Chapter 2

Sardat dragged his exhausted body and felt excruciating pain, while collecting weapons from the Death gangster he had just defeated. 

The two bullets lodged in his thigh did not hinder his determination, but instead increased the intensity of the struggle he faced. 

"What happened to me? How could I suddenly be so skilled at using weapons?" Sardat muttered, dragging himself closer to the fallen weapon. 

The pain and pain that penetrated every fiber of his muscle did not dampen his desire to understand the strangeness that hit him. Taking cover behind a wall next to a trash can, he tried to hide himself. 

His breath was tight, his face was pale with pain, due to a lot of blood loss, but Sardat continued to struggle to maintain consciousness, hoping to hide there unnoticed by anyone, who might still be looking for him.

With a curious gaze, Sardat noticed a round object with pictures and numbers in a circle the size of his palm. 

With trembling fingers, he slowly reached for the object. "What's this?" he muttered softly as he turned the mysterious object around. 

unexpectedly, the object suddenly transformed into a hologram which then merged into the skin of his hand. 

Sardat screamed in surprise, "What the hell is this?" 

 At that moment, a robotic voice was heard. 

[Starting union with host! Identifying Host Successful! matching host genetics. Success! Begin unification....]

Sardat screamed loudly as unimaginable pain seemed to tear his body apart from the inside. His internal organs felt destroyed and then regenerated. 

Sardat shivered violently, the veins on his dry body began to stand out, and slowly, he felt his body harden, becoming muscular and full.

The bullets lodged in both of his thighs came out on their own, the wounds closed instantly, even the bruises on his face and entire body also healed as before.

Sardat was still screaming hysterically because the transformation was very painful, because his genetics were starting to be changed by the system.

The man really got a miracle that was able to change his body shape.

[ Spin System Unification successful l! ]


Name: Sardat Vettel

age: 27 years

Height: 179 cm

Weight: 65 Kg

Abilities: expertise in using firearms /

Balance : 0

Congratulations, you have integrated with the System, every day you can Spin once, get a surprising prize!]

Sardat slowly opened his eyes, still slightly feeling the excruciating pain wracking his body. When his vision started to clear, he was surprised to see a hologram screen hanging right in front of his eyes. 

His brow furrowed, "System? What does this mean?" he asked, curiosity flooding his mind. 

The flat robotic voice then answered. [Master, the System will reward you with super abilities as well as other gifts that can help you become a worthy human.]

sardat opened his mouth wide, both eyes wide in disbelief at the luck that suddenly befell him. 

"Wait a minute, is this serious!?" he asked, still in disbelief.

The voice spoke again.

[That's right master, you don't need to doubt your abilities!]

Sardat's surprise turned into a wide smile that curved across his face. He then laughed loudly, the sound of his laughter echoing throughout the place. 

"Hahahaha... finally you heard my request, God!" he exclaimed triumphantly, looking up at the ceiling.

Of course Sardat was very happy, if what the hologram screen told him was true, then he could take revenge, making those who had tortured him bend the knee to him.

Sardat confidently stood up, he took the weapons that were nearby. The man planned to try whether the System's words were true or whether it was just comforting him.


Meanwhile, at the Tengkorak gangster's place where Clay and his subordinates were waiting for Sardat, they seemed to be getting annoyed because the man never came.

"Fuck, did that trash die before he could escape?!" Clay grumbled irritably.

"It seems so boss, what should we do?" Clay's subordinate asked.

"If we go home now, the boss will be very angry because we didn't get results!" Caly snorted in annoyance.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, continuous gunfire was heard which immediately hit all of Clay's subordinates until they died instantly.

Clay was suddenly surprised by the sudden attack. He quickly hid behind the wall.

"Hahahaha... turns out you're a coward too Clay!" shouted Sardat in a loud voice.

Clay frowned, he was very familiar with the voice he heard. The man gritted his teeth, thinking that Sardat had collaborated with the Death Gangster.

"You bastard Sardat! How dare you betray us!" Clay roared angrily.

"Betraying you? From the start I never considered you my comrades, you are just cunning people who only bully weak people!" Sardat joked sarcastically.

Clay was very angry with Sardat's words. He, who knew that the man couldn't use a gun, immediately came out of his hiding place to shoot Sardat quickly.

Unfortunately the current Sardat is not the same as he used to be, the man very quickly shot Clay's hand and both legs.

Bang! Bang!

"Arghhh!" Clay groaned in pain as he collapsed on the ground, the man thought that someone else was helping Sardat, because his shot was so accurate.

Clay raised his face, staring at Sardt angrily, his left hand slowly reaching for his gun which had fallen to the ground.


"Arghh!" Clay screamed again when Sardat's shot hit his left hand, so the man could only lie prone on the ground.

Clay just realized that it was Sardat himself who shot him, leaving the man speechless.

All this time, Clay was sure that Sardat couldn't use a gun, he was shaking even holding it, but now he saw that Sardat was so skilled at holding the gun.

Clay tried to look at Sardat closely, he stared in disbelief at the man who used to be emaciated and now looked so muscular, as seen from the print of his clothes which stuck tightly to his body.

"What actually happened to him? Why does he look different?" Clay muttered softly as he wondered to himself.

Sardat grinned, he walked closer to Clay, squatting in front of the man while grabbing his hair with his left hand.

"How does it feel to be bullied huh?!" asked Sardat sarcastically.

Clay couldn't speak, now he felt afraid of the man in front of him. His instincts told him that Sardat's current figure was very dangerous.

"Just like this, are you scared yet?" Sardat smiled sarcastically, mockingly. "I have endured torture at your hands for a decade, and can still stand tall before you. How ironic, isn't it?" Sardat thrust the muzzle of the gun into Clay's mouth roughly.

Clay's eyes widened in fear. His muscles trembled, trying to struggle, but in vain. 

"See you in hell, Clay," Sardat said in a harsh tone. 


A loud bang echoed, and the bullet penetrated Clay's head making him die instantly with his eyes wide. 

Sardat stood up, his face showing no regrets. he released his grip from Clay's hair, standing up straight in thought. 

"This power... is truly one with me," he muttered with determination, clenching his fists tightly. "Rondon, get ready!" he roared with burning hatred. "I will come for you and destroy everyone who has ever tormented me!"

Rondon is the leader of the Tengkorak Gangsters, the man who made Sardat an errand boy in his group. That's why Sardat had such a grudge against him, with his current ability he would vent all his anger against this man.

Sardat left that place to prepare his revenge plan, as well as find out about the Spin System that he had obtained, in order to maximize the gift he had received.

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