All Chapters of The Rise of Thomas Miller;the unwanted son-in- law: Chapter 151 - Chapter 153
153 chapters
Chapter 153
LET'S WAITMaven headed straight to meet with Thomas at his residence. The car pulled up in the large yard. This was Maven’s very first time to be hosted at the Al Thani’s residence and for a moment her heart began to tingle a mixture of hope and fear of being accepted by Grandpa Rufus Al Thani. As a matter of fact she hopes that he wouldn’t be home at this time, Remember that Thomas had just returned from his trip with Lucas and they will definitely be off work for a day or two so they can rest and see how things go at the firm. This had always been the ritual with the Al Thani’s and Thomas was somehow liking the process.“I am outside your house”. Maven said over the phone as she parked the car properly to enable her to drive off easily since she sucks at turning and reversing at times.“The chef would come pick you outside’. Thomas said over the phone and that instance the door opened. An elderly lady of about late forties or fifties came out of the house. She was dressed in her c
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Chapter 154
I AM INWhile Maven was with Thomas deliberating David rushed into his father’s house like a thief.Uncle Patrick was sitting on the couch in the living room. “Hey pop I didn’t know you would be here at this time, you didn’t go to work today huh?” He asked his father with his eyes darkened.“Well, I was there earlier but I called in sick so I had to leave”. “I see, have you heard about the abduction yet?’ David asked, grinning foolishly.“Yes, I saw it on the news about an hour ago. What could be happening?”“Well I told you daddy that I will be back with good news and in a very bloody way”. David said to him.“Hold up, don’t tell me you have a hand in this?” His eyes widened.“I think I might know a few things about it.” David answered by rubbing his hands together.“That’s crazy boy. How did you get involved in such a mess, do you want to go to jail?’ His father asked him with anger in his eyes. But David was busy grinning at him.“Wipe that foolish smile off you fool, I have no t
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Chapter 155
Rowan that right there was a very nasty move.” Nathan Said, scratching his head.“What move are you talking about? She is my mate, Nathan. What else should I have done? Turn a blind eye while they mistreat her? What’s mine is mine and I won’t let that little girl maltreat her, no." I declared possessively. As her Mate, how can I just sit by and watch that pathetic woman bully my Mate? The simple thought of it makes my blood simmer in hatred. At this point all I wanted to do was split that wicked woman’s heart and feed it to the dogs. The anger growled in my stomach like a long endured hunger pang and I am a hundred percent sure even the dogs wouldn’t want to feast on a heart as black as hers. The lady has got a poisonous heart and to think that they were sisters? I want to puke.I just couldn’t help but feel a shockwave in my bones every single time I think about what would have happened if I didn’t intervene. I did manage to calm down Leo until the bonding was over before giving that
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