The Golden Eye System

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The Golden Eye System

By: Bella Starr Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 31 views: 153

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Lucian Storm knew there was a void in his past. At just five years old, he found himself swimming to shore, unaware of his own identity. He was found and saved by a mafia lord who was interested in him after seeing that the boy was stronger than an average human. Not just that, his irises… they were gold. Raised as a skilled gangster, he grew into a wealthy and handsome man. However, his downfall came when he fell for a woman. He could have died, but his Golden Eye System activated, revealing to him the secrets that lie on Earth and giving him the power to fight his enemies— the demons living among humans. In the process, he also uncovered the truth about his past.

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31 chapters
Metro City/Meadow Bridge
In the spring season, it was still warm and cold in Metro City.On a straight road, an Audi commercial vehicle sped ahead.At the wheel was a woman with bright hazel eyes, radiating a cheerful smile as she occasionally glanced at her boss through the rear-view mirror. Her attire—a black blouse and blazer—accentuated her cleavage, while her tailored black skirt accentuated her toned thighs.But Lucian Stone, who was sitting in the back seat was holding a book, more focused on the pages without a care in the world. He was also dressed in black, and his aura was unique.Suddenly, the car jolted as it made a sharp turn, the abrupt movement disrupting the vehicle’s steady pace. The unexpected jolt pulled Lucian’s attention away from the pages of his book. Curiosity drew him to glance up momentarily.Sensing the disturbance, the woman quickly said with reverence, “Please forgive me, boss. Feel free to continue with your book.”Though she wanted his eyes on her, she couldn't actually say th
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They have no idea who he is
‘How could Dana forget to remind me to change? Damn it!’He looked so different that even his wife, Riya Stone Wellington, couldn’t stop staring at him.The man before her was almost unrecognizable compared to the disheveled, casually dressed figure she knew. While he had always been handsome, this transformation revealed a whole new level of attractiveness.Riya, too, looked stunning as she stood up from the sofa, wearing a seductive black lace outfit. Her long, straight black hair framed her beautiful face, and her fair skin and enticing figure were on full display.However, Lucian wasn’t in the mood to admire her.He had never seen her wear that lace before.The room was thick with stares, confusion, and silence.It remained that way until Madame Verna Wellington, an older version of Riya, cleared her throat to draw everyone’s attention. Pointing an accusatory finger at Lucian, she shouted, “Hey, what do you think you’re doing, dressing like that?! Who are you trying to impress wi
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Keep your distance
Madame Verna rose to her feet, glaring at Lucian, who instinctively took a step back, realizing the gravity of his words. She asked him, her voice dripping with disbelief, “What did you just say to me?”Lucian swallowed hard, casting a quick glance at Riya before responding, “You expect me to do these menial house chores and then want me out of your family? You are gonna have to change the latter to get the former. Nothing comes for free.”Madame Verna’s face contorted with rage. “You son of a bitch!” she screamed, her fury palpable. “Who do you think you are, talking to me like that? For three years, you’ve been freeloading in my house, contributing nothing! You must think you’re clever, don’t you?”Lucian nodded calmly. “Actually, I do have a high IQ. I don’t usually brag about it, but I graduated summa cum laude from one of the most prestigious—”SLAP.The sound echoed in the room as Madame Verna’s hand struck Lucian’s cheek.“Who cares about that when it hasn’t landed you a job t
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Pregnant for who?!
The next day, Lucian rose early, determined to prepare a lavish and delicious breakfast. He hoped to mend the rift with his wife and mother-in-law after yesterday. Despite his frustration, he felt it was wise not to aggravate them further.As he was busy in the kitchen, his small phone rang. It was his father. The Godfather.Lucian sighed as he answered, “I told you not to call me on this number, Godfather.”“Lucian, you don’t carry that other phone with you all the time. What are you doing? I have something that requires your immediate attention,” the Godfather’s voice came through, insistent and urgent.“Godfather, my marriage is in a crisis right now, and I need to focus on fixing it. Ask Drake or someone else to handle whatever it is,” Lucian responded, shaking his head as he stirred the sauce simmering on the stove.“Your marriage has always been in crisis, son!” the Godfather snapped, frustration evident in his tone. “Stop being so difficult! I need you specifically for this t
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Is this the end?
“Lucian?!” Madame Verna hissed, her voice rising in a harsh whisper. “I told you to stop sleeping with him!”Riya shifted uneasily, her eyes flitting nervously to Lucian to ensure he wasn’t paying attention. He remained engrossed in his phone, oblivious to their conversation.“I did stop, Mom! It was just that one night months ago. I couldn’t help it, okay?”Madame Verna pressed her palm to her forehead, clearly exasperated. “Oh, for God’s sake, Riya. Not again. How many times have you had to terminate a pregnancy because of him? How many times have you aborted his child? I explicitly told you to take every precaution to avoid this situation. So why does it keep happening?”Riya looked down, her voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know.”Madame Verna sighed heavily, her tone firm as she continued, “We’ll have to change our plans for today. Forget the divorce for now, we need to take care of this. You are going to get rid of that baby. We can’t let anything jeopardize our chances of
