Chapter two: Unexpected inheritance

Liam walked out of the hospital almost lifeless, he looked up at the busy street, everybody was going about with their business, what was he going to do? Where would he find the money? Would he failed his mother like this?

He continued to walk on the curb, as different thoughts occupied his mind, however

Liam's phone rang, jolting him out of his thoughts. He didn't want to pick it at first, because it was an unknown number, but he eventually answered the phone.


"Mr. Black, I'm Johnson, Your mother, Sandra Black's lawyer, I know you might have questions and that's why I'm calling."

Liam's glanced at his phone again, it must be one of those scammer calls, because there's no way his mother had a lawyer. Even if she were to have one, it definitely wouldn't be Johnson.

Clearly not interested he was just about to hang up the call but Wait a minute how did the person knew his mother's name? also how did he knew his first name was Black? so he asked, "How do you know my mother's name? And who are you!?"

"I'd rather discuss it in person, Mr. Black," Mr. Johnson replied. "Can you come to my office today?"

Liam hesitated. But on a second thought, there's nothing they could get from him, supposed it was a scammer call.

"Yeah, I'll be there," he finally agreed, because he wanted to see this person and ask how he knew his mother, also maybe he would help. Even if it was to borrow him the money, he's going to pay back.

"Good, I'm going to text the address to you, when you get there, go to the receptionist, she will bring you to me, I'll be expecting you, Mr Black."

Liam hung up the phone, thinking could it be true?

A minute after, his phone dinged with a message,

It was an address. He looked it up online and found that it was really an address of the law firm

Many articles were even published in his name.

Pushing back his thoughts, he hailed a taxi to the company

Liam Black stood outside the lawyer's office, his heart still heavy from the lawyers words.

He looked around, he hadn't imagined himself to be here, aside from Wilson and Co Law office being one of the top ten law firm in the city, lawyer Johnson was also a well known lawyer.

Taking a deep breath, he entered into the office and go to the receptionist desk.

At the reception, a stunning young woman with piercing blue eyes and long, curly blonde hair, looked up from her desk. But, her bright smile faltered for a moment as she took a look at Liam's worn jeans and faded t-shirt.

She frowned more seeing his slippers, how could a person be so poor? She didn't even hide her disdain.

"Hello, I'm here to see Mr Johnson"

She squinted and asked, "Do you have an appointment?"

Liam shook his head with embarrassment, except for the call, he didn't have any appointments with him, so he tried to explain to her, "I don't have one, but he called that he wanted to see me"

She snickered with hatred, thinking where had this poor shameless guy come from? She had just started working here, and since she started working, only rich extravagant people come here, but looking at Liam's poor clothes, there's no way he would have an appointment here, "Since you don't have any appointments, I'd advise you go back, Mr Johnson won't see you without any appointments"

"He asked me to tell you to bring me to him, I don't need an appointment," Liam insisted. "I'm here because he invited me ."

The receptionist raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, sir. But without an appointment, you can't see Mr Johnson." Even though she said she's sorry, her expression was screaming, are you deaf or something? Just leave already.

Liam's frustration grew. So he sighed and said, "Can't you just call him and ask if he'll see me?"

The receptionist shook her head. "I've already told you, no appointment, no meeting. Moreover the rules are in place for a reason, so can you just respect yourself and get out now before I called the security to do that for you"

Liam scowled, feeling a sense of injustice. "Fine," he spat. "I'll wait."

The receptionist nodded with satisfaction in her eyes. "You can wait, but don't say I don't warn you, Mr Johnson will be very busy today."

Liam walked to the nearest seat preparing to sit down when he heard a sharp voice shouted behind him, "You can't sit there"

She was hurriedly walking closer, it was the receptionist. "Those seats are meant for the VIP, so you can't sit there" she said with annoyance.

She was already planning how to get rid of him, but now he's planning to stay?

Seeing her again, Liam sighed with frustration, people are sitting on the chairs, and not all of them look like wealthy people.

So why won't this lady rest it?

If it wasn't for his mother, he would've gone back.

But it was at that moment, a man walked into the reception area.

Seeing the situation, his eyes darkened with anger, he had been hearing some noises, so he came to check but how could this lady has the courage to stop Mr Black?

"What are you doing Denny?" He asked her coldly.

Denny hadn't seen her boss that annoyed so she was a little surprised when she heard the proud boss said,

"Mr Black, please, I'm so sorry, she's a new employee so she doesn't understand how things worked around here" he apologized and glared at Denny whose eyes now held an unbelievable expression.

Liam was even more surprised, it indeed was Mr Johnson! It was him. He had seen him in papers and on the news so he recognized him immediately.

Mr Johnson didn't seem to mind as he lead him to his office on that same floor.

It was like a normal lawyer's office – mahogany furniture, a massive desk, and leather bound books.

"Please have a seat" Johnson gestured to Liam.

Liam sat down on a chair facing the man.

"I'm so sorry my receptionist behave like that,"

"It's okay" Liam replied politely, but he was still stunned, thinking why was Johnson addressing him with so much respect?

Johnson cleared his throat, "I'm glad you're here Mr Black. And since you're here, I will get down to business, a distant relative, let just say your recently late uncle left you an inheritance."

Liam's eyebrows shot up. So he asked with surprise, "A distant relative?" Thinking he had no relatives, at least none showed up while they were suffering.

Mr. Johnson nodded. "Yes, a great-uncle you never knew. He passed away recently, leaving behind a substantial fortune. And, for reasons unknown, he chose to leave it to you. You might not know, your mother came from a wealthy family, I was her lawyers for some years, until she broke ties with her family due to the rival and the planned assassination."

All this was so hard to bear, and most importantly, Liam had also wondered why his mother had a slow poison inside of her, when the doctor had first told him that his mother was poisoned, and it was from years ago, a rare kind of poison that destroy a person slowly.

But that wasn't even the case now, since this lawyer knew something about his mom, surely he might help him right?

"Lawyer Johnson, my mom is dying and I needed money for surgery, please help me, even if you can just borrow me... I'll pay it back."

"No, I can't help you Mr Black. Because the one who is going to help you will be non other than you, have you ever wondered what the source of her sickness is? I believe you hadn't, considering the expression on your face. Anyway you will figure that out later,"

"How? How can I save her, tell me.. how?"

"It's quite simple Mr Black, take the inheritance, and your mother will be saved"

Liam was really desperate as he asked, "What are the conditions?" thinking all this can't come for free.

Mr. Johnson leaned forward, his expression was serious. "You're so intelligent Mr Black, of course there are conditions, you have to work under Black's Minor family although they're the minor family, but they're super rich, from them you'll learn business and how to control household."

You must endure being a servant under them for six months, And under disguise that is, after the six months you have to manage one of the Blacks minor company that's at the verge of liquidation and make it successful, you must take a wife too.. without her knowing your real identity, after that you'll be eligible to take possession of the whole inheritance. Hilton corporations."

Liam's eyes widened, Hilton corporate? Were they the same Hilton corporations one of the most biggest corporate not only in the country but everywhere around the globe?

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