All Chapters of The Rise of Thomas Miller;the unwanted son-in- law: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
153 chapters
Chapter 143
JUST A LITTLE TEASEThomas knows why he has come back to show himself to the people that treated him badly. Nature has its own way of distributing nemesis to those who deserve them. Thomas has already made his list of those he deals with for messing with his life. At least all those new at the time have no idea who his foster grandparents are so he isn’t even afraid of anyone attacking them while he is not watching. For the records he knows Grandma Clara too well to be oblivious to her schemes. She had made her points clear from the beginning and she had demonstrated her hatred for him since the very day she met him not just by words but her actions too.Thomas smiled recalling how she had asked him to call her grandma, “the world is really crazy you know and the people in it are even crazier than we can think of”. He said the words the moment his room door opened and Lucas, his cousin, came inside.“How did the dinner go, big brother?” Lucas asked knowing Thomas had once complained o
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Chapter 144
CHAPTER 143A GOOD FITMaven pulled up in front of the governor’s office. She has her hair fully packed to a bun on the back. She looked at the time on her wrist watch. It’s exactly 12 pm as planned by the governor’s aide. Maven had a smile on her face.Good morning Ma’am”. The lady at the reception greeted the moment Maven got into the reception hall. She knows almost all the staff at the entrance and so she has been given the preferential treatment. “Is your boss in?” she asked the secretary.She had a smile on her face as her duty demanded. Maven strolled and stopped by the front desk.“The governor is in and he has been waiting for you”. She said and handed Maven a tag on her neck. “Come with me ma’am”. She said to Maven and began to lead her to the office.“Boss has been waiting to meet you, I trust you will have a very pleasant day.“I bet”. Maven walked behind her until they got to the office. The governor’s office was a large hall bigger than Maven’s place. The secretary k
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Chapter 145
THAT WILL NOT HAPPENAfter Maven asked him out of her office she took a deep breath. David and his father have not only caused her pain and misery but threatened her life the entire time. She thought about how to deal with him yet when she was done with all the evidence she had against him she decided to let go. What could be his pain point and the reason he could come boldly to her to give her such a treat? She stood by the desk drumming the tip of her fingers on it.“this is bullshit”. She said and went on to stand by the glass gallery to watch the bustling city. After she had taken her time to think through all that was happening she took a deep breath in and turned to her seat. If her father was alive just like David's father is for sure none of them would try to threaten her. She puffed air out of her and went on to do her work for the day. She thought about going to grandma's house to report David but of course she knows grandma too well that changes anything. It seems like sh
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Chapter 146
A GOOD SOLUTION Maven has decided to let the sleeping dog lie but unknown to her that all she has been fighting for would soon go down the drain if she isn’t careful with her plans. The moment she had that argument with her uncle she sighed and continued with work. About two hours later a knock came to her door. This time she isn’t scared that it might be someone coming to accuse or harass her again. David can go as far as telling grandma lies about her but she really does care at this point because she has the power as much as grandma to lay anyone she pleases off and she has come to realize that her uncles are angry because grandma has chosen her over them. “Who is?” Maven’s voice came out after the knock resounded a second time. She didn’t bother to raise her head before talking to the person.“Grace, I have told you to come in whenever you have something important to say”. Maven said while working with a pen on a paper.“And you go so busy that you don’t even want to look up at
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Chapter 146
A WICKED PLANDavid woke up very early on a Friday morning. He dashed out to the kitchen in his pajamas.“Good morning mom”. He greeted his mom who was just standing close to the kitchen door.“Good morning my dear boy. You are up a bit early today”. She said to him while sipping on her cream less coffee.“I have a few errands to run mom. What’s up for breakfast?’ He asked his mother as he brushed past her to meet the Chef who was busy making the morning meal.“Omelets and what?” He asked the chef.“Good morning sir, It beacons and eggs, “The chef said without adding the other dish she was making. “Oh that's fine, I can have them”. Thomas said then opened the fridge to grab two apples and a bottle of water. “It’s almost ready, you should eat before leaving for work today”. His mother said.“Mom, you know I am not that breakfast kind of person. The fruit and water is enough for me to start with. I have to head to the gym”. He told her.“The gym? It's Friday David, aren't you going to
