Chapter 3: An Unexpected Proposition

As Alex made his way home, the streets of New Terra were filled with noise and movement. A flurry of concerns about his mother's medical expenses occupied his thoughts as he was suddenly drawn to a disturbance up ahead.

"Someone shouted, 'Eleanor Drake!'"

Curiosity getting the best of him, Alex pushed his way through the growing crowd. In the center of the road was a shiny silver hovercraft, with its engine spluttering and emitting smoke.

An agitated aide shouted for a mechanic while attempting to ward off the staring spectators.

Alex's eyes opened wide as he identified the woman who was standing next to the vehicle. Eleanor Drake, who ranks third in wealth among all individuals in the solar system, appeared thoroughly unimpressed with her present circumstances.

Suddenly, two men darted forward, tools in hand.

"Hey!" Alex shouted, realizing their intent. He lunged forward, grabbing one by the collar. "They're trying to steal the engine parts!"

The crowd rushed forward, and the potential thieves were promptly caught. During the confusion, Alex came upon Eleanor Drake and they found themselves looking at each other directly.

"You, come here," she said, her voice strong and authoritative. "It appears that you have knowledge about engines."

Alex forced himself to gulp. I am a mechanic, madam. "I could check it out if you want."

Eleanor lifted one eyebrow. "Absolutely."

With trembling hands, Alex popped the hood. He immediately spotted the problem – a loose connection in the power coupling. Within minutes, he had the engine purring smoothly.

"Impressive," Eleanor said, studying him intently. "What's your name, young man?"

"Alex Carter, ma'am."

She nodded. "Well, Alex Carter, it seems I owe you a debt of gratitude. Allow me to give you a ride home."

Before Alex could protest, he found himself ushered into the back of the hovercraft. As they glided through the city, Eleanor's piercing gaze never left him.

"So, Alex," she began, "tell me about yourself."

Alex shifted uncomfortably. "There's not much to tell, ma'am. I work at a repair shop in the central market."

"And yet you dream of more, don't you?" Eleanor pressed. "I can see it in your eyes. Ambition. Drive. Tell me, what do you want out of life?"

Alex hesitated, then decided honesty was his best bet. "I want to go to university. To make something of myself. To provide for my mother and never be looked down upon again."

Eleanor's lips curved into a small smile. "Admirable goals. And what's stopping you?"

"Money," Alex admitted. "My mother's ill. The medical bills... there's just never enough left over for tuition."

As they entered Alex's neighborhood, Eleanor's eyes widened slightly at the dilapidated buildings. "I see," she murmured. Then, abruptly, "How would you like to change all that, Alex?"

Alex's heart raced. "What do you mean?"

Eleanor turned to face him fully. "I have a proposition for you. A marriage of convenience."

Alex's jaw dropped. "I... what?"

"It's quite simple," Eleanor continued, her tone businesslike. "I need a husband for... political reasons. You need money and connections. We could help each other."

Alex's mind reeled. "But... why me? You don't even know me."

"I know enough," Eleanor replied. "You're intelligent, resourceful, and clearly driven. With the right guidance, you could go far. In return for this arrangement, I would fund your education, pay for your mother's medical care, and introduce you to the right circles. You'd never have to worry about being ridiculed again."

Alex's thoughts whirled. It sounded too good to be true. "What's the catch?"

Eleanor's lips twitched. "Smart boy. The catch is that our marriage would be a business arrangement, nothing more. You'd be expected to play the part of the devoted husband in public, attend social functions, and support my endeavors. In private, we'd lead separate lives."

"For how long?"

"Let's say... five years. After that, if we both agree, we can divorce amicably. You'll walk away with a fortune and the connections to do whatever you wish."

Alex's heart pounded. It was a chance to change everything, to save his mother, to achieve his dreams. But at what cost?

"I... I don't know what to say," he stammered.

Eleanor's gaze softened slightly. "You don't have to decide right now. Think it over. But don't take too long. This offer won't stand indefinitely."

The hovercraft came to a stop outside Alex's apartment building. As he stepped out, Eleanor handed him a sleek business card.

"Call me when you've made your decision," she said. "And Alex? Whatever you choose, I hope you achieve those dreams of yours."

As the hovercraft glided away, Alex stood on the cracked sidewalk, the business card burning a hole in his pocket. His mind raced with possibilities and doubts.

Could he really marry a stranger for money and opportunity? What would his mother say? And what weren't Eleanor telling him?

But as he looked up at his crumbling apartment building, thought of his mother lying in that hospital bed, and remembered the sneers of Claire and Fiona, a resolve began to form in his chest.

This was his chance. His one shot at changing everything. Could he really afford to let it slip away?

With a deep breath, Alex pulled out the business card and stared at the elegant script. Eleanor Drake's name seemed to shimmer in the fading light.

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