Chapter four: The real thief is him!

Liam face twisted with distaste as soon as he saw this man.

He picked up the document given to him by Mr Johnson and meant to walk away, but the angry Vex Sam pulled him back and said with a sneer, "Where do you think you're going disgusting thief!"

Liam felt really angry, but he managed to released Vex Sam grip on his shirt and said coldly, "What thing of yours have I stole? I knocked down your briefcase and I apologize, and now you're holding me back?"

Vex Sam face darkened as soon as he heard Liam words. Vex Sam's face twisted in contempt. "You're a thief, a lowly web developer who went stealing things about, and you still dare to talk to me?"

Liam's expression remained calm, but his eyes flashed with annoyance. He didn't want a scene, especially not with someone like Vex Sam, who clearly enjoyed belittling others.

Seeing Liam didn't say a thing, Vex Sam become more infuriated that he said, "What? You deaf now or something?"

Truthfully, while working at the Tech Company, a situation had happened back then, Liam was falsely accused by Vex Sam who claimed he had saw him took the pen.

The pen was made of gold, it cost about fourty-five thousand dollars.

Liam knew he was conspired against when most workers of the company testify to it.

Liam was labelled a thief when he knew nothing about a pen.

The chairman of Glands Tech Company was really furious at that time that he had the police arrest him. He was locked up for three months, for what he knew nothing about, he got a report sometimes from the junior officers who told him that his mother would kneel and begged the police to released him.

But they didn't, Having been left with no alternative, his mother had cried to the chairman of Glands Tech Company that her son was innocent, yet he had his security throw her out of the company.

It wasn't until three months that he was released, so seeing the same man who had lied that he stole the golden pen, humiliated him, and had him lose his job, Liam was really furious.

But he didn't want to pick any trouble so he said, "get out of my way!"

As soon as Vex Sam declared Liam as a thief, the receptionist who was previously picking trouble with Liam saw that as an opportunity and rushed closer to them.

"What's going on here?" She asked, secretly feeling excited in her heart.

Vex Sam had only heard the voice, he didn't look back as he replied coldly, "This poor stinky thing stole a golden pen in my grandfather's company!"

"Ahh so the peasant stole a golden pen?"

This golden pen thief had made Mr Johnson scolded her, so seeing the perfect opportunity to get back at him, she knew the perfect revenge would be getting Mr Johnson here to see for himself that the peasant he was defending earlier was a lowlife pen thief.

Thinking about that, she rushed towards Johnson's office to tell him.


Liam looked really angry as he said to vex Sam coldly, "I didn't even know there was a golden pen in the chairman's office, how could I possibly steal what I don't know of it's existence?"

"I can assure you, as long as you kneel and begged for what you did, maybe I will let you go" He seized Liam by the collar again, ready to hit him.

But this time, he had went overboard and Liam was even more furious, he angrily forced his hands off his collar, intentionally putting more pressure on squeezing Sam's ankles.

Vex Sam yelled as a striking pain hit him. He was still holding his both hands between his thighs when Liam said, "The pot calling kettle black! Between you and I, who's the thief? Who has the access to the chairman's office at will? Who raised the false alarm?"

Thinking about it, Liam finally realized the hidden truth he couldn't figured out since all this while, this man before him definitely was the golden pen thief! Even so, when he was packing the paper then, he saw something rolled out of it, of course no one recognized it, and Vex Sam was too angry to noticed it, but Liam was not blind to not recognized the pen the policemen kept shoving it's picture in his face everyday, torturing him to spilled out what he didn't know!

Liam was an easy going guy, so he said, "I will be going now, and if you useless trash dare to follow me, I won't be so forgiving!"

After speaking, he was too lazy to talk to vex Sam as he walked towards the door.

But Vex Sam's ego having being wounded, there's no way he would let Liam off. He wanted to teach him a good lesson, at least slap his teeths off!

"Get out of my way" He yelled at the onlookers and quickly followed after Liam, he soon caught up with him and ready to throw his fist at him.

But before he could make contact, a stronger arm intervened, grabbing Vex Sam's wrist and twisting it behind his back.

Vex Sam struggled, but Johnson held him firm. "Are you crazy? What do you think you're doing?" he asked with a cold voice.

Denny who had went to inform Mr Johnson was even more confused, could it be the way she explained to Johnson was not clear enough? So she quickly chimed in breathlessly, "Mr Johnson, He isn't the one who stole the pen"

She pointed to Liam and declared with her teeth clenched, "He did! He stole this innocent mister golden pen"

The room fell silent, as people began to whisper.

"So he's a thief?"

Liam turned to face Denny and said "Repeat it if you dare" his voice was really grave that Denny shivered unconsciously, however she quickly regained her composure and said, "Mr Johnson you mistake him for this gentle man"

Johnson glared at her, as he thought, don't you know who you're talking to? Mr Black would be able buy your entire generation in just few hours to now, could it be she was retarded and didn't notice that he was treating this man with respect?

Denny who didn't understand the signs Johnson was giving her pulled out her phone and said, "I'm going to call 911."

But before she could continue, Johnson's voice boomed through the room. "Denny, are you crazy? shut the h*ll up!"

Denny's eyes widened in shock, her mouth hanging open. This was the first time Johnson had ever yelled at her.

Vex Sam, who took the distraction as an opportunity to attack Liam, was suddenly countered by Johnson, who pinned him down. "You're so dead for touching Mr Black"

Although Johnson was a skilled lawyer, but not a lot of people know he was also a skilled fighter.

Liam walked calmly over to where Vex Sam was pinned down. He squatted beside him, there was a smirk spreading across his face.

"Tell me, who's the thief now?" Liam asked, as he effortlessly pulled out the golden pen and held it up for all to see.

The room fell silent, with all eyes fixed on the golden shining pen, Denny's eyes widened in shock, and Vex Sam's face turned purple with disbelief.

Vex Sam struggled against Johnson's grip, but couldn't break free. "Where did you get that?" his eyes was fixed on the pen with horror.

Liam said coldly, "You're the one who's been accusing me of theft, Sam, But it looks like the real thief is you."

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