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Chapter 148
A KIDNAP“You are just despicable. All what we said here didn’t bother you. It's how to get your grandma’s heart you want? Is that why you want Maven out of the way? Why don’t you just kill her then?” Sebastian asked with disgust, handing on his tone. After they sat and did all the analysis they had to do. David decided that it was time for him to leave. He knows that his plan would work perfectly as long as he has Sabastian working with him. He has also sent a message to Logan just to let him know how things are going. Since the last humiliation he had not been himself and when he told Logan about it he returned his words with a heavy laughter.He stood by the window and watched David drive off the yard before picking up his phone to call Logan. Meanwhile Maven on the other hand has her meeting with the surveyors at the site today. She had arranged all she needed to do and then clocked in at work only to stay for a few hours before leaving since the meeting is scheduled at 12pm. Sh
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Chapter 149
"You have to realize the situation on the ground, Emilia. I can’t just reject her like that. I can't hurt her." He begged, a look of feebleness on his face, making me snicker. I could not even bring myself to believe him! After all these years and after everything, I am just a play thing? After serving two years jail term for a crime I didn't commit? All because I wanted to prove my love for Juan and to keep his records clean so he doesn't lose his position as the Alpha of this Pack. And this is all I get on my first day of release? Juan knows the truth about how the lady died? He was drunk and hit her with his car but when he pleaded for me to cover up for him I accepted. For two years I served in jail waiting for Juan yet he never showed up even though he promised to get me out. Now it hurts even more to see him in the arms of another; my own blood sister!!!"Wait! Juan, you can't reject her, but you are willing to cut ties with me in a heartbeat? You chose her? Then what about me,
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Chapter 150
“I have to admit, I never expected this. It feels so good to take what you love the most. I told you Summer, I will make your life miserable and it seems like the Moon goddess ox helping me out. “Chloe said with a chuckle. I could feel the pride in her words."Why?” I asked as I continued to comb her long wavy hair."Why? It's simple. I love watching you suffer. Is that reason good enough?” She replied, smiling wickedly at me through the mirror. “I am your sister Chloe!" I said, trying to understand why a blood sister would go to such lengths just to hurt me.“I am not your sister, mutt! Who wants to be associated with a dirty whore like you! You are a disgrace to our family. You should never have been born." Chloe spat, her words so ugly that I flinched. “You are weak and pathetic. Can't you see it, nobody wants you so Why not just disappear from the face of earth and go to hell? Even Alex doesn't want you anymore. You have nothing left here. Your presence is just a nuisance.” She
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Chapter 151
“What move are you talking about? She is my mate, Nathan. What else should I have done? Turn a blind eye while they mistreat her? What’s mine is mine and I won’t let that little girl maltreat her, no." I declared possessively. As her Mate, how can I just sit by and watch that pathetic woman bully my Mate? The simple thought of it makes my blood simmer in hatred. At this point all I wanted to do was split that wicked woman’s heart and feed it to the dogs. The anger growled in my stomach like a long endured hunger pang and I am a hundred percent sure even the dogs wouldn’t want to feast on a heart as black as hers. The lady has got a poisonous heart and to think that they were sisters? I want to puke.I just couldn’t help but feel a shockwave in my bones every single time I think about what would have happened if I didn’t intervene. I did manage to calm down Leo until the bonding was over before giving that lady a strict warning. But that doesn't mean I won't get back at her. I strongly
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Chapter 152
BAD NEWSMaven knew that someone was trying to play smart with her but who? She just couldn’t get to know who would want to dent her reputation and that of the company so bad. She held the remote firm in her hand and waited for the TV to load.“This is fucking crazy” she said. Just as the TV was loading Grace rushed into the office, Maven turned to face her.“Ma’am have you seen the news? The engineers sent to the site have been…”“Shhh! I need to hear from the reporters what exactly is happening” Maven said, raising her hand to dismiss Grace’s speech. “Okay”. Grace mouthed with her eyes facing down. Now she was beginning to feel pity for her boss. They had spent a lot to get here and the main Architect and the engineer had been abducted. They both stood listening to the reporter say the news the way it is.“This is bullshit but who? Who could be this wicked to do a thing like that”. Grace asked while still standing with her boss.“I have no freeing idea Grace. The telephone on Maven
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