Chapter 9

With fast movements and high precision, Sardat killed the leader of the Dragon Mafia. This figure, who is a veteran in the dark world, should be difficult to defeat, but thanks to Sardat's system, it was very easy to kill this figure.

at Tyler's group hideout, panic breaks out. "It's really him?" asked a member, his face full of doubt.

Angelina, with sharp eyes, immediately broke that guess. "He's just a substitute," she said firmly, his voice conveying certainty, so that the others would believe it.

Tyler rubbed his chin, anxious. "Damn, they probably knew about our plan to take down the leader," the man muttered as he looked at the questioning members of his group.

"So, what's the next step, Boss?" asked a subordinate in a worried tone.

With a sharp look, Tyler ordered, "We continue with securing Teraf. If there is a chance, also capture the remaining members of the Dragon Mafia."

"Yes Boss!" the subordinate shouted, his voice full of certainty, ready to carry out orders.

Tyler and his subordinates returned to monitor the arms sales transactions carried out by the illegal arms sales syndicate group. It was seen that the leader of the Gangster Tengkorak was very excited when he saw the leader of the Dragon Mafia.

"Welcome, Mr. Drake, nice to meet you again," said Teraf friendly.

"No need to do so much pleasantries, where's the money!" shouted the right hand of the Dragon Mafia leader, making Sardat a little surprised.

"Sorry sir, bring the money here!" Teraf ordered his men.

the money was shown, the Dragon Mafia Leader's right hand nodded, the weapons they were carrying were also shown.

Suddenly there was a guard who whispered something to the leader of the Dragon Mafia.



Teraf immediately collapsed on the ground when his leg was shot by the Dragon leader. "How dare you lie to me, bring the money quickly, we're surrounded!" exclaimed the figure who immediately left there.

His right hand was shocked, he just realized that many police had surrounded the place.

"Protect Lord Drake!" exclaimed his right hand.

"You bastard Teraf!" Drake's right hand exclaimed.

Tyler was stunned that his plan was exposed, the Dragon Mafia quickly ran to the ship to protect their leader.

Teraf's subordinates panicked, they began to protect their boss at the risk of their lives.

Bang! Bang!

gun battles were inevitable, the sound of bullets hitting each other, the injured Teraf was dragged by his men to hide.

"Damn, why does anyone know this transaction!" Teraf grumbled while enduring the pain of his gunshot wound.

"Boss, what should we do? There are too many of them!" shouted Teraf's subordinates who tried to fight back.

Meanwhile on the Dragon group ship, they were also attacked by Tyler's subordinates, only they were using ambush rifles, so it was difficult for Tyler's subordinates to get close.

Trat! Trat! Trat!

the sound of assault rifles echoed shooting at Tyler's subordinates without pause, they protected each other.

"Quickly start the ship!" shouted Drake's right hand man after all his subordinates had boarded the ship.

they continued shooting until the ship moved away from the port, no one was caught by the Dragon Mafia.


Meanwhile, where Teraf was located, their subordinates had surrendered and were finally caught by Tyler's troops.

"Fuck! They got away with it all!" Tyler exclaimed angrily when he heard reports from his subordinates that the attacking Dragon Mafia had managed to escape.

The difference in strength between the Teraf group and the Dragon Mafia was too obvious, because Teraf was just a Gangster while the Dragon Mafia group was top class, their subordinates were naturally used to facing such problems.

Tyler tried to contact Angelina, but there was no connection at all. so that made him very angry and convinced that Angelina was the one who leaked his plan.

"What a bitch!" shouted Tyler, annoyed because Angelina dared to make him look like a fool.


Meanwhile, on the Dragon Mafia ship, Drake's right hand man gives him a suitcase containing Teraf's money.

"Sir, we managed to secure the money," he said as he handed over the suitcase.

"Save it, I want to rest! You come with me!" the leader of the Dragon Mafia appointed a subordinate.

The subordinate obediently follows the figure of the leader. Drake's right hand felt that there was something strange about his leader, because he had never invited anyone into his room before, including himself. However, Drake's right hand man let him, he thought his boss would just give orders to his subordinates.

In the Dragon Mafia leader's room, Sardat reveals his cover, as does Angelina.

"Since when are you good at disguising yourself Sardat?" Angelina asked curiously.

"Shh... don't be loud, it's better if you just keep quiet so that no one hears us when we get to land," Sardat admonished softly.

Angelina nodded in understanding, she asked in a whisper. "Where are you going to find their leader's body?" she asked to make sure.

Sardat smiled. "I threw it into the sea," he answered lightly.

Angelina was surprised, how could the man drag people without being caught by the Dragon mafia members.

Sardat knew that Angelina was curious, he then pointed to the window that looked straight out to the sea, at that moment Angelina tapped her forehead while smiling faintly.

"You really are the smartest when it comes to defending yourself," praised the woman.

"Not really, the proof is that my virginity was taken by you," teased Sardat.

"Eh... ugh... what the heck, I'm the same way," answered Angelina shyly.

Sardat smiled, he embraced Angelina and kissed her on the lips. That night they slept together even though there was no bed scene there, in order to maintain their disguise.

After morning, they arrived at Oracle City, where the high-class Mafia resided. Angelina deliberately left Sardat's room early, so that the others would not suspect her.

Oracle City is on a small island in the middle of the sea, there are no police or military, only the Mafia and their subordinates.

Sardat, who had put on his disguise again, got off the ship, there were already several cars picking them up to take their master back to his residence.

Sardat's action of ordering his overnight guard to come with him clearly made his right hand even more suspicious. However, because the Dragon group's subordinates all wore almost the same masks, that's why they didn't know that Angelina was in disguise.

Only Drake's right hand man was suspicious that the figure with him was not his master. However, he did not dare to rebuke, takyu thought wrongly.

The figure took Sardat and Angelina to the large mansion in Oracle City. The mansion was very majestic, almost like a palace with tight security in every corner. 

Sardat was stunned, amazed at the beauty of the building and fortunately he was able to enter the place without experiencing bloodshed. While walking, Angelina, who remained side by side with Sardat, noticed that Drake's right hand was still carrying a weapon, making them both alert. 

The two of them arrived in front of the door to the big boss's room, where Drake's right hand suddenly stopped in his tracks. With a look full of suspicion, he pointed his gun straight at Sardat's head.

“Who are you two? How dare you guys try to trick me!” he snapped in a thunderous voice, anger clearly visible on his red face. 

Sardat and Angelina spontaneously raised their hands, facing the sudden anger from Drake's right hand, which certainly surprised them. Didn't expect that the man would realize their disguise so quickly.

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