.

Alex swallowed hard. "Just... taking it all in."

"Oh, I'm sure you are," Maxwell chuckled. "Quite a step up from fixing hover cars, isn't it?"

Before Alex could respond, the music swelled, and Eleanor appeared at the far end of the aisle. She was a vision in white, her gown adorned with precious gems that caught the light with every step.

As Eleanor glided towards him, Alex couldn't help but notice the whispers and stares from the assembled guests. He caught snippets of their conversations:

"Who is this Alex Carter?"

"I heard he's from the slums..."

"Eleanor must have lost her mind..."

Alex gritted his teeth, forcing a smile as Eleanor reached him. She took his hand, her grip firm and reassuring.

"Ready, darling?" she murmured.

Alex nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

The officiator began the ceremony, his voice resonating through the floating palace. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."

Suddenly, the lights flickered and went out. Gasps and murmurs of alarm rippled through the crowd.

"What's happening?" Alex whispered to Eleanor.

"Stay calm," she replied, her voice steady. "It's probably just a minor glitch."

After a tense moment, the lights came back on. Eleanor's face was composed, but Alex noticed a hint of worry in her eyes.

The ceremony continued, and soon it was time for the vows. Alex's voice trembled slightly as he recited the words he'd memorized. Eleanor, in contrast, spoke with perfect poise and confidence.

As they exchanged rings, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that he was sealing his fate with this golden band.

The reception that followed was a whirlwind of introductions and congratulations. Alex felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of important people vying for his attention.

"Mr. Carter," a portly man in an expensive suit approached him. "Congratulations on your nuptials. I must say, your rise has been... meteoric."

Alex forced a smile. "Thank you, Mr...?"

"Hargrove. Planetary Resources Committee," the man replied, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "I look forward to seeing how you... contribute to Drake Industries."

As Hargrove moved away, Alex overheard him muttering to another guest, "Mark my words, there's more to this Carter fellow than meets the eye."

Alex's unease grew as he noticed more and more people eyeing him with a mixture of suspicion and interest. He was about to seek out Eleanor when a server approached with a small, ornate box.

"A gift for you, Mr. Carter," the server said, handing him the box before disappearing into the crowd.

Alex opened it carefully, revealing a small, pulsing device he didn't recognize. There was no card, no indication of who had sent it.

"What's that, darling?" Eleanor appeared at his side, her eyes fixed on the mysterious gift.

Before Alex could respond, a hand gripped his arm, pulling him away from the crowd. He found himself face to face with Jared, the man who had first approached him about his father.

"Alex," Jared hissed, his eyes darting around nervously. "I don't have much time. You need to be careful."

"What are you talking about?" Alex demanded. "And how did you get in here?"

Jared's grip tightened. "Listen to me. Eleanor isn't who you think she is. She was married to my brother, and she... she destroyed our family."

Alex's heart raced. "What do you mean? What did she do?"

"I can't explain everything now," Jared said urgently. "But you're in danger. Eleanor Drake is not to be trusted. She-"

"Alex?" Eleanor's voice cut through the noise of the reception. "Where are you, darling?"

Jared's eyes widened in panic. "I have to go. Watch your back, Alex. And whatever you do, don't-"

But before he could finish, Jared melted into the crowd, leaving Alex standing alone, his mind reeling with questions and doubts.

"There you are!" Eleanor appeared, linking her arm through his. "Come, darling. It's time to greet the Drake Industries board members."

As Eleanor led him away, Alex couldn't shake Jared's warning from his mind. What had he gotten himself into? And more importantly, how was he going to find the truth in this world of secrets and lies?

The wedding celebration continued around him, but for Alex, the real challenges were just beginning.

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