All Chapters of The Rise of Thomas Miller;the unwanted son-in- law: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
153 chapters
Chapter 92
A LITTLE SECRETSir Larry took him to a side of the building and on the left was an entrance door from the back. He led him through a dark corridor.“Where are we going? “Thomas tried hard to maintain the composure he had held from the beginning of the journey. Even though he was still young, he is a hero and heroes don’t freak out no matter the situation they find themselves in. The room was dark until Sir Larry turned on the lights.“What are these?”“These are your fathers of old up until your generation.” Thomas looked at the images. Sir Larry stood with a smile on his face as he gave Thomas the lecture about his lineage and how he has been chosen as the next healer for this generation.“Why then is Grandpa Roland not the chosen one?“It's skip Thomas. It comes two generations after and since your father was killed you have to carry the mandate. “Oh I see”. Thomas exclaimed and rubbed his fingers together. “So in a real sense I am only here to carry out the mission my father di
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Chapter 93
A JOURNEY OF NO RETURNThomas and the men set out for the mission the next day after he had told Maven he would be traveling for a few days. He grabbed his bag and went off to meet with the other gang members at the meeting point. “I shall take my destiny in my hands if it means wiping out a whole generation” he beat his chest and walked out. Meeting Sir Larry that very morning with a warm smile on his face the two men hugged as their new found way to greet themselves. “You are up to the task son and do not forget all that I have to you”. Sir Larry said. “Spider, Tiger, scorpion, Snipper and the rest of the men are outside waiting to receive you” he said with a bright smile on his face.“That's cool sir. I can't wait to be on this mission. I shall not fail you and grandpa and my late father too shall smile from the heavens.” Thomas said and kissed Sir Larry on the cheek.“Come on now it's time to leave”. Sir Larry spoke and pushed Thomas on the chest a little bit. They both laughe
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Chapter 94
UNWANTED VISITORSThe moment they got into the building Pedro smiled as he saw them walk in. “Ah! Ha! I knew Marcus would come looking for me someday”. He said and hugged Ghokas without asking who he was. “Hoe did you know it was me and not them?” Thomas asked the middle- aged man.“I know my friend when I see him he lives in you and you must make him proud son, what if I owe you this auspicious visit?” The man with the long beards asked as he patted Thomas on the back.“My grandpa sent me here. He said "you know where Lord Rodrigo is and you have been waiting for this day for a long time”. Thomas said with a skeptical look.on his face. The man doesn't look as stunty as he had expected. “Your father was a good man” he spoke in a very calm tone. “I was asked to meet you sir. I know you can help me”“Sit”. He ordered. “You need to find Rodrigo”. He said to them, The men arranged themselves on the seat and waited. Thomas knows he is going to get the help he needs once everything is
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Chapter 95
A DONE DEALThomas stood behind the men as they strolled into the building breaking into every room they found. They didn’t talk to themselves since they already knew the assignment. One heavy jam on each of the doors and it's open. Then they go in a quick search for any living thing. The last room was the study. The door was locked. The other men came from the other room with frowns on their faces. “The other rooms are empty bosses. Tiger reported.“It only means one thing boss, this room has exactly what we are looking for”. He spoke the words and smiled victoriously. His eyes read so much happiness that at last he was going to execute the reason he had come on a mission like this.“We need to get the door down by all means”. The men cackled in a loud roar and began to pound on the door with their feet. “What the heck?”one of the men asked. Meanwhile Rodrigo held his gun tight in the room and pointed it to the door. He was sweating profusely from his head down to his body. “I wo
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Chapter 96
IT’S ALMOST TIMEWhen Thomas returned he just couldn’t feel even happier than he had been. For some reason he was beginning to feel the guilt of taking the life of those innocent children until his conscience spoke to him. “Well that’s true” he mouthed. The car reeked in front of Grandpa Al Thani’s mansion. Sir Al Thani couldn’t wait to have his son back in his arms. He had asked Lucas to roll him out so he could wait at the front porch.“Thomas my son” he stretched out his arms and welcomed him. Thomas ran into grandpa’s arms as comfortable as it could be.“If you find peace and a home.” Thomas whispered to his grandpa. Lucas later joined the hug happily.“Brother we have the best dish waiting for you and your men” Lucas said. Thomas paused and looked at him. The last time he checked, grandpa said Lucas was too small to know what’s going on, so how did he find out Thomas was coming with some men to the house?Thomas stood confused until he saw Grandpa Al thanis smile.” One of the b
