Chapter ten: He's the suitor

Johnson smiled and replied, "I don't think Mut is a very good word ma'am."

Margaret gaze hardened as her fist tightened against the chair, clearly offended she chirped coldly, "And what words do you think would be befitting enough Mr Johnson? A beggar? Worthless idiot? Vagabond?"

Liam also frowned at those remarks, he wasn't the type to get annoyed easily, but this woman's words were going too far, but all in all, he trusted Johnson and he believes he will have it done.

"Those aren't any nicer too." Johnson replied smiling even broadly, as a lawyer, Johnson had delt with a lot of people so he definitely knew how to deal with people like Margaret.

Margaret fumed more as her face twisted with distaste as if she ate vinegar, but in the end she could only bit her lips to suppress her retort, to keep her image mattered at this instance, so she only glared at Johnson.

Ahem- Johnson cleared his throat and turned to James who seemed to be the eldest of the group, "As I've previously said, this nephew of mine." He gestured to Liam to come forward, which he did, "He will be married into the minor family with a decent job, and if you have any doubt to this, here is something that will prove to you that everything I've said is true." He took out an envelope and handed it to James.

James hesitated as he didn't want to collect the envelope, he scrutinized his face but eventually collect it, he briefly scanned the paper then he suddenly asked while still engrossed in reading the content of the letter, "You mean this was the real signature? Are you sure this is not fabricated?" He was staring at Johnson's face now.

"Of course not, as I've earlier introduced, I'm a lawyer, and there was once I helped Mr Edward Black over some issue, and in reward he asked me to take any of his granddaughter as my bride, but you see I have a lovely wife, so I humbly declined, however I recommended my nephew here for the offer." Johnson explained with a bright smile.

James passed the letter to Micheal as he turned to Emily and started saying, "Well, that being the case, the Black's always keep to our promise, and since the previous leader had promised a marriage to this young man, then we must contact one of the minor family-"

The words remained unfinished as Margaret impatiently cut in, "You can't really mean to have this poor, obviously a golddigger wed into the family, even if it's Minor, they still carry the surname Black!"

"There's nothing we can do to it, " James collect back the letter from Micheal and showed it to her, "See for yourself, it's the late Edward's signature!"

Micheal was equally displeased, how could they allow this beggar looking idiot into their family so he said, "Elder brother, I think we should rethink this decision, I don't think..."

"You don't think what? This is quite simple actually, we throw him to one of the minor family members, it's not like we ask anyone from the upper family to accept him, so what's there to loose anyway? He got married, promised is fulfilled, and we got nothing to loose, doesn't that solves it?" James raised his eyebrows.

"It's actually considerable, I guess we should." Micheal agreed with a fake smile.

Having gotten the results he wanted, Johnson was pleased as he thanked Old James, "Thank you for fulfilling the late master request, he must also be pleased now wherever he is."

"Not leaving?" Margaret asked scornfully. More of impatiently.

Johnson replied with the same wide smile, "Of course ma'am, we'll be gone before you even knew it."

But she merely rolled her eyes and mumbled, "Whatever "

James was the oldest on the sitting, so it's normal he took actions immediately, he took out his phone and make a call to someone, after talking for a while he hung up the call and turned to look at Liam, "Young Man, and Mr Johnson, one of the minor family will received you, and for confirmation, you must go there today, I was talking to the young man, because In a weeks time, the marriage will take place. Here's the address."

"Thank you." Johnson replied and so him and Liam walked out of the estate.

As soon as they got to Johnson's car, he pat Liam's back and said, "Today might just be the day we part, until the six months is over, and you should know that from hereafter, your ability matters a lot, and also you must keep your head low, but if the needs arises, I'll be a call away anytime." Johnson assured.

"I've always been keeping my head low," Liam simply replied.

After leaving the estate, Johnson and Liam got into the car and drove towards the address given to them by old James.

It took a while to get there, the car soon stopped before a beautiful mansion.

They got down and approached the gate, Johnson was planning to introduce himself but the security man curtly said, "Yeah .. I was informed about your coming."

"Then we'll just pass."

"Whatever." He mumbled.

They rang the doorbell when they got to the door and soon, a fair lady in maids attire came to open the door for them, she stepped aside for them to enter.

The moment they stepped in, there were several people in the sitting room. The madam of the family, Mrs Elena after receiving a message from James, one who belonged to the upper family, he had gathered all the people in her family to receive the suitor who was to marry her granddaughter.

Having seen Johnson, Carolina eyes brightened, she was the favorite granddaughter of Mrs Elena, that was really obvious as she was sitting by her side, she's fair skinned with plum lips and has pair of long fair legs, a real looker, and delicate beauty.

She thought she must have Johnson, she even whispered to her mother who was sitting on the couch next to the sofa she shared with Elena, "Mother, this young man is so handsome, and looking at his appearance, he must be rich, let me marry him mother."

But her mother mouthed to her, "Didn't you have Freddie?"

She pouted contemptuously, "But this one is richer."

Elena smiled brightly and said, "You must be the young man who would be marrying into our family right? But why did you also have to bring your driver in? He's not even properly dressed..."

Johnson maintained his smile as he clarify, "I'm afraid not, I only bring my nephew here to introduce to you, he's the suitor, not me."

Then the room fell into silence.

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