Chapter six: Impersonation

Liam walked into Citybank. He approached the receptionist, who gaze up to look at him with a mixture of disinterest and annoyance.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her tone implying that she'd rather not. This man doesn't look like the type who would come here, his clothes spells a lot.

"I'm here to see the manager," Liam replied, his voice was gentle and straightforward.

The receptionist raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid the manager is in a meeting. And It may take a while."

Liam nodded and took a seat. She seemed to expect him to leave, but he remained seated.

Twenty minutes passed before the receptionist finally got up and knocked on the manager's door. She entered,

Thompson was working on some paperwork in his office, so the moment Emily entered, she bowed and started taking.

"Sir, there's a man who wants to see you," she said, her voice was low and hesitant.

The manager, Mr. Thompson, looked up from his papers, his expression skeptical. "What does he want?"

The receptionist hesitated. "I'm not sure, sir. He doesn't look like...our typical clients. He's not dressed like someone who would be doing business with us."

Thompson's expression turned dismissive. "Then why bother me with it?"

The receptionist shrugged. "I thought you should know, sir."

Thompson waved his hand dismissively. "I have important things to attend to. Don't bother me with irrelevant matters."

Just as the receptionist was about to return to her desk, Mr. Thompson called out to her.

"Wait, Emily. Come back here for a moment."

Emily turned around, "Yes, sir?"

Thompson leaned forward, his voice taking on a serious tone. "A very important person is coming to visit us today. I want to make sure you're on your best behavior."

Emily's eyes widened slightly, she soon nodded and said, "Yes, sir. Of course."

"This person is not someone to be trifled with. They are extremely influential and will not hesitate to take offense if they're not treated with the utmost respect."

Emily nodded, her expression was solemn. "I understand, sir. I'll be sure to be extra courteous."

Mr. Thompson nodded, "See that you are. I don't want any mistakes today."

The receptionist nodded and returned to her desk, She glanced at Liam, who was still seated, his eyes fixed on her. So she walked up to him.

"The manger is busy right now, I'll let you know when the manager is available," she said curtly, turning back to her work.

Liam nodded, his expression was unreadable. He continued to wait, but he soon realized was seemingly forgotten by the receptionist.

It has been over an hour that Liam had been waiting in the reception area of Citybank.

Liam's phone suddenly rang, breaking the silence. Thank goodness it was Johnson, Liam was about to give him a call,

He answered his phone. "Mr Johnson."

"Hello Mr Black, you haven't got back to me, I was wondering if you're having any issues you'd want me to solve for you?" Johnson asked.

"I'm still at Citybank, waiting to see the manager," Liam replied, his tone was neutral.

"What do you mean? I made sure Thompson cleared his schedule for you. There's no way he should be busy."

Liam's eyes narrowed slightly. "That's what I thought. But apparently, he's been in a meeting for over an hour now."

"At least, that's what I was told" he knew the more time he waste, the more his mother's survival dwindle.

Johnson's voice turned apologetic. "I'm so sorry, Mr Black, I'll get to the bottom of this. Can you hold for a minute?"

Liam nodded, even though Johnson couldn't see him. "Yeah, I can hold."

Johnson put Liam on hold and quickly dialed Thompson's number, thinking what was Thompson doing? He had explicitly instructed him to clear his schedule for Liam. So why was Mr Black still waiting in the reception area?

Johnson's voice was firm as he spoke to Thompson on the phone. "Thompson, I specifically instructed you to clear your schedule for Mr. Black. Why is he still waiting at the reception?"

Thompson, who was caught off guard quickly defended himself. "I've been waiting for the distinguished guest. I haven't seen him yet."

Johnson's tone turned skeptical. " You mean Mr. Black? He's been waiting for over an hour in the reception! They wouldn't let him in!"

Thompson's voice faltered. "Oh, no, no, Johnson. I mean...I hadn't realized...I apologize for the mistake."

"See that Mr. Black is attended to immediately. I expect him to be treated with the utmost respect as soon as possible."

Thompson hastened to comply. "Yes, Johnson. Right away. I'll have my receptionist fetch him immediately."

Thompson hung up the phone and quickly called out to his receptionist. "Emily, please escort all of the guest who had arrived over one hour to my office right away."

"Alright sir "

Emily hesitated, unsure if she should include Liam in the group of guests to be escorted to Thompson's office. He had indeed arrived over an hour ago, but he didn't look like the kind of distinguished guest Thompson would be expecting. His worn clothes and unassuming demeanor made him blend in with the ordinary crowd, not the high-priority clients Thompson usually dealt with.

She decided to err on the side of caution and left Liam sitting in the reception area, instead she gathered the guests who had arrived over an hour ago, deliberately excluding Liam. She couldn't believe Thompson would want to see someone who looked so out of place among the bank's usual client.

Liam's worn clothes and disheveled appearance made him stand out for all the wrong reasons.

She led the group to Thompson's office, Emily felt a sense of satisfaction at having correctly interpreted Thompson's instructions. She was sure Liam wasn't the kind of person Thompson wanted to see.

Thompson looked up at Emily and the group of guests she brought in. "Ah, excellent. This are all of them? you've brought the guests who arrived over an hour ago right?"

She nodded, thinking she was telling the truth, Thompson sent her off, as he began to address the group, "Mr Black, I'm so sorry I couldn't recognize you, but can you please identify yourself so I can send the rest back?"

He had just finished speaking when one man spoke up. " I believe you're looking for me. My surname is Black."

Thompson's eyes narrowed. "And your first name is?"

The man hesitated. "I'm John Black."

"Are.... you sure you're Mr Black?"

John's eyes darted around the room. "I assure you, i am Black."

Thompson's eyes lingered on the man, unsure what to make of him. But just as he was about to press further, a voice spoke up from the doorway.

"...I think there's been a mistake,"

All eyes turned to the doorway, where a figure stood, his eyes were fixed intently on Thompson.

"Who are you?" Thompson demanded.

The figure stepped forward, he casually said. "I am Liam Black. And I think the man who just claimed to be me is impersonating me."

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