Author: Ojay Arts
Chapter 1: A Fateful Evening

As Alex Carter leaned over a faulty drone, the strong scent of burnt electronics permeated the air, while his experienced hands worked with careful accuracy. The repair shop's dim lighting stretched shadows over his face, emphasizing the resolve in his eyes.

"Get a move on, you little rascal," Alex murmured, skillfully fixing a damaged wire.

Alex's face lit up with a triumphant smile as the drone's lights turned on. His brief triumph was interrupted by the sound of the shop's bell, indicating the arrival of new customers.

A familiar voice filled with condescension said, "Well, well, look who it is, Alex Carter."

Alex felt a wave of disappointment when he saw Claire and Fiona, his old high school classmates. They walked in casually, their high-end clothing standing out against the dirty environment.

"Ladies," Alex said with a polite smile. "How may I assist you?"

Claire flicked her impeccably styled hair back. "Our hovercraft is experiencing some issues." Do you think you're up for it, or should we look for a professional mechanic instead?

Fiona chuckled, looking around the crowded store in disgust. I can't believe you're still around, Alex. Were you expected to be the next major success?

Alex tightened his jaw, yet he maintained a steady voice. "I will inspect your hovercraft. "It won't be a lengthy process."

While he approached the vehicle for inspection, Claire's voice prevented him from doing so. "It's really unfortunate, Alex." You used to be the most intelligent person in our class, and now see how you have changed.

"Yes," Fiona interjected, her voice sugary and insincere. "I suppose intelligence alone isn't enough if you can't pay for schooling."

Alex's hands balled into fists, but he focused on the hovercraft, determined not to let them see how much their words stung.

"At least I earned my place at Stardust University," Claire boasted. "Daddy's money can only get you so far."

Unable to contain himself any longer, Alex spun around. "I'll get there, you know. One day, I'll be at Stardust, and I'll show you both what I'm really capable of."

The girls exchanged glances before bursting into laughter.

"Oh, Alex," Fiona cooed, pulling out her phone. "That's adorable. Smile for the camera, future Stardust student!"

Before Alex could protest, Fiona snapped a picture, her fingers flying across the screen. "And... posted! Let's see how many likes 'Delusional Mechanic Dreams Big' gets."

Humiliation burned through Alex as he watched them giggle over their phones. "Your hovercraft's fixed," he growled. "That'll be fifty credits."

Claire carelessly tossed a credit chip his way. "Keep the change. You clearly need it more than we do."

As they sauntered out, Alex's mind raced with all the things he wished he'd said. His revenge fantasy was interrupted by the arrival of a sleek black limousine.

Eager to please after his humiliation, Alex rushed to greet the new customers. In his haste, he accidentally stepped on the foot of one of the men exiting the vehicle.

"Watch where you're going, you clumsy oaf!" the man bellowed, his hand connecting with Alex's cheek in a sharp slap.

Stunned, Alex stumbled backward. "I'm so sorry, sir. It was an accident-"

His apology was cut short as his boss, Mr. Greaves, burst out of the office. "What's going on here?"

The man from the limo sneered. "Your incompetent employee just assaulted me!"

Mr. Greaves' face turned an alarming shade of red. Without warning, he too slapped Alex. "You fool! Do you want to ruin us?"

Turning to the customers, Mr. Greaves bowed repeatedly. "I'm so sorry, gentlemen. Please, allow me to make this right."

He grabbed Alex by the collar, forcing him to his knees. "Apologize properly, boy!"

Humiliated and in pain, Alex lowered his head. "I'm deeply sorry for my clumsiness, sirs. It won't happen again."

Mr. Greaves nodded, satisfied. "As punishment, you'll wash their limousine. For free."

As Alex set about his task, he overheard the two men talking.

"Are you attending Eleanor Drake's gala on the 15th?"

"Wouldn't miss it. The woman's not just the richest in the system, she's got her fingers in every pie from here to Alpha Centauri."

Alex's ears perked up at the mention of Eleanor Drake. He'd heard whispers of her wealth and influence.

"I heard she's looking for new investment opportunities. Imagine getting a slice of that pie."

While cleaning the limousine, Alex's thoughts raced. The mention of Eleanor Drake brought to mind visions of extreme wealth and influence. How would it feel to encounter someone similar to them? To possess even a small part of her wealth?

Alex was so wrapped up in his daydream that he hardly noticed the men driving off. He stood there, clutching a sponge, staring at the vacant spot where the limousine used to be.

"Carter!" Mr. Greaves' shout snapped him back to reality. "Stop daydreaming and get back to work. Those drones won't fix themselves."

As Alex trudged back into the shop, his resolve hardened. One day, he'd prove them all wrong – Claire, Fiona, Mr. Greaves, everyone who'd ever doubted him. He'd find a way to rise above this life, to make something of himself.

And maybe, just maybe, Eleanor Drake's gala was the key to making that happen. All he needed was a plan, and the courage to seize his chance when it came.

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