Chapter nine: Whatever it takes to lead

Liam took a taxi back home, reminiscing how Johnson had beaten John Black to a pulp in the city bank the other day.

It's not on Liam, John asked for it, and Liam did not beg for mercy on his behalf.

Thompson had given him a black card that day after Johnson deal with John, and his men beat up John's men, it was a total defeat.

He had also decided to keep the car key in the bank vault, he doesn't like showing off, and moreover, he will be meeting the rest of the Black family which was would be two days later.

What excite him most was that he had paid the bills for the surgery and his mother will be going to surgery any time from now.


The day finally came, Liam throw on one of his shirt and trouser, he gave Johnson a call to let him know that he was done.

Johnson watched as Liam approached in his black Porsche, his mind wandering to the kind of wealth in this man's possession. It's such a good luck for him to have so much wealth at his disposal.. Even at such a young age.

He couldn't help being jealous, but,

As Liam neared the car, Johnson quickly got out to open the door for him. "Mr. Black, please," he said, trying to sound dignified.

But Liam smiled politely and waved him off. "No need, Mr Johnson. I can get in myself." Liam can Open the car door himself, so there's no way he would allow Mr Johnson to do such things for him.

Johnson nodded, feeling a slight twinge of embarrassment. They both got into the car, and drove off towards the Black's family estate.

The car continued to drive, and Johnson couldn't help but steal glances at Liam through the front mirror, wondering what it was about him that had brought such success and prosperity at such a young age. He soon pushed the thoughts aside to focus on the road ahead. "We're almost there, Mr. Black," he said.


The car arrived at a huge estate, The estate was so beautiful and there were several bodyguards guarding the estate, the estate grandeur almost take Liam's breath away as his eyes widened in awe. "Wow, this is incredible," he said.

Johnson smiled. "We're here, Mr. Black. Welcome to the Blacks family estate ."

Liam stepped out of the car, and Johnson followed and they walked up to the entrance.


In a huge meeting room of the Blacks, the family were holding a meeting to discuss about the family leader Edward Black who had died just few weeks ago, and to discussed about who will be taking his place temporarily.

"I think Emily will be a great choice, she has worked hard for this family after all," Uncle James said, with full confidence and pride in his voice. Thinking If he put his daughter in charge, isn't that just like having the complete control over the Black family's affairs? She will do his bidding, and he will be the one pulling the strings. She was his daughter after all.

Micheal Black, James younger brother eye's darkened, How could he let Emily get in the way of his own way of making it bigger?

He will make sure to undermine her at every turn, he knew his brother was just like a poison so he said, "I don't know, elder brother, but I think, Emily's a bit too soft for the role. We need someone with a bit more... bite."

"That's right," Their older sister Margaret chimed in, "I agree, although Emily has always searved this family, but how can we let this family to be led by a woman? Wouldn't that makes us loose face?"

"In my own opinion, I think Michael would be a better fit," she added with a sweet smile spreading across her face. She only need to flatter him and she knew Micheal chances of taking the place exceeded Emily's own, so she was one to go with the advantages.

Michael better remember her in the future.

"I'm sure that's a good idea, or what do you think?," She raised her eyebrows questionably.

But James jaws only clenched with anger, Michael was a manipulative person and too... unpredictable. Although the latter was his junior brother, he didn't trust Michael as far as he can throw him. He's always looking out for himself.

But if he say it, all of the people here would think he was jealous which was actually, the truth.

Although Michael was really excited at the suggestion. But he pretended to be unmoved as he said "I'm willing to serve, of course if you want me to, you know I will always do things for the good of my family."

In truth, Micheal didn't care whatever it will takes to get ahead, even if it means stepping on his own family members.

They were still talking when a man entered into the meeting, there were another two men walking behind him.

The butler cleared his throat to announce the arrivals. "I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting but Mr. Johnson, a renowned lawyer, and... Mr. Liam Blackwood are here, are here to see you."

"Actually, to discuss an important issue that could only be solved today, so I apologize for my interruption." Johnson added to the butler words.

The family's eyes widened in surprise, they briefly forgot their conversations, as they turned to gaze at the two men, the butler knew well not to interrupt the family meeting, which means whatever it is this man had to say must be important.

James frowned as he thought who is this Liam Blackwood? And why has he never heard of him before?

Margaret's gaze lingered on Liam's disheveled appearance, he looks like a vagabond. So what could he possibly want with their family

No one was preparing to talk at that time, but Michael's wasn't the type that has alot of patience so his voice was first to cut through the silence, "And why exactly are you here, Mr. Johnson?"

Johnson cleared his throat, he didn't drawled, he only went straight to the point, "I've heard of the late Edward Black, the elder of the Black family, who passed away recently. My condolences on that, I should have discussed this over an appointment, but I know after appointing the new leader, there will be no opportunity for this nephew of mine who has been looking for job for a long time, can you please consider him for my sake?"

Margaret's eyes narrowed, her grip on her chair tightening. "So you mean you Interrupt our meeting because of this Mut?"

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