Chapter 2: A Mother's Love

Walking through the sliding doors, Alex was hit by the overpowering antiseptic smell of the hospital. He acknowledged familiar staff members with a nod before his feet guided him to Room 307. He inhaled deeply, plastered on a grin, and entered.

"Mom," Alex softly greeted, coming closer to the bed where his frail mother lay, her eyes brightening as she saw him.

"Alex, my son!" she cried out, her voice feeble yet brimming with affection. I was not anticipating your presence today. Aren't you supposed to be working?"

Alex pulled up a chair beside her bed. "I got off early. Thought I'd surprise you."

His mother reached out a thin hand, which Alex took gently. "You work too hard, sweetheart. I worry about you."

"I'm fine, Mom. Really," Alex assured her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "How are you feeling today?"

She waved her free hand dismissively. "Oh, you know. Same old, same old. But never mind me. Tell me about your day."

Alex hesitated, not wanting to burden her with the reality of his struggles. "It was... interesting. Fixed a bunch of drones, dealt with some customers. The usual."

His mother's eyes narrowed. "Alexander Carter, don't you dare try to hide things from me. I can see it in your eyes. What happened?"

Alex sighed, knowing he couldn't fool her. "Just some old classmates came by the shop. It wasn't a big deal."

"Those girls again? Claire and Fiona?" His mother's voice took on an edge. "What did they say to you?"

"Mom, really, it's nothing-"

"Alex," she cut him off, her tone brooking no argument.

He relented. "They just... reminded me that I'm not at university. That's all."

Tears welled up in his mother's eyes. "Oh, Alex. I'm so sorry. If I wasn't sick, if I could work-"

"No, Mom," Alex interrupted firmly. "Don't you dare apologize. This isn't your fault. I'm doing fine, really. And one day, I will get to university. I promise."

His hand was squeezed by his mother. I am aware that you will, my dear. You are the most intelligent and driven individual I have ever met. I only desire... I wish I could offer you greater assistance."

Alex leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Mom, you have taken care of everything for me." It is now my responsibility to look after you.

For a moment, they sat quietly in comfortable silence until his mother's eyes sparkled playfully. Did you see any attractive girls that caught your attention at the store?

Alex emitted a low sound of discomfort. "Mom, are you kidding me?"

"What is the matter?" I am aging, in case you haven't noticed. I hope to have grandchildren in the future!

"I am just twenty-two years old!"

The sound of his mother's laughter filled Alex's heart with warmth. It is never too soon to begin searching. Does... exist another person already?"

Alex smiled while shaking his head. "Mom, no. Single. I am concentrating on my job and looking after you. "That is the only thing that is important at this moment."

"Oh, Alex," she sighed. "You're too good to me. But promise me you won't forget to live your life too, okay?"

"Alex softly assured his mom, "I promise." "At this moment, you are my main focus."

They passed the following hour conversing about anything and everything, giggling about past recollections, and enjoying comfortable moments of silence together. When visiting hours finished, Alex reluctantly got up.

I need to leave, Mother. "I will return shortly, alright?"

His mother gave a nod, her eyes starting to close with tiredness. I am in love with you, Alex. Stay out of harm's way.

Alex responded, "I love you too, Mom," and gave her a final kiss on the forehead before exiting the room.

While he strolled through the hallway, a voice beckoned to him. Sir, are you Mr. Carter? "Could you provide a single word, please?"

Alex glanced over to find Dr. Patel, the doctor who cared for his mother, walking towards him accompanied by a nurse.

"Dr. Patel, is everything all right?" Alex inquired, a hint of anxiety seeping into his tone.

The doctor's expression was serious. "Mr. Carter, I regret to inform you that we are facing a situation." The payment for your mother's care has lapsed. A new payment must be made by tomorrow's end, or we will be forced to release her.

Alex could feel the color leaving his face as the blood drained. "What is the matter?" "I only paid last month!"

I regret to inform you, Mr. Carter, that the cost of your mother's treatment is high. The money ran out quicker than expected.

"How... how much do you need?" Alex asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Dr. Patel named a sum that made Alex's head spin. It was more than he made in three months.

"There has to be some mistake," Alex pleaded. "Please, can you check again? Or maybe we can work out a payment plan?"

The nurse beside Dr. Patel scoffed. "Payment plan? For that amount? Don't be ridiculous."

"Nurse Jenkins," Dr. Patel warned, but she continued.

"Look, kid," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "This is a top-tier facility. If you can't afford it, maybe you should consider... other options."

Alex felt anger bubbling up inside him. "Other options? This is my mother we're talking about!"

"And this is a hospital, not a charity," Nurse Jenkins retorted. "If you can't pay, you can't stay. It's as simple as that."

"That's enough, Nurse Jenkins," Dr. Patel said sharply. He turned back to Alex, his expression softening slightly. "Mr. Carter, I understand this is difficult. But we do need the payment."

Alex swallowed hard, fighting back tears of frustration. "Please, Dr. Patel. I just need a little more time. I'll figure something out, I swear."

Dr. Patel hesitated, glancing at the still-sneering nurse. Finally, he sighed. "Alright, Mr. Carter. I shouldn't do this, but... I'll give you a week. But not a day more, understood?"

Relief washed over Alex. "Thank you, Dr. Patel. Thank you so much. I promise I'll have the money."

As Alex went to go, he overheard Nurse Jenkins quietly say, "Pathetic." Individuals of that nature should not have access to healthcare if they are unable to pay for it.

Alex had to muster all his willpower to resist the urge to turn around and speak words he would later regret. Instead of that, he straightened his shoulders and left the hospital, already thinking about ways to obtain the money.

Upon entering the cool evening air, Alex breathed in deeply. He had seven days to generate an unattainable amount of money. If it wasn't for his mother, he would accomplish the unimaginable. It was necessary for him to do so.

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