Bounce Back With The Spin System
Bounce Back With The Spin System
Author: Pein
Chapter 1

"Hey trash, come here!" shouted the gangster leader in a ferocious voice.

Sardat Vettel, a thin man whose face was covered in bruises, walked unsteadily towards his boss.

Suddenly, with a swift movement, the boss kicked Sardat in the stomach.

"Aughh!" Sardat screamed as he fell to the floor, his hands clutching his stomach in extreme pain.

The boss then stepped on Sardat's head, making his face stick to the floor. "Didn't I tell you not to try to escape from us? Do you want to die?" the boss snapped in a threatening tone.

"A-My goodness Boss, I won't do it again." Sardat groaned, his voice choked with pain.

Dissatisfied, the boss kicked Sardat once again, this time harder. Sardat could only curl up, trying to suppress the pain that spread throughout his body.

Around them, laughter could be heard from other gangsters who watched Sardat's suffering without any sympathy whatsoever.

The boss sat back relaxed, lit a cigarette, and the smoke rose slowly, completing the tense atmosphere that had just been created.

"Clay, you take him as bait! Lure the Dead group into our territory!" the boss ordered in a hoarse and cold voice.

Clay nodded, then mercilessly grabbed Sardat's hair roughly so that the man jolted to his feet. "Get up quickly, stupid! We have work to do!" Clay shouted in a loud and authoritative tone.

Pain was clearly visible on Sardat's face, but no words came from his lips. He could only nod weakly while wincing in pain.

As he walked towards the regional border, Sardat's every step felt heavy, drawn by compulsion.

when he got there, Sardat stood with blank eyes trying to capture every second that might be the last second of his life.

Anger burned in his chest, but he knew he was helpless. In his small heart, he resigned himself to his fate as bait for his group, hoping that everything would pass quickly.


Sardat Vettel, often feels cruel oppression from time to time. every day is a repetition of the same oppression by people who are supposed to be comrades in the Skull Gangster group in the city of Helma.

His body was covered in bruises, and there was barely a day without injuries. The only time he could breathe freely was when he ate.

On a gloomy morning, a tense atmosphere enveloped him as he was taken to the regional border between Helma City and Helas City.

His boss's right hand man, Clay, with a frightening gaze and booming voice gave him a gun.

"Remember Sardat, you have to lure them hereDon't fail, or you'll lose your life!" Clay threatened curtly.

Sardat could only nod, his heart pounding, while holding the gun in his trembling hands. His footsteps towards the Death Gangster area in Helas City felt heavy. However, he knew that he had no other choice.

Sardat staggered, his body shaking as he entered the forbidden area. His eyes moved quickly, scanning the surroundings with fear enveloping him.

Suddenly, gunshots were heard.

Bang! Bang!

The bullet almost hit his head, making Sardat startled and he hurriedly sought shelter behind a wall.

"How dare you enter our territory, trash!" shouted a guard disdainfully.

Sardat's grip tightened, fear and anger mixed into one. He was silent, hiding with a feeling of mounting panic, while swallowing hard several times.

in his mind, he was convinced that his boss had sent him here as punishment, or perhaps as a suicide assignment.

Sardat sighed in frustration. In his heart he cursed. "Damn them! If only I had more power, I would make them my slaves!" his anger flared.

With a gasp, Sardat gathered his courage and fled behind the wall. The guards did not remain silent, they immediately gave chase while continuing to shoot.

Bang! Bang!

Gunshots echoed through the air, crashing towards the fast-running Sardat. With deft reflexes, he dodged, even though he couldn't fight or use weapons, but he was quite skilled at moving when pressed.

Sardat sped up towards the Skeletons' territory, his hopes slim of escaping the shadow of death that lurked around him.

"Bastard, he ran so fast!" shouted a member of the Death Gangsters, frustrated.

"Keep shooting!" the border guard leader ordered, galloping behind Sardat.

Sardat's breath caught between his zig-zag runs, trying to dodge the hail of bullets. The gangsters became increasingly emotional when they saw his agile movements, but Sardat's physical condition was far from optimal—tired and gnawing pain due to being beaten by his own group.

Sardat's chest felt heavy, his breathing was labored, his vision began to blur. every second became more painful, signaling the limits of his abilities were approaching.

Meanwhile, border guards relentlessly pursued him. In his desperation, Sardat knew, the chances of reaching the Skeletons were nearly impossible.

Tears were in his eyes, he was very sad because he had never felt happiness but would just die at the hands of death gangsters.

"Why, art thou so unjust, Lord?" sighed Sardat weakly. His heart sank when he saw the narrow alley in front of him. Hoping to find shelter, he stepped unsteadily into it. But his hopes were dashed when the alley turned out to be a dead end. His despair grew as the footsteps of his pursuers drew closer.

"Where are you going, trash?!" sneered one of them with a disdainful smile.

Panic was increasingly rampant in Sardat's body. With his hands shaking violently, he raised his gun, while his breath was ragged and cold sweat dripped down his back.

Bang! Bang!

A scream of pain escaped Sardat's lips as two bullets pierced his thigh. he fell, pain flooding his entire body. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he tried to endure the pain by leaning against the cold wall of the dead end alley. His breathing was irregular, he could feel his death approaching every second.

Sardat closed his eyes tightly, feeling his heartbeat thunder as the footsteps of his pursuer drew closer.

A whisper of resignation slipped gently from his lips. "Hopefully in the next life, I can be happier." he tried to control his labored breathing, his hands looking for a grip to prevent his body from collapsing.

Suddenly, his fingers touched something cold and hard.

[New owner detected, starting installation...]

A robotic voice echoed in his head. Sardat thought it was just a hallucination due to pressure, but without realizing it, he had activated a system.

The object that his hand touched turned out to be a spinning device. When it stops moving, the device shows an image of a man holding a gun.

[Happy! you get the gift of the body of a firearms expert!]

Sardat, who was previously an ordinary young man, suddenly froze when the knowledge of firearms entered his mind so deeply. 

In just a few seconds, the knowledge echoed in his head, filling every corner of his mind with strategies and fighting techniques. 

His arms and fingers seemed to be programmed, taking the perfect positions like an experienced expert. His previously fragile mentality was now resculpted, cool and calm. He opened his eyes wide, and with a clarity he had never felt before, projected every possible move by the enemy before him. 

Sardat's thigh felt hot, the gunshot wound made it difficult for him to move. However, the pain was suppressed by the rush of adrenaline that was the effect of installing the System. He smiled sarcastically, as if challenging the people who were ready to take his life.

Sardat's sudden boldness made the people chasing him frown. 

"Insolent, already about to die, still acting!" shouted one of the gangsters in an angry tone, pointing at Sardat with his gun raised.

But before the gangster could pull the trigger, Sardat moved quickly. His hand movements were so deft that he fired at the four enemies with deadly accuracy, using a gun that was lying not far from him.

Bang! Bang!

Breathing hard and full of tension, Sardat tried to stay calm. His skill in aiming made four of his opponents fall to the ground with gunshot wounds to their foreheads, without having time to dodge. 

A sigh of relief escaped his lips, but his heart was still beating fast—the struggle was not over.

Blood was still flowing slowly from Sardat's thigh, reminiscent of the gunshot that had torn his flesh.

The rest of the Death Gangsters must still be looking for him, and he had to think quickly. While holding on to the cold wall, Sardat felt a radiating pain. 

"I have to get out of here," he muttered as he tried to find the strength to get up again.

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