All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
164 chapters
Ch-151. We will do our best!
The doctor placed a comforting hand on Noah's shoulder and spoke gently.“Be rest assured, Mr. Kingsley. We'll do the best we can. We won’t let anything happen to Mr. Warner."With that, the doctor and his team entered the operation room, leaving Noah, Eliana, and Stuart waiting outside the operation theater in anticipation.Their anxiety was building with every passing minute; three agonizing hours had passed this way, but no one came out to tell them anything that was going on inside.Noah or Staurt had not sat down, even for a minute; both of them were too worried to even notice the strain on their legs or even breathe. Thankfully, it was an autonomous process and was taking place in the background without any external effort, or else, they would have stopped doing that as well.Eliana paced nervously, alternating between trying to comfort Noah and Stuart and tamping down her own fears. However, attempts to calm them down were not quite successful.Beneath his steely exterior, Noa
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Ch-152. Out of Danger
Noah quickly pulled away from Eliana and turned to the junior doctor, as he asked;“What …what did you say, how is my grandpa?”“Sir! He is finally out of danger. His condition has finally stabilized and he will be back in his senses in a few minutes, or a few hours at maximum, but right now he is looking for you.”“Okay, I am coming right away.”Saying this, he looked at Eliana and she nodded softly as he entered the room.Warner was lying on the bed, semi- conscious. His face was looking pale and haggard, like he had been sick for years and had aged a whole ten years within a few hours.But still, Noah was at peace, as his grandfather was out of danger now, and he knew that he would recover gradually from here.He sat on the side chair by the bed and pulled Warner's hand in his own, making him aware of his presence.Sensing him near his bed, Warner managed to open his eyes and a faint voice called out;“Noah!”“Yes grandpa! I am here, your Noah is here.”He replied as quickly as he
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Ch-153. Promise to hide
Noah was understanding each and every word that Warner was saying, but there was a part of him which still didn't want to believe them… the little boy who had been thrown out into the world without his family didn't want to believe his grandpa's words.There were many cons for believing them, and the worst of it was that because of this news, he would have to accept the fact that his brother was not with them anymore.However, he didn't want to disappoint his grandpa, either. Shrugging away his worries and fixing a smile on his face, he spoke;“I know grandpa! But right now, you need to rest, so don't think about business right now… just rest.”“Yes, my dear… I will. But tell me, how are Viola and Otis? He… he was their only son. Please tell me they are okay too?”He asked, as he was really concerned about his step son and daughter in law. Even though he was well aware of their reality, this wasn't the time to judge and treat them according to their past actions and greed.“The staff
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Ch-154. Leaked information
Four days had passed since that nightmare had occurred, which had actually turned into the reality of Noah's life. Everything had slowly started to fall back into place: Otis had finally gained enough courage to step out of the house and Viola had also started to eat and drink somewhat properly. Back at the hospital, Warner's health had also started to get better.Stuart had kept his promise very well; the news was not out yet, and everything was under control, at least for now. The search operation, aiming and hoping to find anything related to Liam or the pilot was still on. Noah was not ready to let Liam's last memories go like this, he wanted something for his uncle and aunty to have, as a remembrance of their son.It was still a consolation for now, that they both were coming back to their normal routine and trying to forget their grief, and he was glad for it.Otis had asked Noah to wait, saying that he would also accompany him to the hospital today. Warner had finally been shi
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Ch-155. Responsibility of the family
Noah and Otis both heard what Warner had said, and Otis gave his eager agreement before Noah could have a chance to voice his opinions.“Yes Dad! I totally agree with you. I think it is a brilliant idea, as it would seal many mouths.”“But grandpa and uncle, you guys have forgotten one important factor. Although I am also the son of this family, I haven't faced the camera or media persons, even for once in my entire life. I have never been in the public eye, nor have I been media trained like other members of the family. And it doesn't stop there, I don't really know much about the complete extent of our business; or we can say that I barely know things about our business in this instance. I don't even know how to run a business on my own in particular, so how could I manage to host this press conference? I don't even know yet, if I might have stage fear or not–”“Noah! Noah! Calm down son! Calm down, we get it.”It was Otis who interrupted Noah, trying to console him. “We get everyt
