Bounce Back With The Spin System

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Bounce Back With The Spin System

By: Pein Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 40 views: 329

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Sardat Vettel is an errand boy for the Skull Gangster, who always has his pride trampled on. He rose from adversity after getting the Spin System. [Spin system installed! Today's Spin Prize....]

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  • Pein


    Happy reading, waiting for your support for my fifth book. Thank you.

    2024-08-18 21:49:26
  • Gasuga


    Add the Author's update!

    2024-08-27 11:03:21
  • Gasuga


    Waiting for the next chapter

    2024-08-18 22:09:25
  • Adit


    Very interesting, waiting for the next chapter.

    2024-08-18 21:53:50
Latest Chapter
40 chapters
Chapter 1
"Hey trash, come here!" shouted the gangster leader in a ferocious voice.Sardat Vettel, a thin man whose face was covered in bruises, walked unsteadily towards his boss.Suddenly, with a swift movement, the boss kicked Sardat in the stomach."Aughh!" Sardat screamed as he fell to the floor, his hands clutching his stomach in extreme pain.The boss then stepped on Sardat's head, making his face stick to the floor. "Didn't I tell you not to try to escape from us? Do you want to die?" the boss snapped in a threatening tone."A-My goodness Boss, I won't do it again." Sardat groaned, his voice choked with pain.Dissatisfied, the boss kicked Sardat once again, this time harder. Sardat could only curl up, trying to suppress the pain that spread throughout his body.Around them, laughter could be heard from other gangsters who watched Sardat's suffering without any sympathy whatsoever.The boss sat back relaxed, lit a cigarette, and the smoke rose slowly, completing the tense atmosphere that
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Chapter 2
Sardat dragged his exhausted body and felt excruciating pain, while collecting weapons from the Death gangster he had just defeated. The two bullets lodged in his thigh did not hinder his determination, but instead increased the intensity of the struggle he faced. "What happened to me? How could I suddenly be so skilled at using weapons?" Sardat muttered, dragging himself closer to the fallen weapon. The pain and pain that penetrated every fiber of his muscle did not dampen his desire to understand the strangeness that hit him. Taking cover behind a wall next to a trash can, he tried to hide himself. His breath was tight, his face was pale with pain, due to a lot of blood loss, but Sardat continued to struggle to maintain consciousness, hoping to hide there unnoticed by anyone, who might still be looking for him.With a curious gaze, Sardat noticed a round object with pictures and numbers in a circle the size of his palm. With trembling fingers, he slowly reached for the object.
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Chapter 3
Sardat paced unsteadily in the narrow alleys, trying to hide in the shadows even though no one actually recognized him.The alley was indeed a place to find peace, a place where he could rest from the tiredness of life. he stopped, looking at a corner that was usually his hiding place."System, when can I get another reward?" he asked in a hopeful tone.[Master, every day you can only spin Spin once. Today you already did it, so wait until tomorrow.]"Huh! So I have to wait until tomorrow?" he complained, sighing tiredly.[That's right sir.]Leaning against the cold wall, Sardat looked up at the sky which was starting to darken. Shaking hands held the gun on either side of him, a heavy reminder of the life that continued to chase him.without a penny in his pocket and being a fugitive from a group of skeletons, he could only surrender to his fate. Tomorrow, he would try again, hoping that the System would give him something that could change his life.sardat chanted words of encourage
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Chapter 4
In the midst of the silence of the dark night, Sardat walked steadily along the streets on the outskirts of Helma. The dim street lights illuminated his heavy steps, his mind drifted to a revenge plan that had to be carried out perfectly without having to lead to a blood battle with members of Teraf Lounder, the leader of the Tengkorak Gangster group.Sardat, who was determined to take over and rid the group of evil, sighed softly. Sitting on the edge of the sidewalk, he muttered softly. "Can I sneak into Teraf's place without being noticed?" The stars in the sky seemed to witness his dilemma. From his jeans pocket, Sardat took out a gun and stared at it intently, studying every detail. He imagined how he could utilize the weapon from all distances and angles.A question hung in his mind. "Am I capable enough to use this power, while I'm still an amateur?" Feeling overwhelmed, Sardat took a deep breath, seeking strength in doubt.Suddenly, the System's voice echoed in Sardat's mind.
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Chapter 5
Sardat thought that the Black Card given by the System was useless, he was very angry with the System at that time.His life was already very embarrassing, if it were to be added to this incident it would feel very unfair for Sardat, because the man didn't know that Black Card users usually didn't shop in small shopping centers like that."I paid Miss, two hundred dollars, right?" said a man suddenly.Sardat turned towards the man, he frowned when he saw the man wearing glasses whom he helped yesterday."Thank you sir, this is the Black Card," the cashier's servant politely handed the Black Card to Sardat.Sardat accepted it with a smile, making the cashier melt. If it weren't working hours, he might have followed Sardat straight away."Thank you, I'll change the money later," said Sardat as he put his Black Card in his trouser pocket."No need, that was my thank you yesterday, because you saved me from the gangsters," he said with a faint smile."Tyler Romani," the man with glasses h
