Chapter three: It's the thief

Hilton corporate was one of the largest top corporate that expanded their business all over the world. 

So hearing a distance uncle left him such huge inheritance, Liam was so surprised that he was still in a daze. 

Johnson leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together as he began to explain the details of the proposal to Liam.

"So, as I was saying, the bonuses for heading the Hilton corporations are quite...substantial," Johnson said. 

Liam raised an eyebrow, he was intrigued despite himself not showing it, but he wasn't very good at hiding it either, "Go on," he said.

Johnson leaned forward, his hands gesturing expansively. "Well, first, there's the car. A brand-new, limited-edition Lamborghini Sián. One of only 63 in the world, and it's all yours."

Liam's eyes widened slightly, impressed despite his efforts to remain nonchalant. Even though he doesn't really care about the rest, all that mattered to him was to save his mother.

Johnson continued, "And then, of course, there's the mansion. A stunning, fully-staffed estate in the heart of Beverly Hills. It has ten bedrooms, with twelve bathrooms, and a private movie theater."

It's a freaking palace! Liam thought. 

Johnson pressed on, his smile growing even wider. "And finally, there's the money. Fifteen billion dollars, Mr Black, Tax-free, and all yours. You could buy a small country with that kind of cash."

Liam's eyes snapped back to Johnson's face, "Fifteen billion?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.

Johnson nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, Mr Black. Fifteen billion dollars. And it's not just the money. Because once you accept the inheritance along with it's conditions, you'll be the largest shareholder in Hilton, the position held by your late uncle."

Johnson leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "So, what do you say, Mr Black? Are you ready to take the reins of the Hilton empire?"

Liam hesitated, his mind racing. He didn't know if he was ready for this kind of power, this kind of responsibility. But the temptation was overwhelming, and even so this could be his only chance of saving Sarah.

Johnson sat there thinking, with such power, a person can become invisible and so powerful, and he really hoped Liam would accept this offer, because he also will benefited from it, not only will he becomes the lawyer of one of the most powerful person in the city, his name will soar and promotions will come in.

Liam's eyes dropped to the floor, his mind recalling the memories of the past. He thought of his mother, Sarah, and how she had suffered at the hands of his father's abuse. He thought of how he had been powerless to stop it, powerless to save her even now that she was dying.

He thought of his ex girlfriend, and how she had left him, unable to deal with his financial state.

But most of all, he thought of the shame of being weak and powerless, of being unable to protect those he loved.

And then he looked up at Johnson, all he could see was his key to his salvation. The money, the power, the influence. It was all within his grasp. It only remain for him to reach out to it, and he'll be doing just that.

"I'll do it," Liam said in a firm and resolute voice.

Johnson smiled, feeling very delighted in his heart, "You made an excellent choice, Mr Black I knew you're going to make your mom proud" 

Liam nodded as he thinks he will make sure to use this power to save his mother and make a difference. 

Johnson expression suddenly turned serious. "Mr. Black, now that you're on board, we need to move quickly. Your uncle's passing has created a power vacuum, and the relatives are already circling."

Liam raised an eyebrow, urging Johnson to continue .

Johnson sighed. "They're all going to be trying to get their hands on your uncle's fortune. So you need to make a fit within the six months, show them how capable you are."

Liam shook his head. "I had no idea it would be this messy."

Johnson nodded. "It's always complicated when there's this much money involved"

Liam took a deep breath, if he was going to do this, he must decide now, so he said . "Okay,  When do I meet the family? And when do I get the money?" 

Johnson smiled wryly. "How about this weekend? They will be having a big family gathering, consisting both the minor and major family, I will introduce you as my nephew, that way you'll be able to work under one of the minor family for the period of time,"

Johnson handed Liam a sleek black folder containing the necessary documents. "Here's everything you need, Mr. Black. Take this to CityBank downtown, and they'll issue you a new bank card with unrestricted access to your uncle's accounts. The key to the Lamborghini was stored in the bank vault, so you'll need to retrieve it from there."

Liam took the folder, feeling a surge of excitement, this is really happening for real! He had never handled this kind of wealth before. Not only will his mother be saved, he won't have to struggled to make ends meet anymore.

Johnson continued, "The bank manager will assist you in accessing the vault. Once you have the bank card and the key, you'll be able to access your uncle's accounts and take possession of the Lamborghini."

Liam nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude towards Johnson. "Thanks, I won't let you down."

Johnson's expression turned serious. "I know you won't, Mr. Black. Now, go and collect your bank card and the key to your new car. You have a lot to get used to in the next few days."

Liam exited Johnson's office thinking everything felt like a dream, he was lost in thought when he accidentally bumped into a man walking in the hallway, knocking his briefcase to the ground. The papers in the briefcase went flying everywhere.

The man's face turned red with rage. "You clumsy idiot!" he shouted, Liam quickly bent down and begin to pick up his papers. All while apologizing, "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. See, I'm picking them up."

But the man wouldn't listen. "You think a simple sorry will fix this? You've ruined my entire day you careless fool!"

The man's voice grew louder, attracting a crowd of onlookers. Liam tried again to apologize, but the man just pushed him away and yelled, "Who the heck allowed this stinking thing in here?"

"I thought this was one of the best law offices in the city, but I guess I was wrong if they let poor people like you in."

Liam managed to pick himself up, but the moment their eyes met, his heart sank. The man was Vex Sam, the heir to the technology company where Liam used to work as a web developer. The same man who had accused him of theft and chased him out of the company.

Vex Sam's eyes narrowed as he look at Liam's faded jeans and almost worn out slippers. He recognized Liam immediately, "Oh, it's the thief, I should have known. You're probably here trying to scam someone else. You even knocked my important papers, you're so dead today! I'm going to make you pay!"

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