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System initializing…
Two weeks later.[Golden Eye System initializing…]Lucian lay half-awake on the hospital bed, his vision blurred and his senses dulled when he saw shimmering words appear before his eyes, accompanied by a monotone female voice in his head.[Host has met the requirements…][Commencing integration process…]He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling his blood surge through his veins with overwhelming intensity. A sudden, excruciating headache gripped him, as if his skull was about to split open. Clutching his head, his breaths came in heavy, labored gasps. The machines around him began to react to his distress—monitors beeped frantically, the rhythmic hum of the heart monitor escalating into a rapid, piercing alarm.The mechanical ventilator, which had been helping regulate his breathing, emitted a sharp, continuous whine, signaling a disruption. The alarms and beeps was enough to catch the immediate attention of the doctors and nurses nearby, and they rushed into the room.[Linking to host i
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Devastating news
“The doctor said your survival was nothing short of miraculous given the nature of the accident,” Dana began, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “You were hit by two vans, Lucian—hit front and back. They said it would be impossible to survive, considering the extent of your injuries. You broke so many bones.”Lucian listened, his gaze fixed on her as memories started to surface. He recalled heading to meet Jakob when the vans seemingly appeared out of nowhere.“How did you not see two vans coming straight at you, Lucian? If you had died, what would have happened to the rest of us now that the Godfather is gone?” Drake’s voice was filled with anger and frustration, his scolding words piercing through the haze of pain and confusion.Lucian turned to Drake, still wrestling with the shocking news of the Godfather’s death. The weight of the situation bore down on him, making his head spin.He attempted to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through his back, forcing him to remain still. His
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Memory retrieval 1
Lucian remembered a happy family.His mother, Elena Winchester, always wore a bright smile, and his father, Davis Winchester, seemed devoted to making her happy. Their family life was filled with joy, frequent outings, and Davis would often return home with gifts and flowers for Elena after a long day at work.Then he caught his mom crying one day in the living room.FlashbackElena Winchester, a strikingly beautiful young woman, sat on the sofa, tears streaming down her face. She turned and saw her five-year-old son peeking at her from behind a wall.With a tremor in her voice, she called out, “Draco, you can come out now. There’s no need to hide; I can see you.”The little boy, with his short, dirty blonde hair and captivating blue eyes, approached her with a look of concern. His chubby face, though sad, retained its adorable quality.He walked over to his mother and said simply, “You’re crying, Mom.”Elena managed a weak laugh through her tears, wiping her face with a towel. “Yes,
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Memory retrieval 2
Felicia, enraged, clenched her teeth and glared at Draco, who returned the stare before retreating to his room to cry.The next day, Draco attempted once more to convince his father that Felicia was involved in his mother’s death, but Davis remained unconvinced.“Your mother died in an accident, Draco! It was a tragic accident, nothing more. I understand you want to find someone to blame, but Felicia had nothing to do with it. She’s pregnant and due soon. I need to focus on your mother’s funeral arrangements. I can’t deal with this right now, so let it go!” Davis scolded, his frustration evident.Draco watched as his father walked away, and Felicia, who had overheard the conversation, found him to be an irritating obstacle. She was gonna end him anyway, so why not do it as fast as possible?Two days after Elena’s burial, Davis was still deeply grieving and continued to argue with Draco, dismissing his claims as fanciful. Accepting Draco’s theories would mean acknowledging that he was
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At the Columbarium
[Memory retrieval sucessful][Healing capacity currently at 60%]Lucian gasped as he awoke, his eyes snapping open in shock, his breaths heavy as he finally remembered who he was. His mother, his father, Felicia, and Jakob all came rushing back into his mind.Nearby, Dana and Drake were arguing in hushed tones.“I’m sorry, but this is on you, Drake. You keep stressing him out!” Dana scolded in a whisper. “You shouldn’t have told him about Godfather’s death when he hasn’t fully recovered. You were too quick and didn’t even consider how he’d feel!”Drake looked at Dana, struggling for a response, and then noticed Lucian’s eyes were wide open.“Your precious boss is awake. Now, go exert your focus on him instead,” Drake said, turning her toward Lucian.Dana’s eyes widened, and she quickly rushed to Lucian’s side. “You’re finally awake, boss! It’s been hours! You had us—had me—worried.”Lucian exhaled heavily, his mind still reeling. It felt like he had just experienced an awakening.So,
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