All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
164 chapters
Ch-141. News flash
Noah opened his eyes, in sync with a message popping- up on his phone. It was the sound of its notification that had broken his sleep, and he groggily unlocked the phone.“Come to the living room of the mansion, now.”He read the message from his grandfather, and got to his feet with a jerk, forgetting that Eliana was also sleeping beside him.The moment he realized it, he made sure to walk across the room on his tiptoes, opening the door and leaving the guest room without making any further sounds.But it was already too late, since Eliana's sleep had also been interrupted because of the sound.By the time she gained consciousness and turned around on the bed, she saw the door closing softly. She got up and left the room as well, following in Noah's footsteps.But since she was completely new to the mansion, she bumped into the golden vase placed outside a bedroom as she turned the corner after climbing down one floor. She hissed in pain before steadying the vase that had been place
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Ch-142. Curtains
“Noah Kingsley! The chairman of the Blue Whale Group.”Eliana read the lines flashing on the television screen again… and again… and once more for the third time.So, she was indeed reading it correctly. The newscaster was saying enthusiastically that Noah Kingsley was going to be the next chairman of Blue Whale group– the biggest business empire of the world.But how and why was everyone present here giving a reaction like her Noah was the one who was going to be the chairman of this business empire?!In fact, the news was talking about Noah Kingsley. So shouldn’t they go and congratulate him? While her husband was just Noah… Noah Turner! How would he have any link to Noah Kingsley?He didn't know him… she didn't know him… he must be the son of a very wealthy and aristocratic family… then why was his family so invested in this news?Sure, she had just come to know that Noah wasn't an orphan from the village, with no family, like she had thought before. Although his parents were no m
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Ch-143. Not worthy
Warner looked at Viola, who was speaking like she was really happy with this news of the announcement of new chairman, and was claiming that she hadn't kept any difference between her own son Liam and Noah.But he knew very well how hypocritical this lady was, it was just that he didn't want to say it to her face.But he was definitely going to rub this victory of his, where he has really managed to save his grandson, whom she once tried to kill after giving poison as well.“I am so glad to hear that, Viola! I have always expected this much responsibility and sensibility from you and I am happy that it is the first time you haven't disappointed me. And now when you have accepted that there is no difference between Liam and Noah for you, I want you to organize a grand party in the evening and invite all the business families of the city. I want to celebrate this news with the entire city, also don't forget to invite the Frosts… after all, they are our in- laws and they should be the fi
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Ch. 144 No preparations required
Otis grunted in frustration before he stepped forward and grabbed Viola by both her shoulders, trying to put some sense into her small skull.He knew that she was very upset because of the news, but he was upset too! This was the sole reason he had not spoken to his mother, ever again. Not even when she was on her deathbed, when he had come to know about the prenup she has signed before marrying Warner.“The old lady was clearly blinded by love, and didn't want anything apart from a family from the man who could have brought the world for her! How foolish of her indeed. And the worst thing she did was to treat my step brother– the son of this old man– like her own son, when she has clearly dug the grave for her real son with her own hands!I knew it very well that my real father didn't even owe a penny under his name. Rather, he was behind bars for the crimes whose weight was enough to not let him out, at least in this lifetime. And that horrid woman whom I unfortunately called my mo
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Ch-145. Blank space of memory
Eliana silently went to her room, feeling that it was undoubtedly a relief that Warner had taken Noah with him, at least for now.Yes, she was very confused by all these events; but as much as she wanted to ask Noah about everything– the truths and the lies he had been hiding from her– she still needed some time alone with herself to compose herself first.She didn't consider herself to be a weak willed person, who would be shaken easily– but this had definitely knocked her off balance.It was completely unexpected– not just in the way that this news had been announced so suddenly, early in the morning, but also because she never saw it coming… that Noah could be involved in this succession battle by any means. She couldn't even believe her eyes yet– the man everyone in her family and in this world had treated so badly– just because of being poor and without a prominent family name– was actually the wealthiest person alive in this world!He was the only heir of the empire that contro