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Ch-156. Press conference
Although Noah had mentioned that he needed Otis’s help with the press conference, he himself was not ready to trust him completely.After all, he was aware of his innate nature to cheat– being burnt once already.But right now, seeing the grief he was going through, he didn't find it a good idea to leave him completely out of the business activities.On the contrary, Noah thought that it would be a good distraction for him if Otis busied himself in the business once again.But as soon as Noah said that, Warner's face softened and he spoke with affection.“Noah! My dear! I know you are being paranoid about doing this press conference alone because you have never been in the eyes of the media, but dear you have to trust yourself, because I know you can do it and I trust you with my whole heart.”“But grandpa… how can I–”Noah tried to speak, but Warner didn't give him the time to say anything at all. He didn't even get to complete a single sentence, when Warner pre- emptively answered a
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Ch-157. All set
Otis’s face turned dark like storm clouds as soon as he noticed Stuart's presence there, and his mightier- than- you attitude felt like a personal taunt to Otis, because of course, he wouldn't treat Noah this way in a hundred years.He was doing a good enough job keeping his temper in check till now; but the moment he said that Warner had sent him there to guide Noah for the press conference, he completely lost it.If he had his way, Otis would have thrown him out of the room and locked the door until the end of the press conference. Alas! It would ruin everything if he would reveal his anger in front of them right now. Thinking this, he composed himself before he spoke after Stuart completed his statement. “We get it Stuart, Dad has asked you to come here for Noah's sake. But why would you leave him alone without consulting or even informing any one of us? We all know how much he loves Noah and the fear of him being alone in the interview must have made him so anxious that he has s
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Ch-158. Insider information
Noah sat patiently and listened through the entire question of the person calmly, gesturing for guards to stay at their places until he himself commanded otherwise.It was a middle aged man, probably in his late forties, with thinning salt- and- pepper hair which had been slicked back like it had been casted into place. His brown suit looked slightly outdated, with the fabric pulling awkwardly at the shoulders. An olive green tie was hanging around his wrinkled neck.Once the person was done and the entire hall was staring at Noah expectantly, he spoke in a perfectly composed tone;“Okay! I heard your question. But don't you think it is a very big allegation in the disguise of an unbiased question.”The man smirked a little, before leaning forward again. “No! It is not just an allegation. It is just a question and–”“And what? Your speculation, that I have somehow killed my own cousin who was just like a brother to me?”Noah interrupted him once again, seeing that he was not ready t
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Ch-159. Straight to hospital
Things at the conference were going too well, to believe that they were being monitored by Noah. For someone who didn't know him, it was hard to believe that he was new to the limelight– someone who didn't have any exposure to the media, or any media training for that matter.The success of the press conference made Warner so happy that he couldn't stop gushing over Noah. It was safe to say that he wouldn't be getting over this milestone any time soon. He had insisted that a livestream be set up in his hospital suite and refused to skip even a single second, though both Noah and Otis had asked him not to watch the press conference because of their different concerns. Noah didn't want his grandpa to take on any more tension during the press conference, while Otis didn't want to get caught by the experienced eyes of his step dad, knowing that it would not take him too long to figure out that he had already planted a reporter there, to bring everything crashing down with a single blow.
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Ch-160. Full course meal
Otis left the hospital, thanking his stars and Viola in his mind. And why not, it was her master plan because of which he could get an escape from that environment, where he was feeling suffocated with anger and frustration after hearing that old man rave about his uncivilized grandson, when he hadn't even conquered the first step yet.He was feeling like history was repeating itself all over again.It was the same situation that he had faced– only, in place of Noah, his father, Rick, used to be Otis' competitor.He was just a born genius in the field of business– just like Noah the Great– and had always excelled in all areas of business, leaving no space for him at all… and what had his step dad done then?Back then, Warner had simply asked Otis to start a new business in his name, saying that he would invest in his idea and would support him in every step. What a great idea, acting as if Otis didn't know why he has been saying all of this!He was smart enough to know that in the nam
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