Memory retrieval 1

Lucian remembered a happy family.

His mother, Elena Winchester, always wore a bright smile, and his father, Davis Winchester, seemed devoted to making her happy. Their family life was filled with joy, frequent outings, and Davis would often return home with gifts and flowers for Elena after a long day at work.

Then he caught his mom crying one day in the living room.


Elena Winchester, a strikingly beautiful young woman, sat on the sofa, tears streaming down her face. She turned and saw her five-year-old son peeking at her from behind a wall.

With a tremor in her voice, she called out, “Draco, you can come out now. There’s no need to hide; I can see you.”

The little boy, with his short, dirty blonde hair and captivating blue eyes, approached her with a look of concern. His chubby face, though sad, retained its adorable quality.

He walked over to his mother and said simply, “You’re crying, Mom.”

Elena managed a weak laugh through her tears, wiping her face with a towel. “Yes, I am,” she replied, her voice tinged with sadness. She sighed deeply and continued, “Come sit beside me. There’s something you need to know.”

Draco sat down next to her, his worried gaze fixed on her, but he remained silent.

Elena cleared her throat, trying to steady her voice. “Things are going to change, Draco. Your daddy… he’s bringing another woman home.”

Draco stared at his mother, processing her words. He had overheard the arguments between her and his father; in fact, he was aware of nearly everything that went on in the house, because he was almost everywhere, well, except during school hours.

“Is that why you’re crying, Mom?” he asked innocently. “I thought having a little brother wouldn’t be so bad.”

Elena looked at her son in surprise. “Oh, so you knew about that.”

Draco nodded solemnly. “I’m sorry, Mom, that it makes you sad. Daddy hurt you. Why? I thought Daddy loved you.”

Elena sighed deeply, her heart heavy. “He does love me, Draco, but circumstances have forced him into this situation. You won’t just have a stepbrother; there will be another sibling joining us very soon.”

Just two days later, Felicia arrived at the mansion with a three-year-old boy in her arms and a noticeable baby bump. Her calculating, sharp, and greedy eyes scanned the opulent surroundings, and with a smug smile, she addressed her son. “Soon, Jakob, all of this will belong to us. Very, very soon.”

Felicia was greeted with a polite formality by Elena, while Davis, though visibly uncomfortable, couldn’t seem to look away from the woman carrying his child.

After a month of Felicia and Jakob living with them, things began to get worse, and all Draco could do was watch from the side.

Felicia would provoke arguments with his mother, leading to bitter quarrels that ultimately garnered his father’s sympathy. Each time, his mother would end up in tears, the cycle repeating itself.

On one occasion, Felicia even staged a dramatic fall in front of Draco’s mother, falsely accusing her of causing the incident. This led to his father shouting at his mother, further escalating the tension.

Through it all, Draco could only watch, powerless.

One afternoon, thinking she was alone in the garden, Felicia made a call, her voice cold and determined. “It’s time. I’m done with that woman. Make her death quick and painless.”

Draco didn’t grasp the full meaning of the call until that night, when his father came home late, weeping and telling him that his mother had been in a terrible accident.

Overwhelmed with grief, Draco broke down in tears.

Felicia, meanwhile, feigned sadness as she consoled Davis, who was sobbing on the sofa. “Don’t worry, Davis. I’m here for you. It’s going to be okay.”

Draco’s sorrow turned to rage as he pointed at Felicia, accusing her with a trembling voice. “It’s you! You killed my mother!”

Davis and Felicia exchanged shocked glances. Felicia was baffled by how Draco had discovered her secret, while Davis looked at his son with disbelief.

“Draco, you can’t go around making accusations like this!” Davis reprimanded sharply.

Draco shook his head vehemently. “It’s the truth, Dad! I heard her in the garden. She said to make Mom’s death quick and painless! I swear I heard it!”

Felicia’s eyes widened in fear. “What?! This boy is lying! I would never do such a thing! I’m not that kind of person!” She turned to Davis, continuing her defense. “He must be confused. It’s typical for him to blame me, thinking I’ve taken you away from him or something like that. It’s just his childish imagination. He’s only five!”

Davis was torn, feeling both anger and sadness. He was too overwhelmed to argue further. Standing up, he was about to leave but paused to address Felicia. “He’s five, but he’s not foolish.”

With a heavy sigh, he walked away.

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