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Ch-146. My blood
“Noah! Just trust yourself, you are much more capable than you imagine yourself to be. Your grandpa needs some time to relax now, it has been a very long life for me, son. Now it is my time to take my retirement and hand over everything that belongs to you to you–”“I understand your concerns grandpa, but all I am saying is, regardless of whatever uncle Otis and aunty Viola have done, why does Liam have to pay for it? He also deserves to be a part of this business, just like he is a part of our family…”Noah interrupted his grandfather without even realizing it, as the question started to pinch him until he uttered it. He had been trying to understand all the points that his grandfather had been trying to explain to him, in direct as well as indirect ways since they had met.After hearing all of them straight from Warner’s mouth, he kinda understood almost everything. Especially after seeing that the maid who was supposed to have died all those years ago, all because of him– was aliv
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Ch-147. At the beginning
Noah took one glance at Eliana's eyes, and that's all it took for him to sense what she wanted.Without turning away from her or breaking eye contact, he started to speak to the staff members who were standing behind him while holding the medical supplies. “Leave, right now. And update me on the location of the doctor, why is it taking this long for him to come–”“It's okay! Call the doctor and tell him that there is no need for him to arrive. And also, close the door on your way out.”Eliana spoke over Noah's command before the staff members could have gotten the chance to reply and accept the order.She waited for them to leave the room with impatience and anxiety; even though Noah was trying his best to hide it from her eyes, she could notice the frustration and the helplessness on his face.This was something she hadn't ever seen on his face even when he didn't have a penny in his pocket– so then, why was he this helpless when he was the only heir of an entire Empire?As soon as
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Ch-148. Blanket
Eliana closed the gap between them within moments as she pulled Noah into a hug, rubbing her hands softly on his back. She found her voice after a few minutes. “It's okay Noah… it's okay, I am not mad at you that you have hidden all of this from me. It's just that, if you had told me about it already, we might have done something about it together. We are a team, right? Then why do you have to go through all of this alone?”Noah tightened his grip against Eliana's waist, releasing all the tension he had been holding in for so long. Feeling overwhelmed, all he could manage to do was murmur in a low voice,“Thank you!”As soon as she heard Noah whispering a thank you, she started off on another tangent, feeling miffed. “Noah, seriously! You will thank me for doing the bare minimum, when you have been doing everything to save this relationship of ours? I don't even know what I have done, to get someone you in my life… the most caring and loving life partner in this entire world–”"Giv
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Ch-149. Bad news
Everyone had gathered back at the breakfast table, and before anyone could break the silence, Otis took the initiative, his voice filled with relief.“Dad! I have talked to Liam, and he will be here before the evening party. I spoke to him last night, he's also very happy for Noah– after all, they are brothers.”“Yes! Even though they are originally cousins by relation, but I have always taught my son that Noah is his brother.”As soon as Otis completed his sentence, Viola spoke up proudly, lifting her chin, and giving a pointed look to Warner.“That's a good thing. So when will Liam be here?”Warner asked, concentrating on his food.“He has boarded the private jet already. He will be here by three- thirty this afternoon.”“Alright." Warner said, taking a sip of his coffee before turning his attention to Noah. “Noah, make sure you eat your breakfast well, son. We have got some important matters to discuss, and we will continue where we left off.”“Okay Grandpa.”Noah replied with a n
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Ch-150. Heart Stroke
Noah’s voice cracked as he continued screaming for help, tiring out his lungs continuously. Finally, the doctor arrived, pushing through the tense atmosphere and panic- stricken staff. “Mr. Kingsley, please step aside and let us check.”The doctor instructed as soon as he saw Warner's condition, and the fact that Noah was holding his hands like he was not ready to let go of them at any cost. Yet, as the doctor spoke again, Noah quickly stepped aside. The examination was a little too swift, and when the doctor looked up, his face was grave.It didn't take him too long to announce;“I am sorry to say, but Mr. Kingsley has suffered a stroke. We need to take him to the hospital as fast as we can, or else his condition will worsen rapidly.”The announcement shook both Noah and Eliana to the root. Meanwhile, across the room, Otis and Viola were still trying to console each other and compose themselves; too consumed by their own grief to be aware of their surroundings or process what was h
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