Chapter 10: The Drake Mansion

The hover-limo glided to a stop in front of the imposing Drake mansion. Alex stepped out, his eyes widening at the sheer scale of the building.

"Welcome home, darling," Eleanor said, linking her arm through his.

As they approached the grand entrance, the doors swung open automatically. A tall, distinguished man in an impeccable suit bowed slightly.

"Welcome back, Madam Eleanor," he said. "And welcome to Drake Manor, Mr. Carter."

Eleanor smiled. "Alex, this is Jameson, our head butler. He'll see to your every need."

Alex nodded, feeling uncomfortable. "Nice to meet you, Jameson."

"The pleasure is mine, sir," Jameson replied, his eyes never leaving Alex's face. "Shall I show you to your quarters?"

As they walked through the mansion, Alex felt increasingly overwhelmed. "This place is... enormous," he whispered to Eleanor.

She laughed. "Oh, darling, you'll get used to it. Now, let me introduce you to the rest of the staff."

A whirlwind of introductions followed - maids, cooks, groundskeepers, and more. Alex's head spun trying to remember all the names and faces.

Finally, they reached their private wing. Jameson opened the door to a lavish suite.

"Your quarters, sir," he said. "Is there anything you require?"

Alex shook his head. "No, thank you, Jameson."

As the butler left, Alex turned to Eleanor. "Do we really need all this?"

Eleanor's smile faltered for a moment. "Of course we do, darling. We're Drakes now."

Later that evening, Alex found himself seated at an enormous dining table. Maxwell Drake sat at the head, with Eleanor to his right and Alex next to her. Various Drake family members filled the other seats, all eyeing Alex with varying degrees of curiosity and disdain.

Maxwell raised his glass. "To the newest member of our family, Alex Carter-Drake."

A chorus of "hear, hear" echoed around the table, though Alex noticed some were less enthusiastic than others.

As the first course was served, Maxwell leaned forward. "So, Alex, Eleanor tells me you'll be heading our new terraforming division. Exciting stuff."

Alex shifted uncomfortably. "Well, I'm still learning about-"

"Nonsense!" Maxwell interrupted. "You'll do splendidly. We Drakes always come out on top."

A woman further down the table scoffed. "Some more than others, it seems."

Maxwell's eyes narrowed. "Something to say, Vivian?"

Vivian, a sharp-featured woman in her forties, smiled coldly. "Oh, nothing, Uncle. Just wondering when the board will discuss the... irregularities in the Mars project?"

The tension at the table was palpable. Eleanor's hand gripped Alex's knee under the table.

Maxwell's voice was steel. "The Mars project is proceeding as planned. Perhaps you should focus on your own department, Vivian. I hear the Jupiter stations are behind schedule."

Vivian's face flushed, but before she could respond, another family member spoke up.

"Speaking of new projects," a young man said, "I heard rumors about a secret initiative on Venus. Any truth to that, Uncle?"

Maxwell's gaze swept the table. "Drake Industries has many ongoing projects. Not all of them are public knowledge. That's how we stay ahead of the competition."

Alex observed the exchange, noting the undercurrents of rivalry and resentment. He caught Eleanor watching him and forced a smile.

As the dinner progressed, Alex found himself engaged in conversation with a young woman seated across from him.

"Don't mind the family drama," she said with a wry smile. "I'm Lydia, by the way. Eleanor's cousin."

Alex relaxed slightly. "Nice to meet you, Lydia. Is it always like this?"

Lydia laughed. "Oh, this is tame. You should see the holiday gatherings."

As the evening wore on, Alex and Lydia continued to chat. He found her refreshingly down-to-earth compared to the others.

"So, how are you finding life as a Drake?" Lydia asked.

Alex hesitated. "It's... different. There's a lot to get used to."

Lydia nodded sympathetically. "I can imagine. The Drakes can be... intense. Especially when it comes to the company."

"What do you mean?" Alex asked, his interest piqued.

Lydia glanced around before leaning in. "Let's just say that Drake Industries hasn't always played by the rules. There are some dark chapters in our family history."

Before Alex could ask more, Eleanor interrupted. "Darling, it's getting late. Shall we retire?"

As they left the dining room, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that he'd just scratched the surface of the Drake family secrets.

The next morning, Alex woke early, still adjusting to the massive bed and opulent surroundings. He decided to explore the mansion a bit.

As he wandered the halls, he bumped into Jameson.

"Good morning, sir," the butler said. "Can I assist you with anything?"

Alex shook his head. "No, thanks. Just looking around."

Jameson nodded. "Very good, sir. Do let me know if you need anything. Anything at all."

As the butler walked away, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that Jameson was watching him more closely than a butler should.

Later that day, Alex ran into Lydia in the mansion's extensive library.

"Alex! Fancy meeting you here," Lydia said, smiling.

Alex returned the smile. "Just trying to learn more about the family business. There's so much I don't know."

Lydia's expression turned serious. "Be careful, Alex. Knowledge can be dangerous in this family."

"What do you mean?" Alex asked, intrigued.

Lydia sighed. "The Drakes... they've done things. Things that wouldn't look good if they came to light. My father, he tried to expose some of it years ago."

Alex leaned in. "What happened to him?"

"He died in a 'tragic accident'," Lydia said, her voice bitter. "At least, that's the official story."

Alex felt a chill run down his spine. "Lydia, I-"

She held up a hand. "Just watch your back, Alex. And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here."

As Alex returned to his room that evening, his mind was reeling from everything he'd learned. He opened the door to find Eleanor sitting on the bed, a strange expression on her face.

"Where have you been all day, darling?" she asked, her voice tight.

Alex shrugged. "Just exploring the mansion. Getting to know my new home."

Eleanor stood up. "Well, I hope you're settling in. Remember, we have the board meeting tomorrow. You should get some rest."

As she left the room, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He went to his closet to change and noticed that his things seemed slightly out of place.

Frowning, he began to search more carefully. In the pocket of a jacket he hadn't worn yet, he found a small, folded piece of paper.

With shaking hands, he opened it. The message was brief but chilling:

"You're in danger. Trust no one. Meet me at the old greenhouse at midnight. Come alone."

Alex stared at the note, his heart racing. Who could have left it? And more importantly, what should he do?

As he stood there, torn between fear and curiosity, he heard a soft knock at the door. Quickly hiding the note, he called out, "Who is it?"

"It's Jameson, sir," came the reply. "Madam Eleanor asked me to remind you about tomorrow's early start."

Alex took a deep breath. "Thank you, Jameson. I'll be ready."

As he heard the butler's footsteps fade away, Alex looked at the clock. It was 11:30 PM. He had a decision to make, and not much time to make it.

The Drake mansion suddenly felt like a labyrinth of secrets and dangers. And Alex was right in the middle of it all.

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