The phoenix: Rise of Liam Black

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The phoenix: Rise of Liam Black

By: DaveSteve OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 20 views: 129

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Liam Black, a young and talented tech enthusiast, grows up in a low-income household with a single mother working multiple jobs. Despite the financial struggles, Liam's mother instills in him a strong sense of self-worth and determination. After his mother's sudden illness, Liam discovers a hidden inheritance from a wealthy and influential relative he never knew. However, this newfound wealth comes with strings attached, as Liam must navigate a complex web of family secrets, and power struggles.

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20 chapters
Chapter one: Someone to save
Liam trudged down the street, his heart was heavy with worry. He was on his way to the hospital to pay his mother's medical bills, he had juggled different jobs these past weeks, not limited from errand boys, bartender in a bar, delivery boy and so much more, he had managed to gathered this amount and he is rushing to the hospital to deposit this so they can begin treatment on his mother.As he turned the corner, he spotted some people across the street, Ryan, Jake, and Alex standing by the wall, they were holding a cigarette by the alleyway.Liam tried to turned back to avoid them seeing him, but Alex had already saw him. "Well, well, well, look what we got here." Alex sneered, calling the attention of Jake and Ryan.Jake, the most vulgar of the three, catcalled, "You little punk, do you think you can run away from us?"Alex, kill his cigarette fire with his hands, walking towards Liam he said, "You're a week late, and I know you're aware of what happens when you're late."Yeah, they
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Chapter two: Unexpected inheritance
Liam walked out of the hospital almost lifeless, he looked up at the busy street, everybody was going about with their business, what was he going to do? Where would he find the money? Would he failed his mother like this?He continued to walk on the curb, as different thoughts occupied his mind, howeverLiam's phone rang, jolting him out of his thoughts. He didn't want to pick it at first, because it was an unknown number, but he eventually answered the phone."Hello""Mr. Black, I'm Johnson, Your mother, Sandra Black's lawyer, I know you might have questions and that's why I'm calling."Liam's glanced at his phone again, it must be one of those scammer calls, because there's no way his mother had a lawyer. Even if she were to have one, it definitely wouldn't be Johnson.Clearly not interested he was just about to hang up the call but Wait a minute how did the person knew his mother's name? also how did he knew his first name was Black? so he asked, "How do you know my mother's name?
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Chapter three: It's the thief
Hilton corporate was one of the largest top corporate that expanded their business all over the world. So hearing a distance uncle left him such huge inheritance, Liam was so surprised that he was still in a daze. Johnson leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together as he began to explain the details of the proposal to Liam."So, as I was saying, the bonuses for heading the Hilton corporations are quite...substantial," Johnson said. Liam raised an eyebrow, he was intrigued despite himself not showing it, but he wasn't very good at hiding it either, "Go on," he said.Johnson leaned forward, his hands gesturing expansively. "Well, first, there's the car. A brand-new, limited-edition Lamborghini Sián. One of only 63 in the world, and it's all yours."Liam's eyes widened slightly, impressed despite his efforts to remain nonchalant. Even though he doesn't really care about the rest, all that mattered to him was to save his mother.Johnson continued, "And then, of course, the
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Chapter four: The real thief is him!
Liam face twisted with distaste as soon as he saw this man. He picked up the document given to him by Mr Johnson and meant to walk away, but the angry Vex Sam pulled him back and said with a sneer, "Where do you think you're going disgusting thief!" Liam felt really angry, but he managed to released Vex Sam grip on his shirt and said coldly, "What thing of yours have I stole? I knocked down your briefcase and I apologize, and now you're holding me back?" Vex Sam face darkened as soon as he heard Liam words. Vex Sam's face twisted in contempt. "You're a thief, a lowly web developer who went stealing things about, and you still dare to talk to me?"Liam's expression remained calm, but his eyes flashed with annoyance. He didn't want a scene, especially not with someone like Vex Sam, who clearly enjoyed belittling others.Seeing Liam didn't say a thing, Vex Sam become more infuriated that he said, "What? You deaf now or something?"Truthfully, while working at the Tech Company, a situa
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Chapter five: Was he a royalty?
Everyone was shocked and surprised. as soon as they saw Liam brought out the pen.Vex Sam tried to get away, but Johnson held him tight. He punched Vex Sam in the face a few times."How dare you lie against Mr. Black?" Johnson shouted as he rained punches on his face, "How dare you call Mr Black a thief!"Vex Sam looked around, trying to escape. But he couldn't.Sam's mind raced, he was certain he had left it in his briefcase, but now it was in his pocket. A sense of unease crept over him, he didn't put the pen there, he had only put it in his briefcase to show off a little, but how did it end up in his pocket?As the truth dawned on the onlookers, their anger shifted from Liam to Vex Sam. They realized they had been deceived, and their sympathy turned to outrage."Shameless thief!" someone shouted at Vex Sam."Liars and thieves don't deserve respect!"Vex Sam's face reddened with shame and anger as the crowd turned on him. He tried to defend himself, but his words fell flat."I didn'