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Chapter 6
Sardat wanted to call a taxi, but he remembered that he didn't have any money, so the man decided to just walk.The man walked along the sidewalk with an annoyed expression, even though he already had the money, he forgot to cash it in first.Tin! Tin!The sound of a car horn behind Sardat was heard, causing the man to stop and look back.Sure enough there was a car approaching him, when he reached the man's side the car stopped.The car window opened slowly, Sardat's eyes widened when he saw who was in the car, the man swallowed hard while being stunned."Why are you so afraid to see me? Aren't you great now, able to beat Clay and his subordinates?" said a beautiful woman in the car while smiling meaningfully."Damn, why out of so many people is he the one who has to know me?!" Sardat grumbled to himself, while thinking of a way to escape."Come in, I want to talk to you," said the woman kindly.Sardat sighed, he really knew that the woman in front of him had above average skills, ev
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Chapter 7
Sardat felt as if his steps were being pulled by the earth's gravity as he approached Angelina's monitor room. As soon as he entered the room, he was amazed to see various monitors neatly lined up, filling every corner of the room. "What do you think, is it good or not?" Angelina asked with a faint smile. sardat looked at him with sparkling eyes. "No wonder you're always one step ahead of us." Angelina chuckled. "Hihihi... that's part of my job." She then continued seriously. "Later tonight, Teraf will probably meet someone at Helma harbor." his fingers danced across the keyboard, indicating the location that would be the meeting point. Sardat frowned. "Wait, you want me to move there? Don't you realize? It's dangerous, they're arms dealers and the mafia!" Suddenly, Angelina calmed him with a kiss which made Sardat speechless. When she broke the kiss, Angelina smiled. "Look at this." She played a video on one of the monitors, showing Sardat's reflex speed when killing Clay
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Chapter 8
Sardat hugged Angelina tightly, his heart filled with heavy guilt. Even though Angelina once lied about her involvement in Tyler's group, Sardat knew very well the sincerity behind her tears. Slowly, he let go of his arms and looked at Angelina who was still sobbing. Gently, he wiped the tears that rolled down the woman's cheeks. "Did you also install a bug in this room?" whispered Sardat in an almost inaudible voice. Angelina nodded slowly, her eyes still filled with tears. Sardat took a deep breath, trying to calm the woman's heart. "Turn off the eavesdropper. We'll start talking from the beginning again," continued Sardat, still in a whisper. Nodding again, Angelina led Sardat back to the room where the monitor was. She moved quickly to press the monitor with one hand, his left hand still tightly gripping Sardat's arm—afraid that the man would leave him. "I'm not going anywhere. Let go," said Sardat in a soft but firm tone. Looking up, Angelina looked at Sardat, searching for
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Chapter 9
With fast movements and high precision, Sardat killed the leader of the Dragon Mafia. This figure, who is a veteran in the dark world, should be difficult to defeat, but thanks to Sardat's system, it was very easy to kill this Tyler's group hideout, panic breaks out. "It's really him?" asked a member, his face full of doubt.Angelina, with sharp eyes, immediately broke that guess. "He's just a substitute," she said firmly, his voice conveying certainty, so that the others would believe it.Tyler rubbed his chin, anxious. "Damn, they probably knew about our plan to take down the leader," the man muttered as he looked at the questioning members of his group."So, what's the next step, Boss?" asked a subordinate in a worried tone.With a sharp look, Tyler ordered, "We continue with securing Teraf. If there is a chance, also capture the remaining members of the Dragon Mafia.""Yes Boss!" the subordinate shouted, his voice full of certainty, ready to carry out orders.Tyler and
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Chapter 10
Sardat and Angelina slowly turned back, their hands raised in the air, fulfilling the man's order.Angelina's breath hitched when she felt the coldness of two gun barrels pointed at their heads by Drake's right hand. his eyes stared at Sardat's face, hoping that the man would act."Take off your masks!" Drake's right hand demanded in a sharp, affirming voice.Horror enveloped Angelina, her body trembled uncontrollably. At that very moment, Sardat slowly lowered his head, as if to obey an order. However, his eyes caught a notification from the System on the Hologram screen visible only to him, giving him new hope.[Sir, you haven't spun today's Spin, would you like to spin it now?]sardat grinned, because the System gave timely notification, in his mind he told the System to spin Spin, while slowly removing his mask and praying for a good reward.The spin continues to spin until it finally stops.[Congratulations, you hav
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