Pregnant for who?!

The next day, Lucian rose early, determined to prepare a lavish and delicious breakfast. He hoped to mend the rift with his wife and mother-in-law after yesterday. Despite his frustration, he felt it was wise not to aggravate them further.

As he was busy in the kitchen, his small phone rang.

It was his father. The Godfather.

Lucian sighed as he answered, “I told you not to call me on this number, Godfather.”

“Lucian, you don’t carry that other phone with you all the time. What are you doing? I have something that requires your immediate attention,” the Godfather’s voice came through, insistent and urgent.

“Godfather, my marriage is in a crisis right now, and I need to focus on fixing it. Ask Drake or someone else to handle whatever it is,” Lucian responded, shaking his head as he stirred the sauce simmering on the stove.

“Your marriage has always been in crisis, son!” the Godfather snapped, frustration evident in his tone. “Stop being so difficult! I need you specifically for this task. You’re the only one I trust to handle it properly and ensure it gets done right!”

Lucian shook his head, adamant to listen. “As I said…”

“I’m your father, Lucian, do not forget that,” The Godfather said, his tone demanding. “We are family, and my concerns are just as important as that gold-digger you’re married to.”

“She’s not digging any gold,” Lucian retorted, frustration seeping into his voice. “I’ve given her nothing, and that’s part of the problem. I’m not going to lose her. I need to deal with something that could ruin everything. Can whatever you need wait until later?”

Lucian asked, his attention divided between the conversation and the meal he was preparing.

There was a pause on the other end before the Godfather sighed, “Alright, fine! Damn it, I regret ever letting you get involved with those Wellingtons!” The call ended abruptly.

Lucian ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair, sighing deeply as he folded his arms.

His Godfather was truly family. He was the first human he saw in his life. Twenty years ago, after emerging from the river with no memory of who he was or how he got there, Lucian had wandered toward a bridge.

He had been wandering aimlessly when a car hurtled toward Lucian at an alarming speed, almost running him down. Lucian extended his hand, and with incredible force, he stopped the vehicle in its tracks.

The impact crumpled the car’s front bumper and grille, shattered the headlights, and dented the hood.

That was the first time Lucian became aware of his own strength.

The Godfather was inside the car.

Witnessing such an astonishing display of power piqued his interest in Lucian. He saw potential in the boy and decided to take him under his wing. From that day forward, he gave Lucian not just a name, but adopted him, and trained him to control his strength.

Over the years, Lucian had come to see the Godfather as a father figure.

Despite his loyalty to the Godfather and his life as a mafia member, Lucian wanted a different future. He loved his work, but he also loved Riya, and he wanted a life that included her.

Riya entered the kitchen, her expression sour. “It seems you’ve come to your senses,” she sneered.

Lucian turned to face her, noticing she looked disheveled as if she had woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but he chose not to comment on it.

“I think you’re the only one who hasn’t,” he replied calmly.

Riya frowned, seemingly caught off guard by his comment. She opened her mouth to respond but suddenly froze as her body suddenly jerked. Without a word, she turned and bolted towards the stairs.

Lucian watched her go, puzzled and wondering if she was feeling unwell.

When Riya returned downstairs, she was composed and freshly dressed. She found her mother, Madame Verna, seated at the dining table, ready to eat.

Approaching her with a sigh, Riya said, “Mom, I need to talk to you.”

Madame Verna glanced up, a hint of impatience in her eyes. “Can it wait? I didn’t get a decent meal yesterday because of your incompetent husband. I need to eat right now.”

Riya glanced nervously at Lucian, who was standing off to the side, absorbed in something on his phone.

Feeling unsettled, she turned to her mother and said, “Mom, we need to step aside and talk. It’s important.”

Madame Verna, visibly irritated, looked at Riya with a frown. But seeing the seriousness in her daughter’s expression, she reluctantly stood up.

They moved to a spot away from Lucian, ensuring their conversation couldn’t be overheard.

“What is it?” Madame Verna asked, her voice tinged with impatience.

Riya hesitated before whispering, “Mom, I’m pregnant.”

Madame Verna’s eyes widened in shock.

“For who?!” she exclaimed, clearly alarmed.

“Lucian, of course,”

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