The Golden Eye System
The Golden Eye System
Author: Bella Starr
Metro City/Meadow Bridge

In the spring season, it was still warm and cold in Metro City.

On a straight road, an Audi commercial vehicle sped ahead.

At the wheel was a woman with bright hazel eyes, radiating a cheerful smile as she occasionally glanced at her boss through the rear-view mirror. Her attire—a black blouse and blazer—accentuated her cleavage, while her tailored black skirt accentuated her toned thighs.

But Lucian Stone, who was sitting in the back seat was holding a book, more focused on the pages without a care in the world. He was also dressed in black, and his aura was unique.

Suddenly, the car jolted as it made a sharp turn, the abrupt movement disrupting the vehicle’s steady pace.

The unexpected jolt pulled Lucian’s attention away from the pages of his book. Curiosity drew him to glance up momentarily.

Sensing the disturbance, the woman quickly said with reverence, “Please forgive me, boss. Feel free to continue with your book.”

Though she wanted his eyes on her, she couldn't actually say that out loud.

Lucian sighed deeply and set his book aside, turning his gaze to the window as the bridge came into view.

“So, we’ve arrived at the Meadow Bridge,”

When he mentioned this name, Lucian Stone felt a pang in his chest, and a flood of thoughts surged through his mind.

“The river near Meadow Bridge stretches at an impressive 3,650 kilometers, approximately 2,268 miles, and its deepest point is roughly 520 feet, more or less.”

“But I remember a five-year-old boy who had somehow ended up on the riverbank, with no recollection of his past or how he had found himself on the verge of drowning. Or how he even survived.”

“I know something happened that night, during what they call the Solarnight. Something happened to me…”

Lucian Stone clenched his teeth, his voice was full of viciousness as he found it hard to piece together the fragments of his past.

Even after twenty years, he remained no closer to understanding why he had been left to drown.

“Boss, I’m confident that one day you’ll uncover the truth,” the woman said reassuringly, as she brought the car to a smooth halt. Stepping out of the vehicle, she moved around to open the door for him.

Lucian stepped out of the car, bathed in the soft glow of the calm weather that highlighted his striking features. His dirty blonde hair was perfectly styled, and his skin naturally tan. His chiseled face bore an unreadable expression, and his eyes glowed with a striking golden hue—shiny, beautiful gold that set him apart from everyone else.

He made his way toward the bridge and peered down at the river below, a place he visited periodically, knowing it was here that his life started anew.

It was here that he had found his Godfather—a man who had taken him in, nurtured him, and given him a new purpose.

“Boss, do you ever wonder if you were killed that night?” the woman asked, hoping to engage him in conversation.

She genuinely enjoyed the sound of his deep voice.

Lucian turned his gaze from the river to her, contemplating her question rather than responding immediately.

“Or… do you think you might have committed suicide? Boss, you know you can confide in me, right? I’m always here to listen.”

The woman’s smile was bright, her white teeth shining as she looked at him, unable to look away. Yet, her smile faltered under the intensity of his golden-eyed stare.

Lucian exhaled deeply, his gaze reflecting disbelief as he said, “How can you talk about me dying, or committing suicide with such a smile on your face? Doesn’t that seem wrong to you, Dana?”

“I’m sorry, Bossman.”

The woman, Dana Lang, bit her bottom lip and lowered her gaze, her face flushing with shame.

Lucian shook his head and turned his attention back to the river, lost in thought.

To lighten the mood, Dana offered a cheerful smile and said, “You’ll be turning 25 next week, boss. How are you feeling about that?”

Lucian didn't know how he should feel. To him, it felt like just another year slipping by, underscoring his incapability to find out the truth about his past—about his parents, his origins… Surely, he didn't fall from the sky, right?

His phone rang, jolting him from his thoughts. His previously stern expression shifted to one of concern as he looked at the caller ID.

Clearing his throat, he answered the call, “Hello, Mother?”

“Who the hell do you think you’re calling your mother, you wretched descendant of nothingness! Get back home immediately! You’d better be on your way, or you’ll regret it!”

The call ended abruptly. Lucian sighed deeply and instructed, “Take me home.”

Dana, equally disheartened, followed him back to the car.

Before long, they reached a point just a few meters from the Wellington family villa.

As his phone continued to ring incessantly with calls from his mother-in-law, Lucian hurriedly exited the vehicle and rushed toward the gate.

Dana gasped as she exited the car and began to shout, “Boss! Boss man! You forgot… you forgot to change!”

But it was too late.

Lucian strode through the gate as soon as it was opened, paying no heed to the curious glances from the security guards.

“What on earth is that fool doing? Did he rob a mall or something? With how he’s dressed, you’d think he came from a wealthy family, not some ordinary son-in-law who tarnishes the reputations of men.”

A security guard derided as he looked at Lucian’s retreating figure with disdain.

“He probably borrowed someone else’s clothes. That jerk can’t afford anything himself. Mr. Winchester is inside, seeking the hand of Mrs. Stone Wellington. He probably heard that, so he must have dressed up to impress, trying to hold onto what he’s benefitting from. A gold digger like him isn’t about to risk losing his meal ticket,” another guard scoffed.

Before Lucian could step inside, he overheard someone say, “Sweetheart, since he’s back, I should leave. We can discuss this further tomorrow.”

A frown furrowed his brow.

Sweetheart? Who was his wife speaking to?

Without hesitation, Lucian entered the living room, his eyes landing on Jakob Winchester, the eldest son of Winchester Group and the head of Maple Real Estate Corporation.

Jakob examined Lucian with a look of surprise. “Wow, you’re looking quite different today, Lucy. I almost called you by your name because of it.”

Lucian frowned as he glanced at himself, then sighed heavily as the realization dawned on him.

“Oh, damn.”

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