Chapter 5

Sardat thought that the Black Card given by the System was useless, he was very angry with the System at that time.

His life was already very embarrassing, if it were to be added to this incident it would feel very unfair for Sardat, because the man didn't know that Black Card users usually didn't shop in small shopping centers like that.

"I paid Miss, two hundred dollars, right?" said a man suddenly.

Sardat turned towards the man, he frowned when he saw the man wearing glasses whom he helped yesterday.

"Thank you sir, this is the Black Card," the cashier's servant politely handed the Black Card to Sardat.

Sardat accepted it with a smile, making the cashier melt. If it weren't working hours, he might have followed Sardat straight away.

"Thank you, I'll change the money later," said Sardat as he put his Black Card in his trouser pocket.

"No need, that was my thank you yesterday, because you saved me from the gangsters," he said with a faint smile.

"Tyler Romani," the man with glasses held out his hand.

"Sardat Vettel," he said, welcoming the man's outstretched hand.

"Do you have free timeI want to talk to you," he asked politely.

Sardat just nodded his head, because he didn't have anything busy.

The man then asked Sardat to leave there. He was stunned when he saw so many male bodyguards wearing glasses guarding him tightly.

"Young master, who is he?" asked a guard warily.

"He's the person who saved my life yesterday. If it weren't for him, your heads would have been separated from each other's bodies!" Tyler replied sarcastically.

The guards swallowed hard, they suddenly stopped being wary of Sardat, because indirectly he had also saved their lives.

Tyler is one of the children of a tycoon in Aldasia, it could be said that his parents have a big business in that country.

The reason why Tyler was with the Skeleton Gangster group yesterday was that the man was actually disguising himself as an ordinary person to find a personal bodyguard.

Unfortunately, because of his bodyguard's negligence, the man suddenly disappeared because he was dragged away by the three people who Sardat killed yesterday. If Sardat hadn't saved him at that time, who knows what would have happened to the bodyguards.

Sardat was taken to a fast food place owned by the Tyler family, the two of them sat together with bodyguards who were closely guarding them all.

"Mr Vettel, which company do you own?" Tyler asked kindly.

Sardat shook his head. "I don't own a company," he answered simply.

"You really like to joke, where can anyone have an exclusive Black Card like you don't own a company," said Tyler with a smile.

Sardat sighed. "Seriously, I don't own a company. If you see this card, you can't pay at all."

Tyler frowned, he felt there was something strange about the man in front of him. "Mr Vettel, it was a small shopping center, where can you pay using a Black Card, if you want to use that card, it's better there."

Tyler showed a large mall with towering buildings in the middle of the city of Helma. In fact, there are also people in the mall that Sardat stopped at who can use Black Cards, but only a few have these machines.

Most transactions at the mall use cash, because usually only the middle to lower class people shop there, in fact there are many lower class people.

Unlike the mall that Tyler pointed out, that is where the upper classes spend their money.

"Never mind, let's not talk about that, yesterday I saw that your shooting technique was very good, are you a military graduate?" Tyler asked directly without further ado.

"Hahahaha... Military? Why don't I graduate from the military, I only went to school for a short time," replied Sardat while laughing.

Tyler was really suspicious of Sardat, because the man in front of him said he didn't go to school, didn't own a company, but he had above average shooting skills. Even though he had gone to shooting school, he couldn't aim like Sardat did, plus the man also had a Black Card.

"Mr Vettel, I'm not joking, please talk to me honestly, because I need people like you to eradicate the gangsters in this city," asked Tyler sincerely.

Sardat, who had not looked serious until now, after hearing the word Gangster, his face suddenly changed. He stared at Tyler sharply, making the man swallow hard, because the charisma in Sardat's body seemed to be pressuring him.

"Why do you want to eradicate the Gangsters?" asked Sardat seriously.

Tyler sighed helplessly. "Mr Vettel, you certainly know that crime in this city... not even in this country has increased very sharply, even the State security forces are not able to suppress them, because the gangsters are guarded by a large Mafia group behind them, even if we fight them with brutal there isCivilians will become victims, that's why we gather people like you to join us."

"It seems like you're talking to the wrong person, I'm actually one of them too..."

Just as Sardat said this, Tyler's bodyguards immediately pointed their guns at him so he immediately stopped talking.

Tyler looked at Sardat carefully, there was no visible fear on the man's face at all, making Tyler even more curious about Sardat's true status.

"I suggest you don't just point your gun at just anyone, because you don't know me, I'll give you the opportunity to lower your weapon!" said Sardat in a flat voice.

"Asshole, you think we are afraid of you!" roared one of Tyler's bodyguards.



In just a matter of seconds, the man who had been speaking immediately collapsed on the floor with a hole in his head, while Sardat did not seem to move at all in his place, despite burning the man.

Tyler's bodyguards were already on alert, their eyes watching his every move. Tyler's own breath hitched, as his heart beat rapidly. In a firm but hasty voice, he ordered, "Lower your weapons!"

The guards looked at each other, uncertainty evident on their faces. Tyler clenched his teeth, frustration rising in his chest. "Are you deaf!" he shouted again, this time in a higher tone.

Hearing their master's angry shout, the guards without hesitation lowered their weapons. Fear was clearly visible from the hasty way they moved. 

Tyler observed, his eyes sharp on Sardat. There was something strange, Sardat's movements were too agile, his speed was unnatural, like an experienced weapons expert.

Sardat then stood up, his eyes coldly looking at Tyler. "I think that's enough of our discussion here," he said in a flat voice, as if unaffected by the circumstances around him. He walked away, his hands tightly holding the shopping bags. "Even though I'm a former gangster, you don't need to worry. I hate them like you do"The reason I refuse to cooperate with you is simple, I don't like being managed," he said without turning around, leaving Tyler in silence and tense tension.

Tyler was rooted to the spot, his eyes unblinking as he stared at Sardat who was leaving with casual but sure steps, as if possessing an invisible force.

"Master, why did we just let him go?" asked the leader of the guards with deep curiosity.

"Stupid! can't you see his calmness? He could kill us all without breaking a sweat!" Tyler snapped, his eyes burning with deep realization. “As long as he doesn't interfere with our plans, don't even try to interfere with him!"

"Yes, sir," answered the leader of the guards, his tone indicating he understood the decision.

Tyler smiled bitterly, contemplating deeply. "Who are you really, Sardat Vettel?" he muttered to himself.

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