Ch-26. Probation

Noah's POV:

I was aware that people generally treat others according to their attire, and it is a shallow but undeniable truth… no matter which strata of society you belong to.

That's why I had picked out a fresh pair of formal wear suitable for the office. Crisp shirt, polished shoes, the works…

But then, circumstances had changed rapidly this morning, and I had to step out in these dirty clothes to make sure I wasn’t late to the office.

It wasn't like clothes were torn, either; in fact, they were new. There were just a few splashes of juice from the chaos at breakfast. If the receptionist had stopped me, I would have understood her concern.

But this manager... he was really taking it upon himself to scrutinize me like he was in-charge of conducting uniform checks.

His attitude almost made me laugh, until he took it too far with his arrogance and disrespect. It was clear he enjoyed this little power trip; it is one thing to maintain security, and it’s another to humiliate someone
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