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Chapter 97
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED“Now is the perfect time to go after every one who has wronged me.” Thomas hates bullies and finds it very difficult to accept humiliation. Since Tricia and George have decided to play a fast one on him then he too shall deal with them as they so desire. That morning before Thomas left for the Taylor’s home he knew he had a lot to cover up. First he went to pay his foster grandma and grandpa a visit in the new home he got them. Grandma was happy to see Thomas after so many weeks and grandpa had tears of joy in his eyes for the new life and status he had given them. He didn’t get to spend so much time as he would be out later that day to begin my mission with Tricia and George.Thomas checked out a perfect plan that he was sure would work. Then he went on to lodge in a hotel the entire day. He slept for a few hours, at exactly seven o'clock he got up and dressed himself in his black hoodie and black pants and headed straight out for the mission. From his little
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Chapter 98
THE BEST LAUGHThomas began to laugh when he dropped the phone. He knows that by now Tricia was on her way reeving mad to meet her beloved in the arms of another and wounded. He took his glass of wine and began to slurp slowly.Meanwhile a car stopped in front of the lounge and Tricia jumped out of it hurriedly. She ran straight up to the room. That was his private room and she knew exactly every damn worker.She didn’t even bother to ask the receptionist if George was in since Thomas had called her to inform her and she had no doubts since he also made mention of the room number. She is fully aware that before now Thomas had no freaking idea where she spends her love time with her new man, but now that he did she is convinced that there is more trouble to it than he had told her over the phone. A feeling of fear and anger surged her soul as she stomped the hallway raving straight to fight George. The moment she got close her blood pumped louder. She pushed the door open to find Geo
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Chapter 99
SAVE MEHeavy feet through the MacRonny’s hospital corridor. His heart raced and ticked with anger and furry.“Who did you say did this my son”?’ He asked one of George’s friends as he stopped at the same spot to grab him by the shirt.“I do not know but I am very sure it was Thomas. He came to the lounge to ask for George’s whereabouts and we told him. Sir we were all drunk and I am so sorry” The young man pleaded.“’Well, you will be sorry for yourself and your entire family because my son doesn’t get well as fast as I want him to”. The governor spoke. His big stomach protruded. He released his grip on the young man and walked straight to the ward where his son was laid. It is a private ward for special cases. He looked up at the description on the door post and shook his head in pain. He pushed the door open to meet a doctor and a nurse treating his son.“Doctor. What exactly is my son’s condition? I need to know so I can have a rest at least”. He spoke coldly.“Sir, you have to
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Chapter 100
A BIG FAVORShe ran off quickly and got to her house. “Meanwhile the governor has gotten to his office. The situation report of his son was making him lose his mind. He sat on a chair and placed his feet on the desk. “I do not think my son got in a fight with that boy just like that. Something must have triggered it. Now look at my boy” he spoke to his aide who had his hand folded on his shoulder. “Well, I think we should give it some time, maybe he will recover from it”.“Give it some time? While the idiot who got my boy into this goddamn situation goes free, enjoying his life? Never. I shall fight with all I have to bring that riffraff to justice. He can’t just walk around town like he did nothing while my boy suffers for nothing”. The governor said even more angered than he had been.A knock came on the door and the PA ran off to get it. “Yes, what do you want and who are you?” the PA asked.“I am Tricia Adams and I am here to see the governor. George’s girlfriend”. She said wi
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Chapter 101
CAUGHTTricia rushed out of the room and headed straight for the corridor. Her heart swelled with pain and fear as she rushed out to search for his car. Damn bastard”. She spoke and rushed back into the room to grab her bag. Things he suddenly remembered: she can't go to the governor with the bad news. She placed her room back and forth.“I think I need to tell the governor before it's too late”. She thought as she bit her lower lip thinking and hoping she would wake up from the dream.Wake up Tricia. This has got to be a joke” she mutters to herself. She is in really deep trouble and the governor could get her locked up if she isn't careful. How was she going to get that bastard and that check?She thought of going to the bank or to the airport but changed her mind. She quickly grabbed her bag and went for the later. There was no way he would have picked up the money in such a fast time. She hurried out of the lodge and flagged a taxi.She hopped in and told the driver where she was
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