All Chapters of The Rise of Thomas Miller;the unwanted son-in- law: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
153 chapters
Chapter 102
I AM THOMAS AL THANIThe things drove as fast as the could with Tricia laying at the back. Her mouth plastered with tapes. She had managed to recover consciousness as the car continued in motion. Then they suddenly stopped at the hotel Thomad stayed. They climbed to the second floor and headed straight to his room. They know he as been hiding there since after the incident and the informant gave them the information that Thomas was still in the room. He saw them coming from the Balcony and smiled. The men rushed in thudding their feet against the ground as they walked hurriedly. “Hurry up” Their leader spoke and matched on. The moment they got to the door. They broke in unannounced. The bedroom was empty. “Where the hell did he go?” The thug leader frowned at the others as they all took turns to scan the room. Their informant was sure Thomas was in that room and now what? Had he just disappeared without any trace? They stood with lots of unanswered questions in their hearts.“Sear
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Chapter 103
CHASED OUTThe governor’s thugs drove the car as fast as they could till they got to a very lonely road. “Get out of the car,” their leader yelled at Tricia.“The governor has asked us to let you go free without paying back the money you carelessly threw away. You know you are very lucky the governor is in a very good mood and this is your lucky day”. The man said.“Should I go?” Tricia asked in a very scared tone, She looked around and there was no single house or cars she could shield herself from. At this point she sensed there was trouble but all she had to do it’s obey their others to save her life.“Run Tricia. You are free, you can run back to the city from here, it's not as far as you think it is”. One of the men said to her. Tricia let them take off the rope on her hand and began to run as fast as her legs could carry her. The men let her run for a good distance and just when she believed she was finally saved, they drove towards her with seed while she put in all her best
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Chapter 104
A HUGE LOSS“Mom, that was too harsh. We shouldn't have chased him away. What if he gets killed by those governor's thugs?” Maven asked her mother while she gave her a skeptical look.Maven the idiot is old enough and man enough to take care of himself” Lady Victoria answered deviantly without thinking. She held her hand in her head and sighed. Maybe she would go look for Thomas later but for now she would stay away. Since her mother doesn't want to see Thomas she would stay away for a while.She laid in bed and slept off. By morning she got up and rushed off to work. Grandma was already seated in her chair when she walked in.“Maven you are so fond of coming late to walk. I have thought you changed when we gave you a break. You really didn't change. You still have the effrontery to show up here late despite the fact that we are trying to build this company back. Sheooked at her Grandma soberly. She was tired and stressed from all that happened the previous day. “I hear your husband
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Chapter 105
SHE IS MINE TO PROTECTMaven has thought about all the options and yet couldn't come up with some reasonable ones. She packed her office back and forth with the tip of her pen in mouth. “Damn! How on earth would they bar me from accessing the company?” She questioned and wondered through all the options she had. “Yes! That's exactly what I would do”.She said and grabbed her handbag and her car keys. She raced out, hitting Grace on the shoulder.“I am sorry Ma'am”.Grace bent over to pick up the files that had fallen off her hand. “Ma'am I need you to see this. A meeting has been fixed by DetroX solutions tomorrow”.Grace spoke the words as she raced after her boss who only had limited time to listen.“What meeting?I didn't schedule any meeting with them Grace” Maven managed to answer as she strolled out hastily.Then she suddenly paused to have a rethink.What's going on Grace?did you fix any meeting without first letting me know about it?”she queried her tone changing quickly and her
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Chapter 106
ENOUGH IS ENOUGHThomas took Maven upstairs and laid her on the bed. He quickly took off her shoes and covered her with the duvet. He had always had a liking for Maven right from the first night he had met her at the bar drunk. This night brought a lot of memories to his heart as he sat by her side. He pushed off the long hair covering her face and smiled as he watched her sleep peacefully.Just at that moment the door creaked open and Lady Victoria stood by the door.“What did you say happened to her?” She asked like Thomas was supposed to know the reason she got herself drunk.“How would I know ma’am? I have no damn idea, I think she is frustrated from work” Thomas answered calmly. From the corner of his eyes he could see Lady Victoria scanning him like he had come into her home to steal, meanwhile the reverse was the case. Thomas smiled wryly and got up to his feet. I guess I have to leave, I am still not welcome here”. He mouthed.“Well, I think you should because you have no damn
