Chapter 3

Sardat paced unsteadily in the narrow alleys, trying to hide in the shadows even though no one actually recognized him.

The alley was indeed a place to find peace, a place where he could rest from the tiredness of life. he stopped, looking at a corner that was usually his hiding place.

"System, when can I get another reward?" he asked in a hopeful tone.

[Master, every day you can only spin Spin once. Today you already did it, so wait until tomorrow.]

"Huh! So I have to wait until tomorrow?" he complained, sighing tiredly.

[That's right sir.]

Leaning against the cold wall, Sardat looked up at the sky which was starting to darken. Shaking hands held the gun on either side of him, a heavy reminder of the life that continued to chase him.

without a penny in his pocket and being a fugitive from a group of skeletons, he could only surrender to his fate. Tomorrow, he would try again, hoping that the System would give him something that could change his life.

sardat chanted words of encouragement to himself, trying to face the reality of having to wait until the miracle returned tomorrow. "That's enough to survive today," he said, rubbing his empty stomach. He then stepped lightly towards the outskirts of Helma City, a place that tends to be quiet and far from being targeted by members of the Tengkorak Gangsters.

When he was about to take a step further, suddenly he heard a rough scream. "Quickly give me your money, four eyes!"

Sardat peeked from behind the corner of the building, seeing three men pointing guns at a man wearing glasses.

The man's face was pale, his trembling hands tried to reach his wallet and the man quickly gave it to the robbers.

They didn't stop there, the bespectacled man's cellphone was also taken. The tension in the air was palpable as the sound of a fist hitting the man's body made Sardat frown in concern.

The man with glasses immediately fell down when the three men beat him. He couldn't fight back at all and could only surrender to being beaten by them.

Sardat watched the three men with burning eyes, his heart beating fast with overwhelming anger because they were members of the Skeleton Group.

The sound of gunshots echoed, along with the screams of the three people who were lying on the ground with bleeding thighs.

Stepping closer with bad intentions, Sardat said coldly, "You are just trash that deserves to be wiped from the face of this earth!"

One of them, with a face full of fear, looked up at Sardat. When the burly man pointed his gun.

"Who are you, interfering in our affairs!" snapped one of the Skull Gangster members.

Sardat laughed hoarsely, his anger rising even more. "Hahaha, don't you know me? Don't make me laugh!" Apparently, the evolution of the System had changed Sardat's appearance without him realizing it, making him unrecognizable to them.

one of the men raised his gun quickly to shoot Sardat, but Sardat saw his movement.


The man roared in pain when his wrist was shot by Sardat without any mercy at all.

Bang! Bang!

Sardat immediately shot the three of them in the head so they died instantly there with holes in their heads.

The man wearing glasses who saw this was clearly frightened, he couldn't believe what he saw.

Sardat approached the bodies of the three men, he without hesitation took the weapons of the three of them and took all their valuables.

"Hey, is this yours?" Sardat asked the bespectacled man showing his cellphone and wallet.

The man nodded his head with a still frightened expression. Sardat gave the man his wallet and cell phone, while he took the three people's valuables.

"Quickly get out of here before their friends come," said Sardat as he prepared to leave.

"T-Thank you sir!" said the man directly.

Sardat just nodded slowly, then he immediately left there, leaving the bespectacled man alone.

The man wearing glasses looked at Sardat who was starting to walk away, he clearly remembered the face of his helper, then he left there.


Sardat came out of the minimarket, his hands full with several bottles of drinks, snacks and bread.

With unsteady steps, he approached the corner of the building, a place where he could eat the proceeds of his purchases paid for with the money he had just earned.

sitting on the sidewalk, he unwrapped the bread and began to eat greedily. "Ah... finally I can eat in peace," he said, his trembling voice and puffy eyes showing how emotional he was.

passersby only glanced briefly, appearing confused by this unusual sight. But for Sardat, this moment was a burst of happiness that he had not felt for a long time.

When he bit the last piece of bread in his hand, he stroked his stomach which now felt more comfortable. "Finally, full," he muttered in satisfaction.

After resting for a moment, Sardat picked up his full shopping bag again.

His steps were directed towards a slum corner of the city of Helma, where many people lived in poverty. The sun's rays began to sink, and the gloom of the day grew darker when Sardat arrived at the location.

A number of homeless people collected firewood and lit campfires to fight the cold night. Sardat approached them, his left hand showing a packet of bread.

A sincere smile adorned his face. “Who needs this?” he asked softly.

Heads turned towards him, their eyes burning not only with fire, but also with hope.

"I want it, sir! Please give it to me," asked one of them in a hoarse voice.

another immediately chimed in, "I want one too, sir!"

Like magnets, they drew closer, forming a circle around Sardat. in the middle of the crowd, Sardat looked at them lovingly, his smile getting wider seeing the hands that were moving to get some of the warmth and happiness of that night.

"Okay, you guys line up, don't fight, you'll get everything later!" exclaimed Sardat firmly.

the tramps nodded their heads, they all lined up as Sardat ordered.

The man distributed one packet of bread to each of them, remembering that Sardat had bought a lot of bread, so everyone got a share, even if it was just one packet of bread.

Sardat saw a family that had two children who were emaciated due to malnutrition, it was clear that the man felt touched and approached him.

"How long have you guys lived here?" asked Sardat kindly.

"We have lived here for ten years, sir, because we couldn't find a decent job, I had to take my children and wife to live here," said the husband helplessly.

Sardat saw that the husband and wife did not eat the bread, they apparently saved the bread for their children.

Sardat took money out of his pocket, even though it was only a hundred dollars, but he hoped it would help them.

"Eat the bread, there's not much money here, I'll buy more bread later, if I have more luck I'll come here again, take good care of your children," she said, patting her husband on the shoulder.

"Thank you very much sir!" he said as he was about to prostrate himself before Sardat. however, the man immediately told him to get up.

"Don't overdo it, I'll go first, I'll come back later," he said as he left the place.

All the homeless people thanked Sardat, the man nodded his head while smiling faintly.

"If only I was born rich, I would definitely help them!" he muttered angrily while clenching his fists.

Sardat now realizes that his goal is not only to avenge himself, he also needs to provide assistance to people in need like them.

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