Chapter eight: A billionaire in rags

The men took another step closer to Liam, their fists still clenched. But Thompson stood his ground, "I said you're not going to touch him," he repeated.

John Black replied him with a sneer, "Or what, Thompson? You'll call security? Please, do. I'd love to see you try."

John Black's face turned red with rage, but Thompson didn't back down. "I mean it, John, none of you can touch Mr. Black unless you're looking for trouble."

John took a step forward and said "Get out of the way! Or do you want to share his beating?"

Thompson stood his ground, his eyes locked onto John Black's. "I'm not afraid of you,"

Liam didn't understand what this man want, they came for their different businesses, just why won't he back down? Liam was starting to get annoyed at this instance, so he won't allow Thompson to defend him while he stood cowardly at the back, so he stepped forward and said, "Do not cross the line, I have nothing to do with you"

But John Black's face twisted in a snarl. "We'll see about that..."

A thought suddenly came to him, so he smiled and said, "If you could fall on your knees right now and lick my shoes clean, beg for mercy, then maybe I could tell my guys to avoid your filthy face while beating you up."

Liam's face remained impassive, but Thompson could see the anger simmering beneath the surface. Thompson's own anger was boiling over, but he kept his cool, knowing, he only needed a word from Liam to deal with this people.

This could after all be his chance of currying favour with Mr Black.

Although Liam was very angry, he still wants to talk this out with John, "I don't know you, and I don't want any trouble from you, but if you keep this up, I won't act very nice. I'm warning you."

John Black laughed again, thinking Liam was bragging, "Oh, I'm shaking in my boot, You think you're tough? You think you can take on me and my guys? I don't think so."

Thompson took another step forward, his eyes blazing with anger. "That's enough, John Black," he growled. "Leave here with your people at once!."

But John Black just kept pushing. " I'm just getting started I'm not leaving here unless I got what I want. And right now, I want to see him beg."

Liam's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched. "Don't say I don't warn you" he said, his voice was very cold now.

The truth is, although Liam had always been a kind and gentle person, but any gentle person would flare up if you push them beyond the edge. And this person was wasting his time, who knew what was going on in the hospital right now?

Thompson also couldn't take any more of the bullshit as he pulled out his phone and dialed Johnson's number.

John Black, thinking it was still a joke, chuckled and said, "Oh, great, Thompson's calling his mommy."

But Thompson's expression was dead serious. "Mr Johnson, we have a situation here, there's is a man here who called himself John Black and he's threatening Mr Black and refusing to back down."

"Give me five minutes, Thompson. I'll be there."

Thompson nodded, even though Johnson couldn't see him. "Got it." He hung up the phone and turned back to John Black, who was still smirking.

"Looks like Thompson's phone call didn't scare me," John said, his guys were chuckling behind him.

But Thompson just smiled. "You'll see."

His guards who had been standing back finally make a move but John stop them, thinking it would be more satisfying if he took care of Liam himself. So he said, "No need to get you guys involved I will take care of him myself."

His guys looked at each other uncertainly, but John Black just waved them off. "I want to handle this one personally."

He raised his hand to slap Liam, but Liam was quicker. He caught John Black's wrist in mid-air and twisted it, slapping him back with a loud crack.

The sound echoed through the room, and John Black's eyes widened in shock and pain.

Liam's eyes was blazing with anger. "Don't ever try to touch me again."

John Black's face turned red with rage, his eyes was bulging in their sockets. "You dare slap me... you'll pay for that,"

He was planning to go have his guys beat Liam up when his phone rang.

He really angry at that moment so he didn't want to pick, but after seeing it was his father, he quickly answered the phone. But the icy tone on the other end of the line made his expression turned grave.

"John, what have you done?" his father's voice thundered.

He hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "I, uh, I was just dealing with some guy who was disrespecting me, Father."

"Disrespecting you?" his father's voice was incredulous. "You mean the guy who's connected to Mr Johnson? The same Johnson who's been helping us secure our business deals?"

John's eyes darted to Liam, who was still standing tall, surrounded by his guys. He swallowed hard before answering. "What dad? He's just a poor looser, there's no way he would be connected to Johnson "

His father's voice was really furious. "You idiot, our business is on the line because of your foolishness, Johnson's been helping us get ahead, and you go and mess it up by picking a fight with his associate?"

John Black took a step back, his eyes wide with fear. "I didn't know, Father..."

"You didn't know?" His father scoffed angry,

"Don't think you have a house to return to if you don't clean up your mess! You're on your own!"

Although John Black was also part of the Blacks family, but they've always been little compared to the minor family not to mention the main, and they strongly depended on the minor family, so if the Blacks dare cut ties with them, then they're done for. Could Liam be a billionaire in rags?

John Black's eyes widened in terror as he fell to his knees, begging Liam for mercy. But before he could even utter a word, the door burst open and a group of massive men, twice the size of John's guards, strode in.

At the forefront of the group was an imposing figure, his eyes was blazing with fury.

"Mr Black, is this the one who's been causing you trouble?" Johnson asked,

Liam nodded, his eyes still flashing with anger. "Yes, that's him."

Johnson didn't even give John a chance to beg. With a swift and merciless kick, he sent John crashing to the ground. John's eyes went wide as he struggled to breathe, his chest burning from the impact.

"You dare to threaten Mr Black?" Johnson's voice was like thunder, shaking the very foundations of the room. "You dare to disrespect him?"

John Black cowered on the ground, his hands raised in a futile attempt to ward off the blows that were sure to come. But Johnson just stood over him, his chest heaving with rage, his eyes blazing fiercely. "You're going to regret for ever crossing Mr Black,"

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