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Chapter 107
AN UNWANTED INVITEWhen Maven woke up from sleep. She decided to go invite Thomas over to the house at least to thank him for looking out for her. Lady Victoria wouldn't have approved of it if she was home. But since she had gone out for her pedicure and hair do, Maven picked it as the best time to do what she had to do.He came in a moment ago. Seating in the living room like a total stranger. “Hey” she called out when she stopped by the stairs. Come on, we need to talk up the stairs. She told him. “The maid will bring your food to the room. I know it's against the tradition of this house but will have to do it that way."I am so confused Thomas, I don't know what to do, '' Maven complained bitterlyThomas smiled while studying her face for a while; he knows she's the mewler. She could break down at the slightest opportunity she gets. Thomas held Maven's hand and helped her up to her feet. He stood in front of her. "You worry too much Maven and like I will always tell you everythin
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Chapter 108
AN AWKWARD MOMENT Maven woke up with a jolt, eyes staring at the alarm clock. It was exactly 6:00 a.m., as usual. Maven didn't have to look at the clock to know it was time for her to wake up for the day. She would always get the urge to wake up once it's 6 a.m and this has always been exact and accurate, except on weekends when she deliberately decides to sleep in bed for a while.She pushed the comforter off her body and slid out of bed. She laid the pillows perfectly aligned and carefully on the bed, the shelves pulled tight, and her pink comforter was folded just the right way. Maven gave herself a firm nod when she saw she had done the job perfectly this time.She scurried over to my bathroom for the next to get a good wash as it was a necessary part of her morning ritual. She could never miss it; she brushed my teeth, washed my face, and showered afterwards. She quickly looked out for her outfit, the same one she had put together the previous night and got quickly dressed
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Chapter 109
STRANGE THINGS HAPPENThomas looked at Mave for a while and smiled.You've been smiling for quite some time. What do you deem to be so good with you?” Maven asked Thomas before taking the juice in her mouth. “Well I am just happy to have you around that's all”. Thimas answered and drummed his finger on the table. Well, well ,well. So this is where I manage. The salary isn't much but I am glad I can raise some stipends from it”. Thomas said happily. “Yes. I know. I can see all that happiness in your face and you seem not to have any problems at all” Thomas looked at her and smiled. They spoke for another hour and then she told him she would like to take her leave.“It's fine. You can always call if you need to talk”. He told her.“Thank you Thomas. And u am sorry for the waybi spoke to you the last time. I should have allowed mom throw you out of the house like that” She said to Thomas with a sorry look.“ all that is in the past now. I am happy here and I will get paid at the end o
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Chapter 110
THE HEALER IS HERE“Thomas, you look strange”. Grandpa said, looking at his son. Thomas looked like a demi god and his eyes glowed a special kind of green. “I am Thomas Al Thani the last healer of my tribe” Thomas spoke with much audacity and strength. He grabbed his grandpa's will hand and held him up.Sir Rufus Al Thani rises and walks”. He spoke with order. Pa. Al Thani didn't comprehend a thing that was happening to him but all he could see was that his legs had something like fire revolving in a spiral form. He is shocked to see that he would stand on his own.“That's it, pop. You can walk and take the steps”. Thomas was still in the high realm when he gave his grandfather all of these orders. Grandpa Al Thani obeyed all and did just as he had instructed. Grandpa lifted his legs little by little and began to move.“Can walk. I can walk”. Grandpa said with a very loud voice. By the time Thomas was done with releasing all the powers he became very weak and fell on the ground. H
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Chapter 111
THE JOY OF A FATHER Thomas and grandpa Rufus drove through the city singing grandpa's favorite old time country song together. Grandpa is shocked that Thomas knows a good number of the songs on the album. “My grandfather, I mean my other grandpa taught me a couple of them and I am so glad he did” Thomas said with excitement in his voice. He held the steering tight and drove the car like a professional. “Where did you learn how to drive, boy?” Grandpa Al Thani asked him in a very calm tone as usual. He has never had a loud voice except that he is angry at someone or at something not done at the appropriate time. “Well, I can’t really say I went on any driving lessons. It all happened in a single night and I am as shocked as you are”. Thomas grinned and then shot a playful wink at grandpa with his tongue sticking out. “What do you mean? Boy you confused as hell”. Grandpa laughed shortly then suddenly became serious again. “Well, my grandma almost died so I stole a neighbor's car
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