Memory retrieval 2

Felicia, enraged, clenched her teeth and glared at Draco, who returned the stare before retreating to his room to cry.

The next day, Draco attempted once more to convince his father that Felicia was involved in his mother’s death, but Davis remained unconvinced.

“Your mother died in an accident, Draco! It was a tragic accident, nothing more. I understand you want to find someone to blame, but Felicia had nothing to do with it. She’s pregnant and due soon. I need to focus on your mother’s funeral arrangements. I can’t deal with this right now, so let it go!” Davis scolded, his frustration evident.

Draco watched as his father walked away, and Felicia, who had overheard the conversation, found him to be an irritating obstacle. She was gonna end him anyway, so why not do it as fast as possible?

Two days after Elena’s burial, Davis was still deeply grieving and continued to argue with Draco, dismissing his claims as fanciful. Accepting Draco’s theories would mean acknowledging that he was responsible for Elena’s death—a notion he couldn’t bear.

That night, while Draco was in the living room, a man suddenly seized him, clamping a hand over his mouth to stifle his screams. Draco was roughly pushed into a car where Felicia waited, a sinister smile on her face.

“What’s going on?!” Draco yelled, struggling to push the door open. “Dad! Daddy!” He called out desperately, but the door remained firmly shut.

Felicia chuckled and shook her head. “I’m just taking you somewhere, Draco. Relax.” She then opened the window to speak with one of her guards. “This boy can be very aggressive, and I don’t want him harming me. Put him in the trunk, and handle him carefully.”

Having already replaced the household guards with her own loyal followers, Felicia had complete control.

The guards followed her orders, loading Draco into the trunk and driving away from the house.

Soon, they arrived at Meadow Bridge.

One of the guards opened the car door for Felicia, while another pulled a struggling Draco out of the trunk.

“Let me go! Leave me alone!” Draco yelled, fighting to break free from their grasp.

Felicia took a deep breath, gazing into the night. “It’s such a shame this will be the last time we see each other, Draco, but it’s for the best. You're nothing but a nuisance in my way—collateral damage on my path to greatness, just like your mother was.” She laughed, looking directly at him. “Yes, Draco. Yes, I killed your mother. Are you happy now?”

Draco’s breath hitched, and his face crumpled as she confirmed his worst fear. “You… you killed my mom? You killed my mom!” he screamed, struggling fiercely as the guards held him tight. “Let me go! I’ll kill you! Let me go!”

“Throw him in,” Felicia ordered, a smirk of satisfaction on her face.

The guard carrying Draco approached the edge of the bridge, Draco still struggling frantically. “No! Let me go!”

With a shrug, the guard said, “Okay,” and released Draco.

The wind whipped around Draco as he plummeted, a scream tearing from his throat. “Ahhhhhh!” he yelled, hitting the river with a loud splash and sinking deep into the water

Draco couldn’t swim.

He thrashed wildly, but the more he struggled, the further he sank, unable to reach the surface.

Felicia let out a deep sigh, clearly pleased with the outcome. “Alright, it’s over and done with. We’ll just tell Davis that he ran away, and he’ll become just another missing boy who was never found. Let’s get out of here.”

As she was about to get into the car, a sudden, intense burst of light illuminated the entire area, a ray of bright light striking the river momentarily. Then, just as quickly, it was dark again.

“What was that? Did you guys see that?” Felicia asked, her voice tinged with alarm.

“Weird lunar night, I think,” one of the guards replied, equally confused.

“Let’s get out of here,” she ordered, climbing into the car.

Meanwhile, Draco, submerged in the river, experienced a seizure and blacked out for a few minutes. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open, and a ray of golden light illuminated the water around him.

With newfound strength, he swam to the surface and crawled onto the shore, coughing and gasping for breath.

Disoriented and weak, he lay there, having no memory of who he was.

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