Chapter seven : A grave mistake

As soon as Thompson heard the voice at the door, he turned to look at the door, even all the rest of the people looked in the direction.

"Who do you say you are?" Thompson asked looking at the young man who appeared to be over 20 plus years old. He had no idea of who he was. He was equally suspicious of his claim.

" I am Liam Black and i believed Mr Johnson had briefed you about why I'm here"

"Mr Johnson?" Thompson seemed to be surprised, even more confused, not only had a man claimed to be this Mr Black, another man had came in through the door and declared himself as Mr Black! Whom should he believed out of the two?

And if he was to believe one he would still consider John Black whose appearance might be close to someone who was rich. However he was the one to be blamed here, Johnson had only mentioned Mr Black, he didn't bother to ask of the first name of the distinguished guest.

He can't possibly ruined his demeanor in front of this people, they were more than fifteen, and two of them are already claiming to be Mr Black.

And by the way, why hadn't Emily included this self proclaimed Mr Black Liam?

Thompson suspected a foul play, but he didn't show any of his thoughts on the surface as he said, "Alright, alright. I heard there's only one Mr Black coming, but since it was like this, I'll have to bother you to identify yourself and why you're here"

Liam used that medium to walked in, he had saw Emily gathering people who had came before him, and even those who had came after him, but she left him behind. Liam had already guessed what is likely to be going on, so he followed her unnoticeably, but here he was, witnessing another man claiming to be him.

Liam smiled, as the other man who was dressed in an expensive black pant, and blue shirt, his hair was stylishly coiled backwards, he peculiarly looked handsome.

John glanced back to see Liam who had now walked in, he was sure he was not a member of the black family, and by his looks, he didn't have any money... But why was he so composed?

Thompson's eyes widened as he tried to address the situation. "Gentlemen, please, let's not jump to conclusions. Mr. John Black, you claim to be a member of the Black family, and Mr. Liam, you claim to be...well, also Mr. Black."

John Black's face turned red with rage. "This is absurd! I know every member of my family, and I've never seen this...this imposter before!"

Liam remained calm, there was a hint of a smile on his face. "I assure you, Mr. Thompson, I am who I say I am."

John Black sneered, pulling out his phone. "We'll see about that."

He only needed to call his father and the rest will be dealt with almost immediately, by then, he will see if this Liam still have the face to say nonsense again, "Father, there's a poor loser here claiming to be a member of Black." He paused for a moment, listening to the response. "Yes, I'm sure...No, I've never seen him before...Yes, I'll hold."

Liam's eyes never left John Black ones as he pulled out his own phone and dialed a number. "Mr Johnson, there's a little problem I'd like you to resolve for me here,"

Thompson didn't know whether to laugh or cry, during his years of working as the bank manager of Citybank, he hadn't been met with this situation before. He'll just wait and let them identify themselves.

Liam paused to listen to Thompson for a moment and said again.

"Yes, I'm inside the office of Mr Thompson but someone here won't let me have a moment with him, please clarify the situation for Mr. Thompson."

Liam stretched the phone to him, but Thompson hesitated as he glanced around, before he finally took the phone, listening intently.

His eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Liam with newfound respect. "I apologize, Mr. Black. It seems there's been a mistake."

So this looser was really Mr Liam Black? Unbelievable.


John Black's face turned even more purple with anger. "What do you mean? This looser is not a member of the black family! Anyway My father is sending men over to take care of this...this fake!"

Thompson stood up and said firmly, "Mr. John, I think it's time for you to respect yourself and leave. You're in the presence of a very important person, and I won't have you offending him. Your behavior is unbecoming," Thompson knew no matter what, this composed Mr Liam Black was the real deal.

So how could he remain seated while, John spouted rubbish words to him?

Thinking of the way Johnson addressed this Mr Black, he even fear Mr Black could jeopardize his career, wouldn't it be over for him then? So he was ready to curry favor with him.

Thompson turned to the others in the room. "I think that's all for today. Please, everyone, leave." He had to send them off as soon as possible since he had already identify Mr Black, so he could have the private time with him.

The room began to clear, but John Black refused to move. "I won't leave until this imposter is exposed!"

Thompson stepped forward, "John, please. Don't make me have to ask you again." He couldn't bear to call him Mr again, because he thinks his behaviour was really unbecoming.

But John Black stood his ground, his anger boiling over..

Just as it seemed like the situation was under control, Emily suddenly rushed to block the door. "I'm sorry, gentlemen, but you can't enter. Mr. Johnson is busy."

But one of the men dressed in black suits and exuding an aura of confidence and power growled, "We're not here for you, get out of the way bitch!" They pushed their way in as Emily fall on the ground, but they didn't even spare her another glance.

John Black's face lit up with delight. "Ah, perfect timing! I told you he was a poor loser, but you wouldn't listen. Now, it's on you, not me!"

Liam's eyes narrowed as he watched the men approach. He seemed unfazed, but Thompson could sense a hint of tension in his body.

The men faces were twisted in menacing scowl as one of them declared, " You're coming with us" he cracked his knuckles after, obviously prepared for a fight.

Thompson stepped forward, his voice was firm. "I don't think so. Mr. Liam Black is a respected guest in my office, and I won't have him treated like this."

John on the other hand had a smug smile on his face as she watched the men sent by his father, without even knowing he was making a grave mistake.

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