Chapter 8

Sardat hugged Angelina tightly, his heart filled with heavy guilt. Even though Angelina once lied about her involvement in Tyler's group, Sardat knew very well the sincerity behind her tears. 

Slowly, he let go of his arms and looked at Angelina who was still sobbing. Gently, he wiped the tears that rolled down the woman's cheeks. 

"Did you also install a bug in this room?" whispered Sardat in an almost inaudible voice. 

Angelina nodded slowly, her eyes still filled with tears. Sardat took a deep breath, trying to calm the woman's heart. "Turn off the eavesdropper. We'll start talking from the beginning again," continued Sardat, still in a whisper. 

Nodding again, Angelina led Sardat back to the room where the monitor was. She moved quickly to press the monitor with one hand, his left hand still tightly gripping Sardat's arm—afraid that the man would leave him. 

"I'm not going anywhere. Let go," said Sardat in a soft but firm tone. 

Looking up, Angelina looked at Sardat, searching for reassurance in his gaze. "You are sure?" she asked, voice full of concern.

Sardat nodded his head, rubbing the top of Angelina's head, "Where did you put the medicine box?"

Angelina removed her hand from Sardat's arm. "Under the mattress in my room," she answered quietly.

"I want to take it first, you do your job," said Sardat gently.

Angelina nodded her head, she focused on turning off the eavesdropper and the video that recorded the two of them together in the monitoring room.

At the same time, Tuler and his subordinates, who were watching and listening to their interaction in the Box car used for spying, were shocked when their laptop screen immediately went out.

"Fuck! What happened?" Tyler asked his subordinates.

"I don't know sir, we tried to reconnect but the signal was error!" Tyler's subordinate replied helplessly.

"Angelina, did you do this on purpose!?" Tyler muttered angrily.

Tyler guessed that Angelina had deliberately turned off all connections with him, because her hacking abilities were superior to those of his other subordinates.

In Angelina's room, Sardat was seen treating the woman's wound which had been injured by his grip just now.

Angelina just sat quietly letting Sardat treat her. She looked at the man curiously because she could see through his lies.

Actually, Sardat wouldn't have known at all that Angelina was lying, if the System hadn't told him maybe he would never have known that the woman was lying to him as a double agent.

"I will leave here after completing the mission tonight, it's up to you whether you want to come with me or not," said Sardat without looking at the woman he was treating.

"Where are we going?" Angelina asked to confirm.

"Oracle City, I will stay there," Sardat answered confidently.

"But Sardat, are you sure you want to live there? The city is known to be very free and high-class Mafia people also live there," Angelina seemed to disagree with Sardat because she felt that the place was very dangerous.

Sardat looked up at the woman, their gazes met each other. "My goal is to control the city!"

Angelina opened her eyes wide when Sardat said his intentions, because he thought it was too dangerous.

The woman didn't know what was going through Sardat's mind, but there wasn't the slightest hesitation in the man's eyes at all.

"I've said my intention to stay there, now it's up to you, whether you come with me or stay here," said Sardat as he stood up after finishing treating Angelina's wounds.

"I'll go wherever you go!" Angelina answered confidently.

Sardat smiled, he then revealed his plan to Angelina. The woman was surprised that Sardat already had plans to leave there using the identity of the leader of the Naga Mafia group who was famous for always wearing a mask.

Sardat will become the leader of the Dragon Mafia so that he can move freely in the city of Oracle where the high class Mafia lives there.

After explaining everything to Angelina. he told the woman to reactivate all her connections with Tyler.

When the video was activated again, Tyler saw Angelina making out with Sardat wearing only a towel.

"Damn it, how many times in one day do they have sex!" Tyler grumbled irritably.

Tyler's subordinate smiled faintly. "No wonder the video was turned off, boss."

Tyler sighed. "Hopefully Angelina isn't tricking us." he muttered.

Sardat and Angelina actually have no contact. However, because Tyler and Angelina had reached an agreement that if there was a bed problem, he would turn off the video, so Tyler didn't suspect that the woman was carrying out plans beyond his orders.


Sardat and Angelina seemed to be getting closer to each other, the two of them stayed together all day at the woman's house, until the evening when the plan was to be carried out arrived.

Angelina prepares together with Sardat. Meanwhile Tyler has also prepared with his subordinates to arrest Teraf, if necessary they will also arrest the leader of the Dragon Mafia group.

Sardat and Angelina's car moved towards the port of Helma city, where Teraf was holding a meeting with the Naga Mafia group.

They deliberately parked their car a little further from the meeting place so as not to be suspected.

"Are you ready?" asked Sardat softly.

"Whenever I'm ready," answered Angelina with a smile.

Sardat and Angelina got out of the car, they both wore tight black clothes to make it easy to run.

The two of them carefully approached the place where the ship usually docked. because their goal is not just to catch Teraf.

"You wait here, keep communicating with Tyler before I give the signal!" Sardat ordered quietly.

Angelina nodded her head in understanding. Sardat kissed Angelina's lips then left her.

According to orders, Angelina continued to communicate with Tyler. Not long after, the ship carrying the Dragon Mafia group docked.

Sardat quickly rushed into the ship, he had also prepared his gun which had a silencer installed.

The man carefully looked for the leader of the Dragon Mafia group and entered the ship.

No one saw it, because the Dragon group was busy unloading the weapons they were going to sell to Teraf.

"Sir, we have arrived!" suddenly someone was heard calling his master in a room.

Sardat grinned, it turned out that the data given by Angelina was very correct, if the leader of the Dragon group was definitely in one of the rooms.

"You all go first, I'll prepare!" a deep voice came from inside the room.

"Yes sir!" The Dragon Leader's subordinates left their master alone.

After the subordinate left, Sardat quickly entered the room, without permission he immediately shot the man in the head when he turned around and died instantly without reacting at all.

Sardat looked at the corpse of the leader of the Naga group, he did not expect that the figure was a man with a face damaged by burns.

"No wonder you always wear a mask," he said as he took off the person's clothes and put them on.

In the enveloping darkness, Angelina remained hidden, her eyes sharply scanning the surroundings. From a distance, groups of Dragons began descending the ship, one by one, carrying transaction weapons.

When the leader of the Dragon group finally set foot on land, he raised his hand as if making a veiled gesture. 

Angelina replied with a faint smile—the signal had been received. With a quick movement, she pressed the button on the walkie-talkie and spoke to Tyler. "The target hasn't come down yet, they're still on board." His voice was purposely kept low and calm, engineering confusion among Tyler's snipers.

"Keep your eyes on them," Tyler ordered, making sure the distraction would break the enemy's focus.

Angelina's plan was clear—when the figure they thought was the leader of the Dragons appeared, a misunderstanding would be created, making them believe that it might just be a disguise and would confuse Tyler and his subordinates, the goal being that Sardat could kill Teraf and quickly leave the place.

"Boss, isn't that the leader of the Dragon group?" asked one of our gunners over the communications device.

Tyler, who heard that, immediately found out, he frowned when he saw the same thing. Because Angelina just said that the Dragon mafia leader hasn't gotten off the ship yet.

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