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Chapter six: Impersonation
Liam walked into Citybank. He approached the receptionist, who gaze up to look at him with a mixture of disinterest and annoyance. "Can I help you?" she asked, her tone implying that she'd rather not. This man doesn't look like the type who would come here, his clothes spells a lot."I'm here to see the manager," Liam replied, his voice was gentle and straightforward.The receptionist raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid the manager is in a meeting. And It may take a while."Liam nodded and took a seat. She seemed to expect him to leave, but he remained seated.Twenty minutes passed before the receptionist finally got up and knocked on the manager's door. She entered,Thompson was working on some paperwork in his office, so the moment Emily entered, she bowed and started taking."Sir, there's a man who wants to see you," she said, her voice was low and hesitant.The manager, Mr. Thompson, looked up from his papers, his expression skeptical. "What does he want?"The receptionist hesitated.
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Chapter seven : A grave mistake
As soon as Thompson heard the voice at the door, he turned to look at the door, even all the rest of the people looked in the direction. "Who do you say you are?" Thompson asked looking at the young man who appeared to be over 20 plus years old. He had no idea of who he was. He was equally suspicious of his claim. " I am Liam Black and i believed Mr Johnson had briefed you about why I'm here" "Mr Johnson?" Thompson seemed to be surprised, even more confused, not only had a man claimed to be this Mr Black, another man had came in through the door and declared himself as Mr Black! Whom should he believed out of the two? And if he was to believe one he would still consider John Black whose appearance might be close to someone who was rich. However he was the one to be blamed here, Johnson had only mentioned Mr Black, he didn't bother to ask of the first name of the distinguished guest. He can't possibly ruined his demeanor in front of this people, they were more than fifteen, and tw
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Chapter eight: A billionaire in rags
The men took another step closer to Liam, their fists still clenched. But Thompson stood his ground, "I said you're not going to touch him," he repeated.John Black replied him with a sneer, "Or what, Thompson? You'll call security? Please, do. I'd love to see you try."John Black's face turned red with rage, but Thompson didn't back down. "I mean it, John, none of you can touch Mr. Black unless you're looking for trouble."John took a step forward and said "Get out of the way! Or do you want to share his beating?"Thompson stood his ground, his eyes locked onto John Black's. "I'm not afraid of you," Liam didn't understand what this man want, they came for their different businesses, just why won't he back down? Liam was starting to get annoyed at this instance, so he won't allow Thompson to defend him while he stood cowardly at the back, so he stepped forward and said, "Do not cross the line, I have nothing to do with you"But John Black's face twisted in a snarl. "We'll see about t
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Chapter nine: Whatever it takes to lead
Liam took a taxi back home, reminiscing how Johnson had beaten John Black to a pulp in the city bank the other day. It's not on Liam, John asked for it, and Liam did not beg for mercy on his behalf. Thompson had given him a black card that day after Johnson deal with John, and his men beat up John's men, it was a total defeat. He had also decided to keep the car key in the bank vault, he doesn't like showing off, and moreover, he will be meeting the rest of the Black family which was would be two days later. What excite him most was that he had paid the bills for the surgery and his mother will be going to surgery any time from now. ____________ The day finally came, Liam throw on one of his shirt and trouser, he gave Johnson a call to let him know that he was done. Johnson watched as Liam approached in his black Porsche, his mind wandering to the kind of wealth in this man's possession. It's such a good luck for him to have so much wealth at his disposal.. Even at such a you
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Chapter ten: He's the suitor
Johnson smiled and replied, "I don't think Mut is a very good word ma'am." Margaret gaze hardened as her fist tightened against the chair, clearly offended she chirped coldly, "And what words do you think would be befitting enough Mr Johnson? A beggar? Worthless idiot? Vagabond?" Liam also frowned at those remarks, he wasn't the type to get annoyed easily, but this woman's words were going too far, but all in all, he trusted Johnson and he believes he will have it done. "Those aren't any nicer too." Johnson replied smiling even broadly, as a lawyer, Johnson had delt with a lot of people so he definitely knew how to deal with people like Margaret. Margaret fumed more as her face twisted with distaste as if she ate vinegar, but in the end she could only bit her lips to suppress her retort, to keep her image mattered at this instance, so she only glared at Johnson. Ahem- Johnson cleared his throat and turned to James who seemed to be the eldest of the group, "As I've previously
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