Ch-25. Fraud

Samantha tried to explain to the man, her voice wavering slightly, "Sir, the chairman asked me to—"

But the man snapped again, cutting her off.

"Did he specifically ask you to entertain this idiot in his office during working hours? No, right? Then how the hell can you be so careless? I can understand that the security agency is new, but I honestly expected better from you, Samantha!”

"But sir, this isn't the first time this gentleman is here–”

"I don't know about that! But tell me one thing, does this man, in any way, look suitable enough to be hired as a janitor here? Let alone enter into the chairman's office and sit on his own chair?

Just put that little brain of yours to some good use, will you? Samantha, remember! You are being paid by the company, not out of Mr. Dwayne's personal pockets that you would need to show respect to his cheap relatives! Understand? Now leave!"

Samantha didn't say anything more. She just bowed slightly in Noah's direction and mouthed a “sorry.” Noah a
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